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Category: Season 7

“Tomorrow we’re going to tell Damien we’re all voting Este out”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Nothing really has changed. Este going home PB still seem solid. Kyra thinks they can win Damien is just there. 8:00pm Dane and Este Studying. Dane still using his study aids sealed up at the foot of his bed. Este – what if I leave tomorrow and it’s a double […]

Kyra “I could win this game! I’d need a miracle. I will at least get second place.”
9:50pm Hot Tub room. Kyra is talking to the cameras. Kyra – Its a very interesting game. I’ve wanted to play it for a long time and I’m here and I’m playing it. I wish I had a little more power in this house.. but you have to work with with you have. So far I haven’t had much power but I’ve been close to people with power. Very, Very curious which way its going to go. Literally anything can happen. I could win this game! I’d need a miracle. I will at least get second place. I can feel it .. but I want to win. I really, really, really want to win.

“I was hoping it was an instant, just to get it over with”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Este and Mark on nominated. All conversations point to Este being evicted. It’s gotten pretty darn slow on the feeds. 7:27pm Adam and Dane Dane – I don’t think he’ll want to go against me. Be like DAne is really for the boys final 5 but he’s still going to […]

BBCAN7 Power of Veto Ceremony results
Damien used the power of veto on himself. Adam selected Mark as the replacement. Este and Mark are up for eviction. There’s been no game talk that I ran into. Mostly arts and crafts etc… 2:00pm – 3:50pm Just a lot of guys with their shirts off.. 4:30pm HAve nots 4:35pm Anthony tub time 4:48pm […]

Dane “Yeah, the plan is the plan… Mark is going up.”
9:45pm Kitchen. Adam and Kyra studying the days / events of the season. Kyra and Esti cooking. Adam – did I think I would come in here and fall in love!? And look what happened! Kyra – expect the unexpected! Adam – expect the unexpected.. you will fall in love in the big brother house. Esti – did you expect to get into a showmance? Adam – no, I was against it hard! Esti – really!? Adam – yeah. I was against it hard. Everything I said I was going to do, I did the opposite. Esti – same. Nothing works out the same way. Adam – definitely not.

“Them and the boys”
Sounds like Mark will be the replacement nominations but Este is the target. 9:00pm Adam and Dane Adam says everything he’s told to Damien Este already knows.. She knows he knows she wanted him out when Mark was in power. Adam plans to talk to Este right after rehearsal (they do a rehearsal for the […]

Mark “The crazy thing is we just told Kyra about the Pretty Boys without actually saying the Pretty Boys.”
10:40pm HOH room. Adam, Damien and Kyra. Adam – congrats to you man. Damien – thanks! I needed that big time! Adam – it was a well deserved f**king win. Damien – yeah. Adam – I thought kyra had you man. Damien – me too! Adam – I though kyra had you .. I was like oh sh*t! But I thought Mark had it at first because Mark put down his pallets like.. snap, snap, snap. Damien – I just want to make sure everything lines up for tomorrow so I don’t say anything stupid that doesn’t match up with what’s happening you know. Adam – We’ll probably have a day to talk about it.

Damien wins Power of Veto “what do you think of Top 5?”
Spoilage – Damien wins the power of Veto. Early off they are talking about Dane going up. (He volunteered) a couple hours later it’s starting to sounds like Mark will go up. 10:30pm Feeds back Damien wins the POV Pretty boy meeting … Talking about who should go up. Dane volunteers.. They talk about making […]

Adam “Listen, if you use it [Veto] & I don’t put Mark up, how stupid does that look?!
9:30pm Bedroom. Mark and Anthony.
Mark – do you think they’re going to wake us up in the middle of the night for a POV? I could see them doing that. If you win, I know you’re not using it. Anthony – Ummmm.. Mark – you would use it? Cuz you know they would never put Kyra up. Dane is going to gun for it f**King hard.. even though he said he was going to throw it. He is in DEEP with Esti man. I know it. He already told me what his plan was.. he talked to me about Adam. He was like I don’t want to win this HOH the five.. because I want to win this one.. he was saying some bullsh*t and I wasn’t even paying attention.

“That’s our little task, get Mark really drunk so he’s weak tomorrow “
Spoilers – Adam won HOH, Nominated Este and Damien. Dane, Anthony, Damien and Kyra are have nots. Feeds may be down for a bit as there was a party planned after the nomination Ceremony. It’s common for BBCAN to shut feeds down for the night during some of these parties. no more getting to see […]

Mark “We had an agreement we weren’t going to put up the boys right?”
11:05pm Dane and Damien.
Damien – it might be Mark and Esti though. (Nominations) Dane – yup. I wouldn’t understand how Mark would escape this. Damien – he’s snakey. Dane – how the hell do they come up with games like that? Damien – right?! Dane – are they still talking? Damien – yeah what the f**k are they talking about? Esti… I’ll kill you. Dane – she’s probably sewering me. Dane – yeah. Save her own bacon somehow. I don’t know what she could sewer me about but.. Damien – right.. because I haven’t said Anthony’s name once. Dane – me either. Damien – I told Adam today that if I won, I wouldn’t put him up. So hopefully he remembers that. And I meant it because you know who I would put up .. because I am pretty pissed off about that sh*t.