5:55pm Lane and Kristen Backyard Couch Lane saying that people calling other people floaters because they’re not winning competitions is the biggest bullshit. He points out that some people may not want to win the early comps it’s not the best strategy. HE allso thinks most but not all of the comps they’ve had […]
Category: Big Brother Spoilers
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit Tells Lane She’s not his Type She Not Trashy and Skanky she’s a classic Beauty
5:05pm Ragan and Matt working out Ragan telling him about the machines at his gym and how they are so much better then what they have to do in the house. Ragan’s worried that he’s eating too much food lately. Ragan bring sup that he thinks if there is too friends int he house […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hayden has a plan to get pulled off the Block and Brit’s onto Matt’s scheming
7:12pm Taj Room Hayden and Brit Hayden is trying to talk Brit into using the POV on him. Brit says if she does it and takes him down theres a good possibility that one of the people she wants to keep in the house will go home (lane and enzo). Brit “I have no […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Updates- THE ANIMAL IS OUT
1:25pm Backyard everyone outside having a picnic, for some reason Hayden is out not sure why it hasn’t been 24hours. Just random conversations.. they’re ripping on Pig Pen from last season how she was trying to get CBS to do a Big Brother wedding with her and her man. Brit explains to them that […]
Big Brother 12 Updates – “Brigade gets the Animal Back today”
11:35pm Talking about taking Brendon down next week, they start joking about how badly they want to see Brendon go. Lane: “I want to see blood on his picture” Enzo “I want to see grey and blood”. They talk about Hayden being trapped in the have nots room. He comes out today at 5:00pm. […]
Big Brother 12 Update Sunday Morning – Rachel: “Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow”
10:31am backyard Enzo rachel and brendon briefly go outside and they talk about Hayden coming out of confinement to exchange his battery.. Enzo explains how it was done (Feeds cutting in and out so thats all I could get out of the conversation) Enzo and Brendon keep singing “Meow Meow Meow Meow” Enzo […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt and Enzo about Rachels 5 grand, “I’ll take that money and i’m still putting her up”
Midnight Taj Room Brit and Kristen Kristen tells her that her loyalties are with Brit and will will stick with her if she uses the POV. Brit want’s to use it but she’s worried about the replacement nominations. Kristen is sure they will put up Kathy because that way they’re hands are clean. Brit […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – 4 DEEP The Brigade plan their next Move, And suspicions arise from Hayden’s POV performance
9:12pm Kitchen Brendon and Rachel They are discussing the POV competition, Whispering so the rest of the houseguests in the Jumanjii Room can’t hear them. They’re not sure what to think of Hayden’s actions during the POV competition. Hayden took the veto from Kristen during and they thought it was kind of strange because […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kristen doesn’t think she’ll stay but look at her in the Hippietard
7:15pm Taj room kathy and Kristen Kristen has her deal all ready She’ll offer to never put brit up while Kathy will work the Monet angle. She’s convinced that will be better then any deal rachel can offer. kathy tells kristen she’s going to be honest with her she doesn’t think brit will use […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kristen Figures a way out “I’ll offer Brit Protection from Rachel”
5:49pm Cabana Room Enzo and Kathy. They’re talking about the double ecivtion.. they have no clue how it works.. enzo is in the best mood we’ve seen him in since matt won HOH, the guy can’t stop smiling. Kathy brings up that it’s coming to the point where they need to start thinking about […]
**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – POV Results, Brit wins..YO
5:30pm Jumanji Room.. everyone laying around after the competition.. Kristen is PISSED Brit is exhausted.. Some results from the competition Rachel won 5K, Hayden locked in have nots room for 24hour but he can talk through the walls to other houseguests if he wants, Kristen gets to wear a hippietard, Ragan wins VETO […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – POV tomorrow, Matt “America Sabotage Rachel and Brendon”
11:40pm HOH Ragan, Brit and Matt (acting like he’s hoh) Matt doesn’t really like how the HOH is run this week he would rather have the HOH be a open forum. Brit comments how cute Rachel looks in her HOH Pictures. matt thinks she looks the same but younger. Brit takes another look […]