Big Brother Spoilers – The Veto will be played today. Ricky and Natalie are on the block. LOLO, Natalie and Ricky are not taking being broken up well..
LOLO wasn’t picked for the Power of Veto. Everyone else was..

Big Brother Spoilers – The Veto will be played today. Ricky and Natalie are on the block. LOLO, Natalie and Ricky are not taking being broken up well..
LOLO wasn’t picked for the Power of Veto. Everyone else was..
8:15pm Lounge room. Tom talking to the cameras. Tom – Weirdest but possibly the funniest thing I have ever been through in my life.. this whole thing. I’ve got three world class athletes out there in the kitchen angry and not talking to me because I want to win also.. UMMM Okay!? .. I’m head of household because I keep winning all these competitions. I put a couple of them on the block finally and they’re taking a big cry baby fit. Give me a break guys! Its a game! I don’t know if I really care if I win or lose, I just want to have some fun here.
10:00am Wake up 10:14am LOCO and Ricky Natalie Whispering hard to hear LOLO – Kandi wants to talk.. Defense.. Defense.. LOLO – “I’m so happy we kept her” LOLO – she’ll put her makeup on for 3 hours then we’ll talk to her.. LOLO – we don’t have much time homie.. We gotta get rolling.. […]
Ricky – I don’t know what he is thinking.. because he is going to have to do the same thing we did because he can’t compete (in the HOH competition). And he is going to have to win the veto. Lolo – true. And he got his chance to make amends. And that’s what he really wanted … so maybe that’s what his prayer was. Even though our prayer was victory .. his prayer was to make amends with all of us to make sure he was friends with all of us afterwards.
Catching up on the Big Brother Spoiler Tamar won the Head of Household Competition and nominated Tom and Kato. This was following the drama on Friday with the implosion of the Tom/Kato/Ricky/Natalie/LOLO alliance. It all started with Tom’s HOH the week before. Tom wanted to knock Ricky out of the house. Natalie Eva Marie and […]
7:40pm Kitchen. Natalie and Tamar. Natalie looks at the camera and says Tomorrow is a big day! Tamra – who do you think he would have put up? Natalie – he would have put me and Lolo up. Tamar – or Ricky. Natalie – or that … one of us three. Tamra – are they that mad at y’all? Natalie – I guess?! I didn’t bow down. Tamar – I feel like Lolo could have a boyfriend .. she is just stubborn. Natalie – yeah. Tamar – she could be half way down the isle. Natalie – we’ve got to find Lolo a boyfriend. Tamar – a MAN! a HUSBAND!
Tom and Kato were nominated 11:01am Tom and Kato K – Oh my lord I can’t take this.. I don’t want to say anything K – I’m thinking if I won Veto.. It would make Good TV if I gave it to you Tom says he thought of the same in reverse. K – I […]
In the bedroom. Tom and Kato. Tom – three days ago all Ricky did was talk smack about Tamar. Tamar doesn’t know that. Kato – I’m not going to play that. They tried to play that with me. Tom – you’re not going to? Kato – No. Tom – yeah lets just have fun. Kato – I’m not going to hang out too much.. We have this room. I’ll come and say hi. There’s the high road .. and I’m on the high road. Tom – they were so happy though. Kato – they were scared. Tom – I almost feel good for them. Tom – good stuff again. I actually thought you were going to win it again there for a second.
Tamar wins HOH Kick the compeititons WE get to watch the Power of Veto competition. Rumour is Natalie wins it and decides not to use the power. Tamar is the host. Order : LOLO, Joey, Tom, Kandi, Natalie, Dina LOLO challenges Dina. Surprise! Lolo wins.. Joey challenges Tom. Tom Wins. Kandi challenges Tom. Tom wins. […]
7pm HOH room. Tom and Kato. Tom – God, it would just be so funny if the power somehow came into this right now. Kato – that would be hilarious. Tom – There would be some twist like if within an hour Lolo is up on the block and walking out the door. It would be sweet revenge. I don’t think its going to happen. The best thing about today was when .. I thought it was pretty cool when I walked into the gym and told Ricky I know you know I’ve been trying to backdoor you for the last two weeks. We can stop being fake. That was pretty cool! Kato – 100%!
Big Brother Spoilers.. Today a big blowup happened. LoLO and Kato lost their cool. 🙂 10:04am Dina and Natalie DIna – trying to wrap my brain around this.. I just want to have fun. Dina says Joey says he wants to go home.. “he’s tired.. you know.. i’m tired this .. I don’t know” Nat […]
10:10pm Bathroom. Joey and Tamar. Joey – honestly man we’ve got to get it together. The energy has got to go! Tamar – I want to make sure everyone is on the same damn page! Its a lot of back and forth for me. Its a lot of stupid meetings for me. Joey – I know. Here’s the deal! I’m on the page so.. if it goes not my way and I’m out of here.. I can leave saying I had that moment. I gave it up and that’s it. If people were disingenuous about that moment, I can’t help that. That’s my human thing trying to control it. You know what I mean?! (