Big Brother Canada 3 – Sarah “I shouldn’t win this HOH. I’m f**ked either way!”

9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. As they slowly wake up and start moving around. They wonder if Big Brother will give them the hot water back for showers. Bobby says well they want us to look nice for eviction right?! Bobby says I haven’t showered since our hot water got turned off. Sarah says we still need to do our gender bender night? Willow ask what is that? Sarah says when you dress as the other gender. Willow oh. Sarah says you could do a drag queen so well! Willow says thanks I think. Willow says I thought you meant you bend your gender parts, like you tuck it behind but I was like how to the girls bend their parts.

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Sarah about Bruno – He’s the jiu-jitsu monster with a broken hand

10:57pm Bedroom Jordan and Zach
Zach says emotionally he wants Brittnee out. The more Bobby stay in the house the more Sarah and Brittnee want him out.
Brittnee and Sarah walk in
Zach – 100%
Brittnee points out that every time she walks in a room he hears Zach saying 100%
Jordan says the plan is Pilar and Godfrey nominated next week.
Jordan tells them he knows the competition it’s A or B, 1/2 will pick A the other 1/2 picks B
jordan – I have a hunch based on something I witnesses.. I won’t talk about Production
Brittnee says Willow wants Godfrey gone this week

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Britt said “Zach just wants to swipe her (Ash) V card.. That’s rude to say about Zach” -Ash

7:25pm Bathroom AShleigh and Pilar
Pillar wonders why the backyard is open still. She thinks this means it will be questions because if it was an endurance competition they would be setting up the Competition equipment.
Ashleigh doesn’t seem worried about he HOH tomorrow Says they will have to wait and see.
The girls saunter downstairs into the kitchen.

Pilar asks her about the “B thing”
Ashleigh – I’m not bugged about her kissing, I’m bugged by the things she says
Ashleigh – I honestly don’t care I don’t own Zach.. the thing she said after though.. ohh AShleigh isn’t going to be a virgin for long

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Zach “I have a hard time blowing smoke in Bobby’s ear but I have to make him feel safe.”

2pm Out in the backyard – Jordan brings up watching poker on tv. Kevin says he turned it on and wondered why are people playing cards on my televsion?! Jordan says poker is huge. Zach says Graig has lost a ton of money playing poker. Kevin says I can believe it. Jordan says Kevin, I think if you took the time to sit down and study poker you would love it! (Kevin plays poker professionally and has been lying about it / not knowing how to play.) Because you love chess and stuff. Zach starts to explain counting cards and know what’s going to come up next. Kevin says I don’t even know what you’re talking about right now. I know you get two cards..

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Jordan – Sarah sucks at the comps & will never win but Johnny will come after us.

11:15am In the kitchen – Johnny talks to Ashleigh. Johnny says that was so mean girls in the bed last night (What Brittnee was saying about Ashleigh not being a virgin the way she was with Zach in bed.) Ashleigh tells Johnny that she will have another talk with Zach. Johnny says it feels weird not knowing yet. Ash says I will tell you when I know. Johnny says okay, and its not like I am going to throw a fit or something. Johnny heads out to the hot tub. Ash talks to Pilar. Ashleigh tells her that Johnny’s targets are Bobby, Bruno and Godfrey. He says that Sarah and him stayed up late and she said she would put up the couple.

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Willow “I better take a birth control, last night was wild!” Sarah “I am not dealing with that puke.”

9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sarah gets up and goes over to Godfrey’s bed asks him if he’s awake. Godfrey nods yes. Sarah heads to the storage room to change her batteries. When she goes through the kitchen she comments to Bobby that “Today might be a rough one!” Bobby agrees. Bobby heads out to the hot tub and notices its a nice day. He heads back to the bedroom. Brittnee says this is a wine headache. Everyone knows you slam wine link we do. Yesterday was so much fun and you spoiled us! I love you, I love you, I love you. Pilar asks Godfrey how he’s feeling and he says a 4.

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Zach – “He’s (Johnny) like she’ll (Sarah) put you and Kev up.. right now if she wins”

9:16pm Sarah and Zach Bedroom
Sarah says the BBTV was a good thing because it prevented Johnny from talking sh!t all day.
Sarah – He’s trying hard i know
Zach – Ohhh
Sarah – ya
Zach – mmmh hmm
Sarah – harder than I think even
Zach – Umm probably not harder than you think..
Sarah – but I’m good still
Zach – 100
Sarah thinks it will be a questions HOH competition

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Jon Pardy ENTERS the Big Brother Canada 3 House! “WAKE UP CANADA!!”

Godfrey as host Arisa Cox introduces the BBCAN2 Rerun segment. Bobby as Kenny Brain comes up to to the front and introduces himself as being a model that’s gay but he won’t reveal that to the house. Johnny is Andrew. He comes up and takes his shirt off saying he has a tattoo of hops on his chest. Ashleigh is wearing the costume Heather had to wear last season. Pilar is Rachelle Diamond wearing the hotdog costume. Jordan is Paul. Bruno is Jon Pardy. Willow is Sabrina. Brittnee is Ika Wong. Kevin is Arlie. The first scene they do is the Paul Jackson scene when Paul called Andrew a racist and a sexist.

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Big Brother gives the House Guests a Task to start their own network called BBTV

Big Brother turns the live feeds back on and has given the house guests a task to start their own network called #BBTV.
On Monday, Big Brother will task the houseguests to start their own network called #BBTV. The network will be on air from 3PM – 8PM EST and will feature programming blocks created by the houseguests. They will need to keep you entertained all day to earn a Wrap Party at the end of the night.

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Zach “I don’t think Bobby would stab me in the back because he’s such a pu$$y…”

9:45am – 10:20am In the Storage room – The Bromuda Triangle alliance have a meeting. Kevin, Zach and Jordan are talking. After Jordan and Zach talk about Kevin has no idea we have Pilar and Ashleigh down. Zach says I talk to B just enough each day. She is an emotional player. Zach tells Jordan to stay close to Sarah. OUt in the backyard – Jordan and Zach agree they need to win the next two HOH’s. They talk about being worried about Willow. Zach says I don’t think Bobby would stab me in the back because he’s such a pu$$y but he would get someone else to do it.

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