Big Brother Spoilers – The Have nots are Sam, Anthony and Eddie. As of 6:30pm the nominations are not official. Chelsea is going to nominate KIKI and Damien. KIKI is the target if nominations stay the same. If Veto is used Big MOMMAK is the target. 5:25pm Chelsea and Eddie Chelsea tells him he can […]
Category: Season 7

Chelsea “..have we made a mistake? I can’t have a shadow that is going to ruin my game.”
11:20pm HOH room. Chelsea and Anthony. Chelsea – I am going to do the best thing for my game for the people that I am working with in this game moving forward so that we can all get far together. Anthony – I was jumping for joy when you won. Like honestly I wanted to win but happy you won. Chelsea – and I would have been happy if you had won too. Anthony – you have to get Kyra under control because that is going to put a target on your back. Chelsea – I know.

“That’s the smartest thing we put up KIKI/Damien we get out a floater worst case best case we backdoor Momma”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Maki was Evicted by a vote of 6-5 the tie breaker was Dane. Chelsea goes on to 10:13pm Dane and Mark Mark – where do you think you stand with KII and Esti Dane – I think we’ll be Ok with them.. Mark – they owe us big time Dane […]

Mark “I’m a f***ing psycho dude!” Dane “You should talk to the girls.”
8:20pm The house guests are still taking photos. 9:03pm Hot Tub room. Kyra and Dane. Kyra – no one knows the depth of it and its better that they don’t. Dane – I’m keeping it a secret. Basically to f**k himself.. (Maki) which I am okay with. Kyra – what did he tell you. Dane […]

“The scenario is we’re going to keep Maki.. he’s putting up Cory and SAm if he wins HOH”
9:56am Maki and Adam HOH Cam 2 Maki says he hopes the “youngins” (kiki and Stef) go with him and he knows he has MOMMA Adam says Anthony and Dane want to work with Maki Maki – yeah I’m down bro.. DAne gave me his word that’s the only thing going for me in this […]

Sam “When he threw out Dane name..” Chelsea “He [Maki] sealed his own grave.”
Sam – just know that I’m not going against the house. Whatever happens, happens. Chelsea – yeah, I’ve said the same thing. Sam – so I am not putting any effort in any more. Chelsea – neither am I. Sam – I’m done with it. Chelsea – its not up to me. Just let it be. Sam – just deal with it after. That’s what we’re here for. Chelsea – exactly. Sam – its too hard to predict. Lets just get through this week. Chelsea – its laughable to me that people think that he is a threat when.. Sam – when nothings happened yet. Chelsea – knowing the game doesn’t necessarily make you a threat .. its being good socially and being a comp threat.

“I’m telling you the plan is still the plan but be open you always want to go with the numbers..”
8:15am Cam 3-4 Mark and Dane Dane about last night “MA, holy sh1t she had 2 glasses of wine and she was just f*ing… ” (he motions her lips smacking) Mark thinks a lot of heat is coming his way these next few days. He wants Adam to know that he’s got Adam’s back. Mark […]

“Dev!l doesn’t always come looking at you like the dev!l” – Mamma K
10:04pm Kitchen. Adam and Dane. Dane – you have to also talk to kiki. I mean, I know you guys hashed it out now. But I was like honestly Adam came to me and he was like crushed. Like Adam thought he was really bonding with Kiki and then all of a sudden Kiki does […]

Dane – [Maki] tells me I might be going up and then he tells Adam don’t use it but keep me around I’m a competitor
8:13am Mark and Dane Mark says Momma wants to stir thing up, “She said it in front of a lot of people” Dane – Sam is going to be a target for everyone They agree if Sam wins HOH they will be Ok. Dane – we can get Eddie to put up Sam to.. we […]

Mark “Without saying out loud, I think you’re thinking the same thing I am.”
9:15pm Backyard. Damien, Mark and Kyra. Kyra – I am here to campaign. At the end of the day this is just a game. We all know that. Maki is fun and we all love Maki but Maki is a threat and he’s showed that is the last three competitions. He was this close to winning the veto. He also would have won the HOH if he had stayed on there. And in that first comp he got to that second round. No one really knows where his head is at because he’s never really watched this game before and he is letting other people influence him and that makes him more of a wildcard than I am. And I can tell you honestly.. look me in the eye

Dane – it’s like talking about the kid in school that smells like piss right in front of them..
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – 12:25am Dane and EstiĀ (yeah from last night) Esti – I want to make the competitions fair because if Adam’s still here…… they’re not fair Dane – I don’t think I can beat that Dane thinks he’s competitive against MACK but not Adam “that’ guy has long steps he’s . […]

Mark “One thing that unites us.. Pretty boys! We’re too pretty for this!”
1:10am Storage room. Mark, Anthony and Dane. Anthony – so this is what we do .. leave Adam, Kiki and SD to me. Everyone else … use your words. Use manipulation to stir away from Adam. We need Adam. Adam is the target. Keep going with everything isn’t going to be physical. Everything isn’t going to be endurance. There is going to be mental. Have you watched all the seasons. I’ve watched every season of this and every season of that. We have memory.. Mark – just throwing this out there guys I just bumped my head real hard. Hopefully all that knowledge is still in there. Anthony – so listen .. I have those three.