Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Anthony voted to evict Este, The rest evicted Cory. Adam wins the head of Household Competition. Dane and Anthony are have nots. 9:23pm Anthony, Mark and Damien Anthony going off about Este and Kyra. Anthony – what do you want me to do allow you to just tickle my wrist […]
Category: Season 7

Cory “They’re trying to justify to themselves that Sam f**ked them over & its Ok!”
12:30am Bedroom. Cory and Anthony.
Cory – they said so many things about me being terrible to them… and none of it was justified. And they’ve got a bone to pick with you too. They were getting angry .. oh the hypocrisy! Anthony saying to me about campaigning for Sam when he is doing the exact same thing for you. I said I don’t know what Anthony is doing for me .. but chances are he knew about the same thing and he was getting angry that Sam letting someone fight for them where they were willing to just let them throw them under the bus. Well people throw people under the bus all the time! I was like I DON’T! I didn’t do that! Its like they weren’t taking in any of it. I think Kyra is dead set …like trying to convince themselves that they want me out.

“Adam said we could bring Sam into the Pretty Boys.. I almost ripped my shirt off when Mark told me that”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – As of right now Cory is being evicted. 1:00pm Cory and Anthony (this is the spot where she plans on doing campaigning today) Cory – thank you for all your help, you smell good Anthony – you smell good Cory – do I Anthony – yeah Cory – ohh Anthony […]

Dane’s Birthday “whats the most you’ve made in one night.. pay up big boy”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Adam was the secret agent he nominated Cory. As of now Adam, Dane and Kyra will be voting out Cory. Anthony is sad. Today is Dane’s birthday.. They get some beers and scrapbookings.. 9:27pm so this was going on for Dane’s birthday … (Typically I like A bottle of Kraken […]

Anthony “And because I have special mojo.. I dingled my dust around..”
9:22pm Backyard. Mark and Anthony. Mark – you know this is the triple right?! Anthony – yeah. Mark – two people are going home. Anthony – yeah. Come, lets go outside. Mark – I know who it was. Anthony – it was Adam wasn’t it. Mark – yup. There is no way Dane would be that easy going. No way. You know by the way that Cory is f**ked right? Anthony – yup. Mark – I’m the tie breaker, Cory is f**ked! Anthony – yup. Dane, Adam, Kyra. Mark – here’s the deal. There is no way.. this has to be the triple. Put three people up and then ones going home and then play another triple and put three people up again? I don’t buy it.

“Power has been found.. three nominees will face eviction.. the houseguest they have chosen to nominate.. is .. Cory ..
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Feeds were down for over 5 hours. When they return we find out that an “agent” has turned into an assassin and nominated Cory. There’s three nominees this week. 8:11pm Anthony, Dane and Adam Dane saying that they got rid of Sam because she was the biggest threat to the […]

“One word I say to Cory and she’s going to do it Big Brother or not Big Brother”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Adam using the veto, Este going up Damien is the target. 6:00pm Cory and Anthony Cory saying she was really missing home this morning. She talked to Kyra about it and Kyra wasn’t very warm to her. She asked Kyra if they ever miss home/ Kyra says they oi especially […]

Adam wins the Power of Veto
Bathroom. Adam, Kyra and Esti. Adam – I can’t believe I won that! I was actually scared. I was frightened to death that I wasn’t going to get that puzzle. Esti – but you were ahead of everyone. Adam – I just always did the boarder first and then it all fit together. Cory joins them. Cory – you were miles ahead. That was a good win! Congrats! Adam – thanks!

Mark “I want to make a ritual ceremony when we evict the last person”
9:20pm File room. Adam and Kyra.
Adam finds another box inside another box. Sneaky f**kers! Guaranteed there’s more. That’s 254! Unless there’s more. Kyra – yeah. Adam – Motherf**kers! Kyra – and we don’t know when they hid that right? Adam – I don’t know when that was hidden. Day 41 right?! Kyra – yeah. Adam – Sneaky f**ks! Pulled an Adam on an Adam. Probably why Dane left because he knew we were going to start searching. Dane returns. Adam – we just found another one. Did you do that? Dane – no. I wonder why that recorder is gone. Kyra – when did you find it? Dane – yesterday. Day 40. And now its gone. This f**king room is bullsh*t. If this means nothing I am going to lose my biscuit. Adam – nothin’ better to do tonight.

“if Damien or Adam win (Veto) we have to all sit down as a group and not be scared of Anthony”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Right now looks like Adam and Damien are going up. The nominations happened around 3:30pm, Mark nominated Damien and Adam. 9:40am Adam, Anthony, Mark Adam mentions how they were talking about keeping Kyra this week Anthony says they have to go after the person that will target the “guys” Adam […]

Mark “He [Adam] will be upset but I was on the block because of his own girlfriend.”
9:30pm Havenot room. Damien, Dane and Esti.
Damien – so what do we go tell Mark to do? Esti – Adam and Kyra. Unless we want to separate someone else but I don’t want to bring that up. Dane – I don’t want to bring that up either. But getting a big target out before triple eviction would be smart. Esti – this is what I am going to tell him. If you want to get a big target out do it but make sure you don’t piss anyone off before the triple. And the way to not piss anyone off is to put up the only target that is alone right now. Which is Adam. He’s a huge target.

“If we can feel good with Adam winning this next [HOH]. we take him out in the triple”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Sam is still going to be evicted barring some “twisto twist”. 9:38 am Sam and Adam Sam – I couldn’t sleep Adam – at all Sam – nope … Sam saying she wishes she could watch them when in the jury. 9:51 am Mark joins her.. Este talks about being […]