5:30pm Backyard Matt practicing with the golf clubs, Lane watching from the hammock A bunch of houseguests on the couch laying around. Theres little birds outside you can hear them on the feeds.. Lane tells MAtt that Brit has told DR about the little birds and they’re getting rid of them. Matt doesn’t think they […]
Category: Big Brother Spoilers
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt to the Brigade “I’m going to look like on Arrogant prick if we don’t make final 4”
3:30pm Backyard POOL Matt, Lane and HAyden Lane is wondering if MAtt thinks that the brigade has a good chance of being in the jury house. Matt says he’s almost 100% certain they will all make it. Matt thinks the only way they are screwed is if B/R get HOH they put up Brit […]
BB12 Spoilers – Lane tells a Story About a Spray that Numbs your Mouth and Rachel thinks Enzo will flip and Vote out Kathy
1:55pm Backyard Pool Hayden, Lane and Brit Brit is sharing a story about when she was younger ans she knew these guys that would always brag about how much money and how tough they were. She went to a party at these guys house and decided to get the hell out of there but the […]
Spoilage – Morning Wakeup Housguests – Brigade has a plan “Lets Drop Kick Brendon During the HOH”
9:00am Backyard Lane workign out, Kathy smoking on the couch, Matt doing laundry on the pool table and I think I see Brendon sleeping in the Hammock. Matt is talking to Lane and Kathy wondering if some of the sounds they are hearing coming from outside the BB lot are for other shows that are […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – **updated**Kristen talks about her DR sessions and Wonders If the Show is all about B/R
10:15pm Backyard Matt, Lane and Hayden Matt is telling them about his conversation with Andrew earlier today. Matt explains it as “Crazy TaLK.. bad shit CRAZY TALK” Matt explains that Andrew told him that if Matt keeps him in the house that he’ll tell him about an alliance that spans 3 people. Matt adds that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel and Brit BUBBLE BATH FROM HELL
9:20pm Bubble Bath Brit and Rachel Each has a glass of wine, Rachel’s holds about 6 litres. There getting along chatting and laughing at what happened in the house today. Rachel tells brit about the conversation she had with brendon in the hammock and how he says he doesn’t care about money then says he […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – A princess Cooks The Ground Turkey
5:45pm Storage room hayden and Lane Talking about what would brendon do if he wins hoh. Lane is betting he’ll put up brit and kristen and they can keep Kristen. Hayden thinks it might be Kathy and Britney. Lane isn’t sure about that kathy is pretty useless. Hayden says that would be great if thats […]
Big Brother 12 – *updated* Enzo: “Talking Mad..MAD Game..YO..” Matt wants to Convince Rachel to Quit after Brendon Leaves
4:37pm HOH The Amazing Enzo and the Gremlin Matt is telling him about Ragan’s vote this week. Says he told Ragan that if he wasn’t prepared to put B/R up this week then he better throw the comp or have the house against him. He confirms that Ragan is not after any member of the […]
Big Brother 12 – Hayden starts a Fire with a Magnifying glass, Enzo: “ohhh..you can circumcise me yo..”
3:25pm Kitchen Andrew eating arrowroot cookies and baby food. Enzo walks in asks him hows the food treating him. Andrew thinks the baby food is good but eating is all day long 5 days in a row is hard. Brit walks in Andrew tells her all about how good the arrowroot cookies are.. says […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – ** Updated ** Kathy Needs the Money For Cigarettes so Just give it to her CBS
9:10pm Taj Hayden, Kristen and Kathy. Hayden mentions that B/R will be voting to keep Andrew, he’s sure of it. Hayden next week is going to be crazy if B/R win HOH. Kristen thinks it’ll be Hayden and herself going up. Hayden says theres a good chance it’ll be us two or brit and […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – *updated* Matt Explains his original plan, “I wanted to cut the head not the tail off the Beast”
8:00pm Taj Room Kristen and Matt She telling him that Brendon is voting to keep Andrew in. Kristen tells him that Kathy asked her to talked to you and to find out where you think the vote is going. Matt says he wants Andrew to go home. He goes on to explain his entire […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan “I’m Definitely Voting out Andrew this Week”
2:50pm Backyard Brit, Enzo and HAyden Going over Kathy’s POV speech how she told Brendon not to use the POV because if he did Rachel would go up. Enzo: “Look she’s a nice lady and all but cmon that was stupid yo” They still think theres some big cons to getting rid of Andrew […]