9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the bathroom Andrew asks Gary how the wake alarm was? Gary says that it wasn’t so bad. The luxury item the haves received today is a massage chair that is set up in the backyard. Andrew tells Jillian in the storage room. Andrew says I can’t believe it is us against Talla and Gary. Andrew says that knowing my luck I will be a havenot with Gary. Andrew says you know what it doesn’t matter we will get Gary out this week. He says you, me or Emmett will kill the POV and make sure he goes. Meanwhile Emmett tells Talla that in his letter his friend said grab Talla a beer because she is pure entertainment. Talla says oh my god! Can you believe that.. well I guess its good.. that I am entertaining. Emmett tells Gary how they got a massage chair. Gary says you mother fu*kers.
Category: Season 1

Big Brother Spoilers Gary Back in the HOUSE Andrew: “We just did this week”
11:34pm POOL Talla and Andrew
Andrew wanting to get Gary out this week.
Andrew: “We just did this week.. instead of Emmett it was jillian and instead of GAry it was Peter”
ANdrew: “Canada voted this week and GAry is back… I would probably have voted Gary back if I was Canada”
Andrew: “People are watching this writing about this.. BLOGS? who knows what what’s going on”
Andrew: ‘Imagine if GAry had won HOH you would be safe.. and I would be screwed with Emmett”
They both feel like crap.. being on have nots is wearing them out.
Andrew tells her they need to win POV get some sleep tonight. If Gary wins the POV one of them is going home.
Andrew: “The thing that sucks about Emmett and Jillian being HOH is they spend the entire day up in the HOH”

Big Brother Canada Talla Vs Peter Eviction and HOH Results
Big Brother Canada EVICTION Episode: April 18th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT
Talla Rejaei and Peter Brown were nominated for eviction. We can say with decent confidence that Peter is not going to receive the required votes to stay in the house. (I would just like to add that at times tonight’s vote was very much in the air as Peter’s campaigning was effective) This is not to say that some crazy twist is going to save him. This is Big Brother Canada After All. We do know that someone is coming back into the house. Rumors are rampant that maybe that person will compete against Peter to stay in the house or if the returning player is dropped right into the game anything goes. The season ends May 2nd and we are getting word that it will be a live 2 hour episode, if this is true than Big Brother Canada might be moving away from the Big Brother US format giving us the entire finale comp in one night. Who knows..

Peter says girls don’t beat boys at the end, it just doesn’t happen! GIRLS DON’T BEAT BOYS!
12:50pm The live feeds come back. Peter is talking to Emmett in the bedroom. Peter says that he had a talk with Jillian and she says that I lied to her which is not true, I only ran scenario with her because that’s what I do. Peter tells Emmett that he told Jillian she would not get my vote in the jury. Peter says that Jillian thinks just because she won 3 HOH’s that she will win, and that’s not true .. you don’t need to win HOH’s to win the game. You only need to win to secure your safety. Frank learned that last year. Peter tells Emmett that he will win against anyone. I will make sure of that you have my vote and you have Alec’s vote. Peter says girls don’t beat boys at the end, it just doesn’t happen! Girls don’t beat boys! Peter tells Emmett not to give me a pity vote .. I don’t want to give her the satisfaction that she voted me out.

Big Brother Canada Andrew and Jillian tell Talla she is staying!
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Andrew asks Peter if he noticed the luxury item yet. Peter says yes, I think Emmett and I are really going to enjoy this one. Talla comes out morning drunk, morning slop! Jillian and Talla go to the storage room when it opens and Jillian carries out the luxury item for her. She opens it up in the living room. It’s a red dress, shoes, clutch, and earrings. Andrew tells them that he told Peter that he is voting to keep Talla. Talla says awe thank you. Andrew tells Talla to get nice or he will change is vote. Andrew asks Jillian if she is okay. Jillian says yeah, I just have to figure out what to say. Jillian starts talking to Talla about how stressed Emmett is because he thinks 100% they both go to final 3 with Peter. Talla asks if Emmett is going to vote her out today. Jillian tells Talla no, Emmett said he would do whatever I wanted and I want you here.

Peter looks at the Memory wall “Emmett.. every single move up there was because of us”
10:54pm Peter and Emmett
Peter: “Emmett every single move up there was because of us”
Emmett: “I know”
Peter: “If i stay we still are because it’s 3 to 1”
Peter: ‘What’s happening where’s her head at”
Emmett: ‘I don’t know Talla and her had a blow up”
Peter: “Oh wow.. what happened… did you guys have a fight? “
Emmett: “Talla is getting all worked up about you” Emmett explains that some people in the house get upset when you campaign but this is Big Brother that is what you have to do.
Peter: “I love this game too much to not do what I have to.. and all I am doing is telling the truth”
Emmett brings up Talla’s little freak out about Peter when he was in the Diary Room
Peter: “I’m not campaigning against Talla.. I’m campaigning for me”
Peter: “I have too much respect for this game to sit quietly and let things happen”

Talla getting fired up – Andrew “i’m about to change my vote.. Rub my Feet.. I have a couple of bunions”
9:49pm Kitchen everyone but Peter
Talla: “I’m fucking ready to tear a strip off him.. all i want to say to him is Do you think your chaos theory is working.. he’s doing the exact same thing that Alec did last week”
Talla: “I’m really f***ing pi$$ed off”
Talla: “nobody is going to say something to him but I will.. Why the f*** would I talk final sh1t with you when you are not even in my F***ing alliance.. why would I talk to him out of all the f***ing people”
Andrew: “Just cool it… Please you are getting fired up like usual ”
Andrew: “Don’t worry about it for Christ sake”
Talla: “why does he think he’s so smart to try and pull off something like that”

Big Brother Spoilers Jillian: “So I’m sending Talla home that is my final decision” .. Maybe
POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 20th POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 15th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 18th Original Nominations: Andrew and Peter Current Nominations: Peter & Talla Last Evicted Houseguest ALEC & TOPAZ Have Nots Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves) 7:23pm HOH Jillian and Peter Jillian: “So I’m thinking about […]

Peter tells Emmett I feel like I am preaching to the choir but you are married to the priest.
5:15pm – 5:30pm Jillian and Talla are up in the HOH room. Jillian tells Talla that she trusts her 100% right now .. even more than Peter. Talla says oh my god really! Jillian says that it is really good that we both have a guy that would take us .. Jillian says I think Andrew will win against any of us if he is in the final 2. Andrew comes up but says that he has chips in the oven. Talla tells him to come back. Jillian asks why won’t they ever leave us alone. Andrew comes back up. They discuss how Peter is all of a sudden campaigning to all of them. Talla starts getting mad because Peter said he wasn’t going to campaign and now he is. Andrew says this is why we can’t tell you anything because you get mad.

Big Brother Canada Peter CAMPAIGNS to Jillian to keep him over Talla.
2:30pm Andrew, Peter and Jillian discuss whether or not there will be any more twists. Peter says it is possible, this would be the last week it would happen though. Andrew asks like what could it be ..thinking of past seasons. Peter says well it could be a coup d’etat, but it would have to be used this next week. They comment on how there have already been a lot of twists this season. Then Andrew says well the Powershift was the the only real twist. They continue talking about past seasons of Big Brother. Andrew goes to lay down.
2:45pm Peter asks Jillian so for tomorrow where is your head at? Jillian says I don’t know, I just talked to Emmett about it. Peter says that he talked to Andrew and he said if he wins he is putting you and Emmett up.

Andrew says that he can’t ask Talla to throw the HOH, I will just have to beat her fair and square.
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Andrew and Talla are out in the backyard talking. Andrew says that no matter how well you know the HOH’s you know the questions aren’t going to be just that. Talla agrees. Talla says that she needs to pack her bag and then tomorrow’s Thursday. She wonders if she is going to be asked a question. Talla says Peter, Peter who? What?! Andrew says that he never got asked any questions. Andrew says that we are making assumptions that there is a favourite house guest vote. Andrew says and people assume that Gary is the favourite, but the normal view is looking at how annoying Gary is. Just like we are assuming there is a wrap party here and there. Andrew says he doesn’t care about a wrap party, I care about the wrap party at home.

Bedtime stories with Talla “Umm… many years ago..hmm.OK once was.. umm .. so in this charcoal castle”
12:20am Talla and Peter.
Talla tells him a bedtime story.
T: “You lived in a castle that looked like.. it was charcoal and this this castle there was him.. umm.. amber… and umm.. ”
T: “He always wanted to go into the city but.. there was like .. this was many many years ago..mmmmh.OK there once was.. umm .. so in this castle where peter lived in.. and he wore a black cape”
T: “he um.. he drove some kind of turbo charged bat mobile.. ”
Peter smiles Talla whispers “I know so cute”
T: “He was driving.. but he ended up driving past a certain point he was suppose to go… because he was the king of his castle.. “
T: “But nearby there was another castle and on day he was enjoying his turbo charged.. day dreaming while driving.. “
T: “He crossed the line .. and there she was.. Queen Talla.. and her castle was gorgeous she had pom poms not everywhere. She had like …um… she had this big throne.. she wore this super fitted gorgeous long dress.. and she had like long nails and she drove a turbo charged batmobile to..”
T:” It was all whole.. it was gorgeous tinted windows .. umm they had a race and she was like I want your batmobile.. They were racing for pink slips pretty much“