8:54pm Hammock Milkmance
Jillian saying that Talla truly believes that she will take her to the final 2.
Emmett: “You can’t win this game without a little bit of lying”
Jillian says she’s been lying to Talla all along. Jillian continues about how she was talking to Talla about the two of them making it to final 2.
Emmett: “You want to take her to the jury”
Jillian: ‘No no no.. I don’t know”
Emmett: “Talla has votes in the jury Gary doesn’t”
Emmett asks her if she’d being connecting with Gary. Jillian says gary is too fake she cannot get a real connection with him, “He’ll take you for sure” (gary)
Jillian now saying that there is pros and cons to whoever goes with them to the end.
Jillian tells him he’s in a tough spot because Talla see him as a bigger threat than Gary.