Spoilers – Chris won the Head of Household and nominated Brooke/Hira as pawns. The Fake plan sold to the house was that Minh-Ly was going to be backdoored. The real plan was for Michael to be backdoored. Hira goes on to win the Power of Veto and will use it on himself giving Chris the […]
Category: Season 8

“They’re scared shitless of me. They shake when they’re talking to me man”
Veto players are Hira, Brooke, Maddy, Vanessa, and Carol. Hira wins the power of Veto Rank the houseguests here View the Ranking Grid here This morning Carol waking up “Mentally I feel better it’s just my body shutting down you know” Hira tells her if she gets another day rest in she can be back […]

“If I get put the block I’m f****g airing everyone business I don’t give a shit”
6:30 pm Vanessa nd Minh-ly
Minh is warning her to never take anything for face value in the house. “Im scared but I woke up and I feel better now”
They start talking about the plan being to Backdoor minh
Minh – Sue is working with Jamar
Vanessa – ohh 100% they are very close

Chris to Brooke “We’re winning that veto and we’re using it on you, ok! ok! We got it!”
12:25am Kitchen – Brooke, Chris and Susanne. Chris comes into the kitchen and tells Brooke to give him a hug. Chris – just know we are winning that veto and we’re using it on you, ok! ok! We got it! Brooke – I know I’ve got you guys. Chris – the first week was just seeing who was real and who wasn’t. Brooke – and I do really appreciate you letting me know before you know. Like just being direct like that. Chris – oh yeah .. and like we’re going to use the veto on you. I am planning on it so that we can do what we really want to do. And if not we will have someone else use it. Brooke – ok. Chris – don’t sweat it be.

“I freakin did her eyelashes so she wouldn’t look like a clown the other day “
9:30 pm Maddy, Rianne, Michael, John Luke
Maddy retelling her conversation with Minh-Ly. (the conversation was supposed to squash their beef)
Maddy – she’s only talking to me because she wants to clear the air so I’m not mad at her than you guys aren’t mad at her.
Maddy says she was trying hard not to lose it she kept reminder herself “Use your teacher’s voice”
Maddy – I just can’t be fake I’m not fake
Maddy – if she gets put up on the block tonight I’m going for that veto HARD
Angie joins them.
Maddy sighs “Josh she’s so annoying”
Maddy – Hey Minh tell Nico we say hi

BBCAN8 First night of Live Feeds “She’s a piece of s**t a f****g loser”
9:34 pm Cam 4 Bros bro-ing out
“Solid and f***” “Bro we got all week”
Brooke walks in on them.
Talking about Between the “three of us” there’s no one that can stop them, “We got the beasts”
Chris – this game is all mental
Chris – we’re big guys we’re the targets none of us are getting backdoored any point we’re going final 4
“Like last season we’re going to rock bro”
Kyle – last season but better
After Chris leaves Sheldon and Kyle talk about working on pushing “last season” to Chris. Sound slike Sheldon and Kyle have a final 2.

BBCAN8 – Episode One Results “Origin Story”
Here we go Folks Episode one of Big Brother Canada 8! Just a heads up the real show aka live feeds don’t start until tomorrow night. This is BBCAN so feeds will be free and sporadic. If you are not in Canada and want to watch the free feeds you’ll need a VPN. We […]

Big Brother Canada 8 House Tour
Et Canada released a tour of the Big Brother Canada 8 house today. Showing off it’s “Superhero Origin Story” theme. The folks working on building BB sets really do a great job every year. This year was no different. Lets hope the cast is as good as the house 🙂 If you missed the other […]

Big Brother Canada 8 – First Look Inside The House & Save Your Superhero Twist!
Get ready for the first twist of the season before Big Brother 8 even premieres on March 4th!
Canada, you have the power to come to the rescue of your favourite house guest(s) and keep them safe from the first eviction. The house guests with the FEWEST votes will find themselves in immediate danger!

Big Brother Canada 8 – cast revealed
WOOO HOOO here we go the Big Brother Canada Cast was revealed today. Time to shred these people based solely on their looks, hometowns, age, and occupations. I’m going to skip the pre-show interviews so opinions are based solely on what is shown below. Let me know what y’all think in the comments.
I noticed a lot of people from BC this year. We’re the best so I understand 😉

BBCAN8 Supersized Season length!
Here we go, folks, Thanks to Big Brother Canada 5 runner-up Karen Singbeil we have some “SUPERSIZED” news for this upcoming season 8 starting next month. In case you forget about Karen she was the season 5 houseguest that hated Kevin Martin more than I did. She also puked in the smoke pit for which I give her 2 thumbs up and a bottle of Kraken.

Big Brother Canada 8 – “Supersized” Season Premiere Date Set
Start Date
Today we learn that Big Brother Canada 8 premiere is set for March 4th, 2020 at 7pm. from the press release:
Global announces a supersized eighth season of Big Brother Canada kicking off with an epic two-night premiere Wednesday, March 4 at 7 p.m. ET/PT and Thursday, March 5 at 8 p.m. ET/PT, followed by the dramatic fallout on Sunday, March 8 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
And the regular schedule for the program is