Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Tonight is a double Eviction. WhooWEE! The vote’s are pretty much locked to get Chelsea out. 9:57am KIKI alone Saying she needs to get Kyra out of this house before jury, “You got to go.. You have to be evicted asap” Stef joins her. Stef asks if CHelsea has talked […]
Category: Season 7

Chelsea “Just tell me so that when I walk up the stairs I can blow sh*t up before I go.”
9:35pm Bedroom. Chelsea and Kyra.
Chelsea – you are going to do better without me in this game. Kyra – I know I will. I know will. Chelsea – just like how I would do better than you. Its best that we separate. Chelsea starts laughing – I wish I got to play this without you. I’m joking .. kind of.. Kyra – you would not do better without me because you would just make these big alliances everywhere. Safety in numbers. Chelsea – oh yeah?! What alliance am I in now?! Where are my alliances? Show me my alliances? Oh big alliances. Kyra – I can’t wait to talk to you after this and tell you the sh*t that I’ve seen. Chelsea – tell me. Kyra – I am so f**ked. I don’t know what I am going to do.

“pfffff … I am lying right through my teeth”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Chelsea will be evicted if the votes stay where they are at right now. I don’t see a flip happening at this point. 5:09pm Kyra and Cory cam 1 Cory saying that from ta game standpoint Chelsea’s been all over, “I agree with you on that point” Kyra – even […]

Sam “I was chirping you about chirping! Is this how you deal with conflict?! F**k you! Jesus Christ!?”
8:15pm Backyard. Adam and Sam
Sam – that’s what I want to talk about .. real life sh*t. You looked at me and said f**k you! I don’t ever, ever, ever let anyone tell me f**k you. Adam – what did you say before that? Sam – I don’t know Adam but you looked at me and said f**k you twice! Adam – and what did you say before that? Sam – Adam, I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. I would never in a million years look at you and say f**k you. Adam – and it wasn’t serious.. it was like f**k you. Sam – it was very disrespectful. Adam – there are different ways of saying f**k you and F**K YOU! Sam – so if that’s the way you like to talk to someone you care about.. that’s cool but you can turn that energy towards someone else that you want to care about because in here or in my normal life I don’t talk to someone..

“That’s what I am going to do I am going to have a housemeeting”
Today is basically Chelsea campaigning to everyone. She’s trying every angle. 10:03am Dane and Anthony saying that Chelsea blew up week 3 she was on a good path until then. 10:13am Dan and Kyra Kyra saying that CHelsea doesn’t know what else to do other than say she’s after Dane. Dane – I heard whispers […]

” [Chelsea] You remind me of the one that got away .. [Kyra] You remind me of the one I’ve been looking for”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – the Power of Veto was not used by Cory nominations stay at Kyr and Chelsea. Chelsea is the target. 11:40am Sam and Adam This conversation is assuming CHelsea is gone and how to navigate next week. Sam is scheming how they can show to Dane they are not working together. […]

Chelsea “He is really good with people & he’s playing people like they’re puppets.”
9:20pm Hot tub talk about kissing on the first date and Marks troubles on trying to get dates / girls. Anthony says he doesn’t kiss on the first date and wouldn’t have a one night stand. Mark – have you ever met up with a total stranger from DM? Anthony – no. Chelsea – I have. Mark – what was his DM? Chelsea – I think.. You look familiar, have we met. Anthony – EEWWWWw!

“Since Kyra’s been here she’s had emotions for Sam, Me and Chelsea that’s f**ed.. like WHAT.”
2:13pm Cory and eddie Cory says she doesn’t plan on using the Veto tomorrow. Cory – it’s obvious people are going for Chelsea. 2:55pm CHelsea and Mark.. Chelsea playing up that Kyra has been playing her. 3:12pm Kyra and CHelsea Chelsea brings up the possibility of Kyra playing her. Kyra – I […]

“You know it is what it is. It’s Okay I got got.”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Cory wins the power of veto. Chelsea is the target. NOON .. Just in case you thought the pretty boys were too pretty for this show and were about to split up . nope.. final four.. final four.. 8:53pm Meal after Veto.. 9:17pm Sam, Chelsea and Adam Chelsea doesn’t think […]

Kyra “I am tired of being talked to by a child and an alpha dog.”
10pm Bathroom. Chelsea, Kyra and Sam. Kyra – he is saying that you did this and you did that .. but these are things that you didn’t do. Chelsea – everything is being twisted and twisted and twisted. Sam – lets just think for a little bit. Kyra – I’ve told everyone that I do feel betrayed in this game but she’s still my friend and that’s not going to change. So they think I’m sad because they think she used me. SO I am playing that but I still care about her. I am not going to f**king isolate you (Chelsea). I don’t f**king care. Chelsea goes to the washroom. Adam joins them. Kyra leaves. Adam to Sam – are they mad at me? Sam – we have to talk for a second. Just let me get more information first.

“I’m going to tell Kyra it’s Kyra and Eddie and I’m going to tell Chelsea it’s Eddie and Kyra”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Dane won the Head of Household. Smells like Chelsea is the target and she’s going up with Kyra. 10:23am Adam, Dane and Anthony Outside Anthony – you got three people.. Kyra, Sam and Chelsea when Kyra was on the block Sam and Chelsea were moving away from her Anthony – […]

Dane “There was a lot of whispers before.. Chelsea was trying to start a girl alliance.”
Storage room. Chelsea and Kyra. Kyra – hopefully its someone in the middle (going up on the block). Chelsea – he guaranteed Sam that she isn’t going up. Kyra – right after the eviction he (Dane) told me he is going to gun for it (HOH). I know who I am going to put up. I don’t know if something happened yesterday .. today. Chelsea – don’t feel like you failed this.. its pressing a button. You can’t beat yourself up of it. It is what it is. Dane winning it just puts a bigger target on his back. Kyra – I just don’t want to play this without you guys.