Final HOH Winner: Miesha Todrick reveals that to Cynthia and Miesha that he is really a super fan. Cynthia comments on how it makes sense now why he’s never seen the block. Miesha is so glad that she aligned with him. – Todrick tries to secure final two with both Cynthia and Miesha – Cynthia […]
Category: Celebrity Big Brother

Cynthia “I think you should prepare for it to be against her. I’m totally convinced that I’m not going to win.”
1:55pm Bathroom – Cynthia and Todrick.
Todrick – she is going to go and fight for people not to vote for me in the jury… not that I think people would listen. Cynthia – I don’t think she has a leg to stand on with that because I don’t know if she left in that great of a standing with everybody. Todrick – if it was me and Miesha how do you think people would vote.. because I would have to get five votes. I think Carson may and you would. Cynthia – for some reason I think you’ll win. Worst case scenario it could be a tie and then I am not really sure. Todrick – what America would say. I am wondering where Todd and Lamar would vote because I think Todd would vote for Miesha but then yesterday he said you played the best game.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 – Double Eviction Results!
Head Of Household Winner: Todrick Nominations: Lamar and Todd Cynthia Power of Veto Players: Everyone POV Winner: Todd Veto Ceremony Results: Todd used the veto on himself. Todrick nominated Cynthia as the replacement. Evicted: Todrick broke the tie and evicted Lamar HOH winner: Miesha Nominations: Todd & Cynthia POV Winner: Miesha Veto Ceremony Results: Veto […]

Celebrity Big Brother 3 – TODD WON The VETO!
4:12pm – 8:02pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the power of veto competition. They’re all wearing little party hats. Todd won the veto! Obviously he will use it on himself and Todrick will more than likely put up Cynthia. That will leave Lamar and Cynthia on the block for the double eviction on Monday.

Todrick WON HOH! Lamar “I think him and Miesha want it more than us.”
1:26am Bathroom. Todd and Lamar.
Todd – they won, we’re definitely in trouble. I don’t care though. Lamar – no I don’t care. Todd – it doesn’t matter what happens to me. I’m just tired. Lamar – I don’t mind competing but when you’re playing against a team that really really want it more than you. It will show up in the long run. Todd – I could have won. Lamar – I think him and Miesha want it more than us. You feel me!? And I ain’t mad at that. Todd – they’ll probably get rid of me because I can win competitions. They’ll get rid of me. I’m close to them, I’m right on their heels.

Veto Ceremony Results! “We made a pact to take care of each other, so now is your chance.”
11:36am Bedroom – Lamar and Cynthia.
Lamar – yeah lil’girl its kind of like what I was just telling them. When you start seeing the finish like that’s when you got to get your sprint on! Cynthia – hey, that’s where we at! I woke up with that same realization. Lamar – so it don’t make no sense to pull back now. Cynthia – no, no, this is it! Because I’ve been kind of feeling like a sitting duck at this point because of the position that Carson and I are in but we’re going to try and fight on our way out. Lamar – all this time without my kids. It makes no sense to pull back now. Cynthia – oh absolutely, they would be so angry at you. They would only expect you to fight. There is only one champ in the house.

Miesha Won the POV! “I think that after we get Carson out this week, I’m thinking Todd. Is that terrible?”
1:06pm Kitchen – Miesha and Todrick.
Todrick – I don’t even want to think about what he would do if he won .. the potential would be so wild. Like if he didn’t like you that week, that day … it wouldn’t have been good if he won something. Miesha – Oh I know. Miesha then whispers to Todrick – should I leave the noms the same? Todrick nods yes. Miesha – would he put Cynthia up so that she can’t vote? Do we trust Lamar or does it matter? It doesn’t matter does it? Todrick – no. Miesha – You know what though I think that after we get Carson out this week … I am thinking Todd. Is that terrible?

Cynthia “Todd has been very focused on winning. Do not underestimate his gameplay.” Carson “Dumb like a fox!”
6:43pm Gym – Carson and Cynthia.
Cynthia – when I saw it there were only 2 people left in the house and not four people… so 2 more people after we leave still have to go. Carson – right and they might try to separate Todrick and Miesha. Cynthia – right so if that is ultimately what is going to happen .. I don’t know maybe people are thinking ahead and Todrick and Miesha are going to be hard to beat I think. Carson – yeah, if you have someone to put up.. if it gets to that point, you have to put up Miesha. Cynthia – Yeah, I think they are going to be very hard to beat so.. I am trying to figure out the reasoning for this little small blessing that we got.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 – Nomination Results! “I told you what I was going to do”
4:06pm – 4:51pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the nomination ceremony. When the live feeds return – Todd has nominated Lamar and Carson for eviction as expected.
The house guest are making dinner. In the storage room – Todd and Cynthia.
Todd – I told you what I was going to do because I wanted to play fair. I don’t want to stab anyone. Its the worst feeling ever! Its horrible. (Having to nominate people) Cynthia – I know but he (Carson) is so amazing though.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 – Todd to Lamar “Alright, you’re going up homie!”
9:50am Living Room – Todd and Todrick.
Todrick – I hate that I’ve got to do this today. They don’t even give us a day to rest do they?! Todrick – well you’re dealing with the two most mature people in the game that are playing the game based on loyalty. The fact that you’re even considering putting up putting Lamar up that was your closest ally in the house is a very very gracious move. I think that everyone would understand that. But if you put Cynthia and Carson up the people at home might wonder well why isn’t he putting Lamar up because they’re not going to know that Lamar is like campaigning to go home. It might look weird to them but to save the energy in the house …they don’t have to understand. You can explain in your diary room. Like Lamar’s got one foot out the door. We love Cynthia. Like Lamar doesn’t even really want to be in the game. Its hard for him to even decide who he wants to send home. He doesn’t really know what’s happening in the game. Todd – but you know we got to win that veto!

Todd Wins HOH! Cynthia “After getting rid of miss thing, my work is done here.”
11:30pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the HOH competition. When the feeds return we learn that Todd won HOH. He has the HOH key around his neck. Carson – I didn’t pay my bill when I was up there (HOH room) so you might get a notice. Todd – what happened. Carson – yeah, I was like f**k it! I’m moving. Todd – that is just wrong. Todd – that is just wrong. You know they’re going to charge me for it. Carson – yeah but its worth it. Cynthia – I have to say its kind of a cool vibe in the house now game aside. I looking for it to just play out now. Todd – yeah. Carson – when we have had to vote people out its been almost unanimous.

Carson “That’s going to bite her in the a$$.” Cynthia “She made her bed and she has to lay in it.”
5:40pm HOH Bathroom – Cynthia and Carson.
Cynthia – Did you talk to Shanna about the veto and all about that? Carson – not yet. Cynthia – and try and win and whatever? Carson – not yet. I figured I would try and let her have a nice day. Cynthia – yeah exactly. I think that is good. She just asked me if we are good. I said yeah we’re good outside of the game. I don’t have an issue outside of the game. And she was like so you wouldn’t be open to playing the game with me? And I was like I don’t want to talk about the game today. This is not game day talk to me. I was like but we can talk later. Carson – yeah just like take a break for a day. Cynthia – with everything that’s happened you still think that I trust you!? No! Carson – its crazy!