5:20pm DID Natalie cheat? Thanks “All The Cheating” for giving me the pictures of Natalie DID KTown cheat? Thanks “All The Cheating” for giving me the pictures of Natalie
Category: Big Brother Spoilers
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – A 1 in 3 chance of a half a million dollars.. pretty good odds!! Who do you think will win BB11?
9:30am – 10:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. The lights are on and everyone is still sleeping .. I think they are going to be doing a lot of sleeping this week. Not much else for them to do, I can only imagine how sick of each other they are after being locked […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin tells Michelle he’s voting her out, but laughs as he tells Natalie that he still could be swayed by her speech..
START WATCHING the live feeds today! Watch all 3 parts of the endurance competition for FREE, tonight (Part 1), tomorrow (Part 2), and Thursday (Part 3)… TRY it FREE for 3 DAYS! 1:05pm Big Brother ends the HOH room lock down. Jordan heads down to the bathroom and takes a shower then […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin tells her Natalie that she’s losing her mind like he did …
10pm Jordan is laying in her bed awake staring off at the wall in the pool room. Kevin is still up laying on the couch outside the HOH room staring off into the distance as well. 10:05pm Kevin rolls over onto his stomach and stares at the chess board. 10:15pm Jordan rolls over and […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Quiet day in the Big Brother House… ***UPDATE***
1pm Natalie and Kevin are sleeping in HOH bed, and Jordan and Michelle are sleeping in the pool room. 2pm Natalie and Kevin talk about how the first part of the 3 part HOH competition is tomorrow (Tuesday) and that it finishes on Thursday. Kevin and Natalie both discuss not talking to Jordan […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Monday morning Silence in the BB House ***Update***
9:45am Sleeping.. you hear the odd NOOOOO! coming from Michele other than that nothing is going on. The major question is will Kevin keep Michele? Kevin and Natalie seem to be in a disagreement over throwing the final HOH. Kevin thinks he should win the endurance part which lets Natalie play in […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie says she will throw the HOH endurance competition and that Jordan needs to win it.
9:55pmJordan, Kevin and Natalie are out in the backyard talking, Natalie is in the hot tub and Jordan and Kevin are sitting beside the hot tub. Kevin gets up and goes inside. After Kevin leaves Jordan says to Natalie girl I am GONE! Natalie says don’t say that! Jordan says Mmm..Hmmm. Natalie says He’s (Kevin) […]
Big Brother 11 – Jordan ponders why would Russell want his butthole shaved, Kevin “He likes Butthole Action”
8:20pm – 9:14pm Hot Tub Natalie, Kevin and Jordan. Natalie is mocking Asian people while she gives Kevin a “Pedicure”. “You want more 5 dolla 4 dolla I give you pedicure” Jordan tells Kevin that he was an amazing host last night she says he was so natural and funny. Natalie agrees. Jordan […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie Breaks the world record for CHOMPING in the Microphone ***Updated***
7:10pm Kitchen Natalie and Kevin. Natalie is doing a wonderful job of eating and talking with her mouth open. Kevin brings up how the alliances were in the house prior to Jessie leaving, He felt like he was a poutcast on both sides but was closer to Lydia and Chima which made him […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – The House Guests are sleeping their way to half a million and did Kevin Cheat in the POV?
12:06pm Jordan in the pool everyone else sleeping Did Kevin cheat in the POV? There has been rumblings on the blogs and Forums about Kevin talking about seeing the questions while the other houseguests were competing. Kevin did mention something about this but its still not clear if he broke any […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jordan says that she is going to borrow her friends internet to see the pictures and read what people said about her…
This website runs because of your donations, Please contribute. We REALLY appreciate any donations you can afford. In order to provide the best possible service to YOU our server costs have skyrocketed. Show your appreciation for the free service that we provide. Thank You! 12:55am Big Brother Time: Michelle, Jordan and Natalie are […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jordan says girls have 3 holes and then points and says…
This website runs because of your donations, Please contribute. We REALLY appreciate any donations you can afford. In order to provide the best possible service to YOU our server costs have skyrocketed. Show your appreciation for the free service that we provide. Thank You! 11pm Big Brother Time: The house guests are hosting […]