Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Shelly tries to talk Rachel out of quitting and tells her she has more people on her side than she thinks she does..

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12:40 – 1pm Jeff and Jordan hang out in the bathroom in silence while the other are in the kitchen eating and talking about random stuff. Jordan gets up and they head into the storage room to find something to make for lunch. Most of the houseguests are in the kitchen eating and talking. Adam says that he wants the POV to happen already. Brendon tells Adam that they usually pick the power of veto players a couple hours before it happens.

If you’re on a mobile device don’t forget that the Big Brother 13 live feeds are accessible this year on your Android and iOS devices. Sign up 3 free day trial

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: * UPDATED * Adam asks Shelly what happened last night? Shelly says that she doesn’t have a clue!

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10:10am – 10:20am Adam wakes up and goes out into the kitchen and starts talking with Shelly while she cleans the kitchen. They talk about what happened last night with Keith. Adam asks Shelly what happened last night? Shelly says that she doesn’t have a clue. Adam says that he has a clue and says that he takes it all in and observe it. Shelly says that she thinks Keith must feel a little bit crazy for all that last night. Shelly and Adam talk about how they are concerned that Dominic and Cassi because they stayed up all night talking with Dani. Shelly says that it’s just weird. Adam says that he is going back to bed, and then he tells her that he had a dream where he had to go back to the office but that he was still a part of the Big Brother game. Adam heads back to the bedroom and Shelly continues to clean the kitchen.

If you’re on a mobile device don’t forget that the are accessible this year on your Android and iOS devices. Sign up 3 free day trial

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Keith says he’s going to drop a bomb .. Dani asks yeah, what like how Brendon does all the time?

4:20am When the feeds come back, Dani, Jeff, Jordan, Brendon, Rachel are talking in the HOH room. Dani says hey guys I figured out our alliance name … the DCA… the Dream Crusher Alliance. Jeff laughs and says yeah. Jeff, Jordan and Dani leave the HOH room. Brendon and Rachel continue talking game in the HOH room. Rachel says that it is so weird that Dick would leave. Brendon says yeah its so weird because Big Brother is Dicks life. Rachel says that she wants a clean slate. Brendon says he won’t turn on anyone in this room and that they can’t doubt them. Brendon says that we can totally trust everyone that was up in this room. Brendon says that we need to focus on getting hold of this thing and that they need to be afraid of three players. Dominic, Kathy, and Keith. Brendon says that they are missing a vote and that they think they can.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: News Recap from the Internets (2011-06-21)

We’re on the final stretch until Big Brother 13 , Other than Penis pics galore and Rachel being on Bride’s of Beverly Hills this coming Thursday there isn’t much coming out of BB alumni camp. However there is a deluge of BB13 news coming at us now and it only promises to get bigger and better every day from here on in. You know Onlinebigbrother will stick around the entire season pounding out spoilers, screen caps and basically all the juicy stuff from the feeds so why not support us, get your feeds through this link BB13 Live Feeds . FYI Rumor control with Ragan Fox and Daniele Donato starts at 3pm today so sign up to check the rumors.

Here’s a recap of everything that is going on

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – CBS Ultimate Fan Contest

Big Brother 2011 CBS.COM Big Brother Ultimate Fan Spring Edition Sweepstakes

CBS is running a contest for all the American BB13 Superfans. The grand prize is fairly substantial and it doesn’t look like it’s hard to get your name in the draw. Pretty much CBS is picking names out of a hat but making you jump through a few hoops first, you do not have to be a ultimate fan to win this prize. The grand prize is very cool though heres what you get:
One (1) Big Brother Press Day Prize: that consists of a 3-Day/2-Night trip to Los Angeles, CA (“the host city of the “Big Brother House”) to attend Big Brother Press Day event. Prize consists of round-trip coach air transportation for Grand Prize winner and guest to Los Angeles, CA from a single major U.S. airport nearest Grand Prize winner’s home, (Departure airport determined by Sponsor), double occupancy standard hotel accommodations for two (2) nights, One admission for Grand Prize winner to the Big Brother House for Press Day and one guest pass for the Winners’ guest to watch the show from the Green Room, ground transfers in Los Angeles from hotel to Big Brother House. Estimated retail value of the Grand Prize is $3,500.

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Big Brother 13 Premiere date July 7th

Looks like Julie Chen was mistaken on The Turd Ferguson Show last month. Big Brother 13 Will now premiere July 7th Not July 6th as previous thought. Also the show will continue the same format being on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.. All the important stuff will happen on Thursday and on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

Wednesdays, (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT, beginning July 13), the LIVE eviction show hosted by Julie Chen on Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT, beginning July 14), and Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT, beginning July 10).

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Big Brother 13 Headlines

Big Brother 13 Headlines – Weekly News Recap from the Internets (2011-05-09)

Big Brother 13 casting calls are now officially over. If you haven’t sent in your Video/Application or went to a Open casting call yoru shit out of luck to be on Big Brother this season. If you did apply finalists will be chosen within a month.

This year Dawg and myself are part of a Beta program for the new Big Brother live feeds. We get to test out the new system and help the devolpment team at Real player tweak their software to best serve the hungry masses of BB13 fans. It’s very exciting what they have in store for us and i’m sure it’ll be a huge success. We are not permitted to disclose anything substantial yet but what what we can say is it’ll change the functionality of the feeds drastically. Pretty much it’s Live feeds on roids, theres a new player called Big Brother Lite

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Big Brother 12 – Enzo wants the Brigade to Party with Rachel, “You Never know you might get some Big T!tty B!tches that want to f**k you..Yo”

TRY the 24/7 Feeds Life Feeds 3 DAYS FREE!   10:20pm Backyard Brigade They are talking about how popular they will be when they get out. Lane and Enzo in particular are pumped at getting hooked up at bars. Enzo thinks it’ll all hit them when they are at the hotel bar and someone comes […]

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