If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. 5:16pm Demetres and Ika HOH Cam 1-2 6:11pm Cassandra and Kevin Ika Dre and […]
Category: Season 5

“I’m a man of my word BRO.. ‘ll fight for my honour 100 thousand dollars aint going to change that”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Tried to cut the videos down to smaller chunks. Day time text will be […]

Big Brother Canada 5 – Episode 3 Recap
BB CAN 5 – EP 3 Recap HOH Comp – Soccer The HG go head to head against each other kicking a Velcro soccer ball at a numbered wall. Highest score stays in the comp and advances to round 2. Round 1 Neda 21 / William 1 Dre 16 / Jackie 13 Bruno 21 / […]

Ika “Cass is a snake. She wanted to keep you but for selfish reasons. Nobody likes Cass.”
1:50am HOH room – Demetres and Ika are talking. Ika is telling him about how in the beginning the vets wanted to stick together. Ika explains with the first eviction – I wanted to keep you and Neda wanted to keep Mark. And Cindy wanted to keep Mark for obvious reasons. I didn’t. I felt like if you stayed we could work together. You got really close to Cass and they thought Cass wanted to keep you to go after them.

“We have a really cute alliance name we’re called the leftovers”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Ika says Dillon is throwing out Dre’s name as a target. Mentions that DAllas […]

“you’re the only person I actually f****g trust in this game.. Don’t roll your eyes “
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Dillon used the power of veto on himself. Demetres nominated Dallas as the replacement […]

“Why are we playing Bruno’s Game.. I want to leave the alliance.. I don’t want it anymore”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. 9:17pm Sindy and Ika backyard Complaining that Bruno really wants to take out Dallas. […]

Dallas “After I drop this bomb on Dillon I won’t have his vote anymore”
4:45pm Bathroom – Neda & Dallas Dallas – I think I’m going to have to sell Dillon down the river. Neda – do it. Just do it. It worked with me last week. Dallas – its hurting me. Its putting a target on my name Neda. I wanted to have a meeting with the vets. Do you think the vets are still on board with the vets? Neda – yeah, I think so. Dallas – are you on board Neda? Neda – I’m on board with you. Dallas – I feel like I could have Jackie, I feel like I could have Cass..

“I don’t trust Bruno and Kevin but for now you pretend.. BRO THEM UP BRO THEM UP”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. What a hectic late last night and morning. Some of these vets are playing […]

Big Brother Canada 5 POV Results “I’m thinking Dallas, which sucks cause I like him”
Dillon won the Power of Veto If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. 8:40pm Have nots Kevin, Neda, Ika, Cindy, Cassandra […]

“Dillon is dumb.. He’s a dumbass” “I betcha I can out bench him”
If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a VPN to watch. Feeds are free and the VPN is cheap. The video posts take a long time to craft if a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page. Power of Veto Players are Demetres, Dillon, Emily, KAren, Kevin and Neda Things will […]

Nominations results, a new alliance is formed and Karen cries
Demetres nominated Dillon and Emily. Right now Demetres is saying the target is Dillon and Emily is a pawn. If the Power of Veto is played things could get very interesting. Lots of potentials for a vet getting sent out. Targets on Dallas, Cassandra, Bruno and Kevin. If you’re outside of Canada you’ll need a […]