Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam: “Poor brit locked a room with Jessie”, Brendon: “Poor Jessie”

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10:22pm Kitchen Adam, Rachel, Porsche They’re asking Adam if he would every open pandora’s box. Adam says most definitely, he explains that most of the time Pandora’s box is a good think. Adam: “Poor brit had to sit in a room with Jessie” Brendon walks in says Poor Brit more like Poor Jessie”. Adam: “Ahh you didn’t know brit like I new brit”. He then goes in length about Big Brother 12 when Brit opened the box and had to spend time locked in a room with Jessie Adam yells “MR. PEC-TACULAR”. Porsche and Rachel ask him a bunch of questions about it. They start talking about America’s player and the El-Salvatore and are wondering if you are given the choice. Adam tells them in some circumstances you probably do have a choice like last year with Ragan he probably had a choice. Dani adds that if it’s early in casting and you turn down a special roll you probably won’t get casted. Rachel: “Would you say yes if they asked you to play America’s evil” Dani laughs at her asks her what does America’s evil even mean . Rachel: “Well like your dad” Rachel: “What the hell.. he was just playing himself for fun”.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Brendon Scolds Rachel “I’m your best friend you don’t need another best friend in this house”

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3:20pm HOH Rachel, Jeff, Dani, Jordan and Brendon Brendon tells Rachel that she’s been listening to everyones sob stories and she needs to keep a clear head. Jeff adds that everyone will give the HOH their Sob story, You’re going to hear 11 sobs stories and you’ll hear mine if i’m up on the block next. Jeff is convinced that keeping porsche until it’s just the 5 of them is a good idea because then they can get her out easy it’ll be like a free week for them.
Brendon tells them that Keith is the real leader of the other side right now but he’s kept quiet because he’s on the block, Brendon: “If you would of put Cassi you would see that KEith would be the one running things”. Jeff: “Damn something in here gives me gas”
Rachel says they are the 2 strongest couples in the house, Dani: “what do you mean… hahah” Rachel: “me brendon Jeff and Jordan are the strongest” (Camera zooms to Dani… doesn’t appear happy with this and rightfully so) Dani… “Ohh”.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Rachel tells Brendon that she is working on not demasculinizing him …or whatever!?

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11:20am – 11:35am Rachel tells Brendon that she is working on not demasculinizing him …or whatever!? Brendon says well when you drink can you maybe just not drink so much?! Rachel says okay! Brendon says that he loves her and that he is not going anywhere. Brendon says that after talking with Shelly about how her and her husband are ..he wants Rachel and him to have a relationship like that one day. Rachel says that we do .. Brendon says that Shelly talks about her husband is the way he wants her to talk about him in 10 years. Brendon says we don’t always communicate well. Brendon says he thinks he’s smart but doesn’t know everything and that Rachel is too. Brendon says that eventually they will figure it out. Brendon tells her that he had to suck it up all night long last night and it was because she wasn’t aware of him, any other day you would have known I was upset. Rachel climbs on top of Brendon and they make up and kiss.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: The morning aftermath ..Cassi and Brendon talk to Shelly about the drunk girls Porsche & Rachel..

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8:50am – 9:30am Shelly wakes up, makes coffee, changes her batteries, and goes to sit out in the backyard on the couch. At 9am Big Brother tells the that its time to get up for the day.When the come back, Cassi is out in the backyard talking to Shelly telling her all about how Porsche came up to her to talk early in the morning. Adam and Brendon are now outside sitting on the couches talking about how Brendon got called into the diary room twice last night. Shelly says that absolutely nothing stays inside that kid (Porsche). Shelly says that Porsche told her that if she heard her name mentioned she would come tell her… Shelly says to Cassi why would you put that in my head ..if its not something negative …like someone likes you or you wore purple today… why would you mention it. Cassi says that their conversation kept going around in circles and just wanted to stop talking about it. The conversation changes to talking about Brendons short hair and how he used to have it longer.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – July 12th, 2011

Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for July 12th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Brendon and Rachel fight about her drinking and embarrassing and emasculating him in front of other people..

1:15am Up in HOH Brendon tells Rachel in HoH that he is upset with Rachel’s drinking tonight and that her and Porsche were obnoxious tonight. Brendon says that he didn’t want to control Rachel’s life. He says that he wanted her to have fun and that he was going to bed. Brendon says that he didn’t want to talk about it because Rachel didn’t care. Rachel says that she didn’t done anything wrong. Brendon says that he was starting to think it was a mistake for him to come back into the house. Brendon says that he wanted to be taken seriously and he didn’t want to be associated with Rachel’s drinking and playing the most insane, asinine in the hammock. Brendon says that Rachel had drank half the wine and hid beers in the fridge. Rachel says that Porsche was the one that hid the beers, not for me, and that I didn’t ask her to. Rachel says that she’s going to go downstairs. Rachel then moves her things to the couch. Brendon tells Rachel that she should suck up her pride.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Whats on the Menu at Adam’s house “Bacon brittle, bacon ice cream, bacon donuts, BLT bloody mary”

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9:04pm Kitchen Dom and Adam Kitchen Dom tells Adam he’s actually a really good cook. Adam says thanks, explains that he’s worked in a lot of Pizzerias and restaurants. Adam: “they use to call me the pepperoni jew boy.. my car smelled like pizza and everything…got me out of a ticket once… Some cop stopped me after I’ve had a couple drinks and I still had a pizza and my uniform on… my car smelled like Pizza and everything.. the cop let me go” Adam laughs.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam “I guess it was like I was a prostitute” Rachel: “Is someone talking about me”

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7:40pm Dani and Dom Dani in the hammock, dani doing pilates. Dom is asking her some would you rathers. (theres a group on the couch including Brendon, shelly, Adam and Rachel. Dani and Dom are sharing their would you rather with that group as well)
D: Would you rather be a pair of shirts or a pair of pants
D: would you rather be oatmeal or portage
Dani: Would you rather always have dirt under your finger nails or really long toenails (WTF) “like if you’re going to cuddle with someone in bed you scratch their legs”

Would you rather be always orange with a fake n bake spray or would you rather have really big fake boobs forever.
Dani: “How big are they.. like Rachel Reilly big?”
Dom: “Big.. like gross big”
Dani: “Probably B”
Dom: “really…..”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam: “Hey Jeff let me know when your done your Cardio so I can have a smoke before we lift weights”

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6:00pm Backyard Adam and Jeff Adam saying to Jeff that in terms of game play Porsche is the much stronger player then Keith. Adam adds that Keith really doesn’t know how to play the game he’s tried but failed horribly. Adam continues that everyone dislikes Keith and he’ll be on everyone’s radar, he suggests that it’s kind of like Russell from BB11. Jeff: ‘What are you trying to do sway me to the other side” Adam tells him he’s not he’s just talking through the pros and cons of keeping Keith or Porsche. Adam: “After the “tickets” (Golden keys?) are given that next competition will be an endurance comp” again Adam brings up BB11 how once the cliques were broken up they had the endurance comp with the diplomas. Adam says that the

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Brendon’s the smartest Player in the game CBS give him the 500K Week 1 he’s already WON

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3:40pm HOH Brendon and Dani Dani walks in tells him she has it all figured out she says they have 3 golden keys…FEEDS CUT…. Brendon says both of them (Dom,cassi,Lawon) are going to play this week out thinking they will be keeping Keith …
Brendon: “fck these people are so f-ing stupid not shelly and kalia but the rest of them and when Thursday comes around they will see Keith leave and when Keith goes home they will be rattled going into the HOH comp and we’ll win”
Brendon “the vote will be 6-4 in our favor … if we have Adam then it’ll be 7-3, There so f-ing stupid” Dani says last night she was siting outside with LAwon and cassi but they didn’t tell me her anything they never talk game to her.. Brendon tells her she still has 2 weeks to wedge yourself in there Dani doesn’t thin she’ll get in there.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Kalia says everything I do is calculated and that people don’t need to know I’m making bowel movements but .. I tell people that so they don’t think I’m up here talking..

11:15am – 11:45am Shelly, Brendon, Keith, and Rachel are in the kitchen talking about christmas movies and renting movies online. All the other houseguests are still sleeping. Keith says that his all time favourite christmas movie was The Christmas Story. They all say yeah! They continue talking about TV shows, cartoons and other random things. Dani wakes up and comes into the kitchen and complains about being so tired. Dominic gets up and soon after Lawon, Jordan, Jeff, and Porsche get up as well. Brendon makes so tea from the mix and Rachel watches him dump sugar into it and tells him its already sweetened. Brendon says oh really?! Sorry diabetics! I’ve made a sweet tooth concentrate …just add water. Porsche asks if everyone woke up at the first bell. Jeff says only the cool kids. Jeff then asks Brendon what great things he accomplished this morning… did you finish building a pyramid?

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Brendon says that Cassi, Dominic, and Keith are a three headed snake and they are going to cut the head off..

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10am Adam and Shelly are talking in the backyard about the votes this week. Shelly tells him that she has his back. Adam reassures Shelly that he hasn’t heard anyone say anything bad about her. Adam tells her that if one of them from their side wins, we will see if they have the balls to put up a vet. Adam and Shelly talk about how neither of them have promised Porsche their votes when she came campaigning. Meanwhile, Brendon and Rachel are having a fight in the hammock. Rachel forgot to make sure their car was registered in California and that she forgot to pay a ticket. Rachel says that she is a lot more laid back than him. Brendon says yeah thats good for a party but not for making sure we don’t get charged extra money or making sure bills are paid on time. They start to make up. Brendon tells her that he is glad she is all talk and no bite. Rachel says thank god you are easily manipulated and controlled. Brendon says WHAT?! Then a plane flies over head and he yells GET ME OUT OF HERE!!
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