Ari won the Power of Veto 6:35pm They’re talking about it being a double eviction tomorrow and the entire show is over on Sunday. Marissa thinks someone will go home in the first 5 minutes of the finale Brandi – at least it’ll be all over for me on Sunday They go over the Face […]
Category: Celebrity Big Brother

“Two out of the four people that went home, asked to go… that’s not good TV.”
8:35pm Kitchen – Marissa, Ari and Brandi. Marissa – two out of the four people that went home, asked to go home. Like that’s not good TV. Ari – maybe its good tv. Marissa – No. Knowing two people want to bail it like looks like … I can’t explain it. Ari – I get you. Marissa – let me tell you the audience was.. Ari – bummed. Marissa – when Keshia left. They cheered when Ross saved us, even though it was just for one more day. Ari – and then with Metta. Marissa – no they were happy with that one because they didn’t want Ross or Brandi out.

“you know why you and I are here?” to make it fun
12:42pm James and Mark Mark saying he’s aged 50 years since being in the house James was going to tell Ari she wasn’t the target but felt it best to be coming from Mark James – just say it at the table Mark – she put me up too James – I think Omarossa is […]

Celebrity Big Brother HOH Results! “We four are locked in. If we f**k this up, we are idiots!”
11:15pm Ross and James come out of the storage room. Ross – we’ve got wine! They’re all hanging out in the kitchen. Marissa – we all see our families in 6 days.
Ross, Marissa and Ari head to the storage room. Ross – put her (Omarosa) on ice. Put her on ICE! Marissa – what does ice mean? Ari – poker face. Ross – I had a friend that didn’t like someone we worked with. It was at the tonight show and so what she did was she wrote that other co-workers name on a piece of paper wrapped it in tinfoil and put it in the.. Big Brother switches the feeds.

Marissa – America saved us .. they’ve been voting all weekend.. that’s what America wanted
Quick and Dirty Spoilers a) Ross won the VIP Veto b) Metta nomianted in his place C) House votes Metta out 6:05pm When the feeds come back. Marissa, Ari and Brandi are in the tweet room. Brandi about Ross – we just need to know that he’s true to our 4 Marissa – YES Brandi […]

Marissa “Its like we’re on a reality TV show with OMAROSA and she is playing all of us!”
11:55pm Bedroom – Marissa and Ross. Marissa tells Ross that Omarosa told her to tell Ross that Brandi is the target and not him. She says then Omarosa told her not to tell Ross. Ross – you know what she is doing? Marissa – she is looking at the numbers knowing that Ross is not getting voted out. She told me not to tell you .. knowing that I would tell you. I mean she is GOODDD! Ross – we need to learn from her. Ross – she is betting at this than us. BRAVO! Well we will find out tomorrow.

James – it makes sense that the three of us are the last three standing. (Ross, James, Mark)
4:54pm James, Ross and Mark James asks Ross if Marissa has any final deals that he knows of. Ross – there was the one that you knew about.. but it looks like that has disintegrated because one of the four is going home. Ross says he’s talked to Marissa a bit about the final 4 […]

Celebrity Big Brother Nominations Results! “She is such a bully”
5:20pm – 6:30pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the nomination ceremony. When the feeds return – Ross hugs Omarosa and says its all good babe. I don’t know what final 4 you’re talking about. I didn’t have a final four with the whole house. Omarosa – well not the whole house, that’s a bit dramatic. Ross – I talked to them and I talked to them. Omarosa – that’s half the house. Ross – I didn’t have final fours with half the house. Omarosa – not with Shannon? Not with James? Not with Marissa? Not with Metta. Ross – I didn’t have a deal with Metta. Metta – we didn’t have any deals.

“I’m not sweating anything even if I’m nominated I’m not going to sweat it”
Omarossa nominated Ross and Brandi.. 1:25pm Omarossa and Marissa Omarossa wanting the girls to go after the guys. Says she cut a deal with James so he can’t go up. Omarossa – beside James the only real power player in the guys.. because I don’t want to eliminate the women I want to stay true […]

Brandi “So I have bad news… I don’t actually possess a kiss a$$ gene.”
Try the Live Feeds FREE for 7 DAYS! Click here for your: FREE Trial 8:56pm The live feeds return from being blocked after the competition. Marissa and Ari are in the bathroom talking. Marissa – you know when you have that friend that can’t help but sabotage themselves. That’s her (Brandi). I don’t want to […]

Celebrity Big Brother Endurance HOH on the feeds
Quick and dirty spoilers.. Shannon was evicted 5-1 Brandi was the one vote to evict Mark. Endurance Head of Household competition on the live feeds! Try the Live Feeds FREE for 7 DAYS! Click here for your: FREE Trial 7:15pm on the feeds Everyone still sitting there.. The first person top falls goes on slop […]

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “you have to get [Omarosa] out she’s so toxic”
Quick and Dirty Spoilers 1) James used the Veto on himself 2) Ari nominated Mark 3) Mark and Shannon on the block 4) Tomorrow nights Head of Household competition is endurance. Watch it on the live feeds. Try the Live Feeds FREE for 7 DAYS! Click here for your: FREE Trial After the feeds come […]