Final three = Tera, Tychon, and Breydon Final HOH HOH part 1 winner = Breydon Final HOH HOH part 2 winner = Ty Final HOH part 3 winner = Ty Ty evicted Tera Final two = Ty and Breydon Winner of Big Brother Canada 9 = Ty 6-1 Fan vote winner = Kiefer
Category: Season 9

“Oh my gosh she could win the F***ing game”
Head of Household Winner Is Ty. Power of Veto winner is Tera. Kiefer or Breydon will be evicted next. It’s sounding like it will be Kiefer. Rumour on the BB streets says feeds go down for the season today at 1pm. 4:00 am Kitchen Chit chat about the time and the competition. Ty – Tera’s […]

Keifer “Nothing looks better than a fresh cut mull! I feel powerful with my hair.”
10:50am The house guests are chatting in the kitchen. Breydon is giving Ty a back rub. Keifer – I can’t wait to get a haircut.. and wear hats again. I am going to buy so many hats out of here. Every two and a half to three weeks I get a cut. Ty – I am every week cuz! Fresh! Keif – yeah, we have different hair. I am like a horse.. running through the field. Ty – I would have thought once a month for you. Keifer – if you have a mullet .. you have to keep it tight! Its got to look good or you’re just going to be a that guy with a weird haircut. Nothing looks better than a fresh cut mull! Nothing feels better. I feel powerful with my hair. Ty – same. Tera – I wonder if I could pull off the mullet? Keifer – you could. Tera – I will probably cut my hair after this. Keifer – I will take a couple inches off the back. Actually I don’t know .. maybe I will just keep letting it go longer and longer.

“Everybody knows that flips can happen so .. you never know.”
7:00 pm Tera talking to cameras
Tera – I don’t care if they send me home.. it’s so hard to be around them
Tera – how can I study without people knowing I’m studying.. I can’t pull out my board..
Tera – I can’t stand these guys. They’re just sitting pretty being super annoying
Tera – Kiefer is the biggest follower I’ve met my entire life. He thinks I don’t see how selfish he is
Tera – your biggest mistake was putting me on the Block Jed.. ugh .. barf.. (what Keifer said)
Tera – he will take credit for taking Jed out even though he never would have the ball to do it himself

“Jed wanted to make a big move that’s all he wanted, he was jealous of my big move “
Results from what we missed Tera won the competition vs Jed and returned to the game. Breydon won the Head of Household Nominations are Beth and Tera Have nots are Beth and Kiefer (Skip the dishes) Power of Veto winner: Breydon did not use it 10:00 pm Kiefer and Beth (this may be a punishment. […]

Ty “If I could speak for everybody, if you’re not here, we all have a better chance of winning.”
10:40am Bedroom. Ty, Jed, Beth and Keifer.
Jed – this is going to be a move that is regretted .. like it doesn’t have to be done. Like I am going to go the jury and explain this story and it is just going to look so bad. Like it just doesn’t look good. Like they’re going to be like ..WHAT?! Vic is going to be like told you so! Did the same thing to me .. KARMA! You know what I mean? She’s going to be like oh Tera got you out. She said she was going to get you out the whole game. Beth – Keif, I did just say that straight up this is not to be pinned on your two. I have been in every conversation. I have been deliberating with you guys. I am telling Jed that straight up. Ty – you two are trying to convince us that you’re not coming for us? Beth – I just want you guys to know moving forward .. that Jed isn’t fully with me if he stays. That I am telling you .. and Jed straight to his f**king face that us three have been in rooms… I have been in rooms with Keif alone .. I have been in rooms with you (Ty) alone.

Beth “It’s okay, I promise! I love you Jed! Its okay!” Jed “I love you too.”
11pm Bedroom. Beth and Jed.
Jed is upset. He lays down with Beth. Beth – what happened? You just come from DR? Jed – yup. Beth – okay. Its okay baby! Its okay, I promise! I love you Jed! Its okay! Jed – I love you too. Talk to me. Are you okay? Jed – yeah its just talking about you in the DR tears me up. Its just been so long. Beth – what has? Jed – just in this house with you. Beth – oh me. Jed – yeah. Just answering questions about you. Beth – me too. Jed – I could just barely answer. Beth – I’ve got you baby. Jed – thank you. Beth – it should be me. Jed – I just want you to win.

“It sucks you’re being taken advantage of for your kindness and loyalty”
5:00 pm Beth and Jed
Jed – if anyone has to go through this and survive I want it to be me
Beth – you are the best human.. how are you real?
Jed – you’ve done so much for me this week you didn’t have to go out there and campaign for me and tell me what things were going wrong
Jed – if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be in a position to advocate for myself.
Jed – you deserve to be here
Beth – you do
Jed – we both deserve to be here.. Whatever happens, I want you to be completely confident in yourself and Kill it.
Jed – You’ve played a sick game so far and we both know that and people at home know that. IF I do go home I will advocate for that. I will be there for you as you were there for me.

Keifer “On day 53 the house guests had the most unexciting pizza party of the season!”
Ty – say Tera stayed and noms remained the same last week. Do you think Tera would have went home or Tina? Jed – I don’t know .. what do you think we would have done? Ty – I think we might have come to the same conclusion. Jed – because at the end of the day Tina is just as close with Keifer. Tera is more of a sh*t disturber.. so its like which one .. you know!? Ty – so say Tera was here with Keif. What would have been her move? Jed – I actually don’t know. It would have been one of us and probably Breydon? Ty – maybe yeah. Jed – it would have had to have been. She’s not putting up Keif. Jed – that is one thing .. I know that Tera is so sketched about next week because she can’t play.. so I know she is cutting .. she is cutting deals with people.

“It’s just disgusting, he took me off the block and I’m voting him out”
6:30 pm Ty and Beth
Ty – on one hand, it’s the biggest move ever done. none of us win next to him
Ty – he’s not taking me over you
Beth – I have no clue he might take Kiefer. He’s the most loyal person in this f***ing house
Ty – I’ll have a hard time voting him out makes me sick
Beth says it disgusts her “He’s getting the inkling”
Ty says at this point of the game they have to win out. “I have you no matter what”
Beth – you are my number one
Ty – Same

Jed “I know you’re riding to the end with me. I know where your head is at.”
12am Bedroom. Jed and Keifer.
Keifer – Brey just pitched to me. Jed – oh yeah, what did he say? Keifer – he was just like .. you know this is your chance to get out Jed. He’s a strong competitor and if you don’t do it .. it will be dumb. Jed – it will be dumb? Keifer – yeah it would be dumb. He was just like you know he is just going to cut you next week. He is going to drag Tera to the end and win against her in the final two. I was just like Breydon! Chill bro! Jed – what the f**K! I mean obviously is his going to have to pitch but.. he just doesn’t know what is going on. Keifer – no.

Tera – “Ahh did I f** us over?.. I should have just put Ty up”
1:00 pm Feeds return
Tera is freaking out that Ty and Beth are clustered together scheming.
Tera – Ahh did I f** us over.. did I just f** us over?
Keifer – you might have.. but probably not..
Kiefer goes to “break that up”