“you got caught playing both sides hard and now you are doing everything you can”

11:40 am Vic and Tera have their fight in the hot tun areas. It revolves around Tera saying that Vic wanted to throw Beth’s bag off the balcony and people saying that Vic is targeting a “big target”

The fight starts with Tera saying that Vic wanted to throw Beth’s bag off the balcony.
Vic – I swear on my boyfriend’s life..
Ro jumps in they argue about Vic blaming the HOH on Ty.

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Jed “I’m almost to the point where I wish you had put him [Keifer] up instead of Vic.”

12:30am HOH room. Beth, Ty, Keifer, Breydon and Jed.
Breydon – what are the biggest pros to keeping V? I like a good pros and cons. Jed – the biggest pros? Breydon – yeah. Beth – target. Jed – she is a bigger target in the house. If she stays loyal she has the ability to win HOH’s and to not put us on the block. Breydon – and what are the cons. Beth – Cons.. she is a GREAT liar! She could be lying right to our face right now. Jed – she is very emotional, she could beat everyone in the finals. Breydon – she could beat any of us in the HOH. She’s done it three times. Ty – twice. Jed – and she is just a wildcard .. she has the ability to flip flop with her decisions.

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“I’m still for the ghost peppers, I’m a number with you guys this is the hot crew”

12:30 pm Vic, Jed
We come into this conversation
V – I could have been more up front with the things I was saying. I just figured that was part of the role of playing both sides and being with you guys
Vic – I was never coming for you guys I was prepared to play this game with you guys till the end and that is on everything.. Honestly, I swear to god this is so sad I was so serious about the ghost peppers and that is why I said it to you guys every single day.
Jed – we were serious too then we started hearing all this sh1t

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Keifer “I really think that is the plan and its going to rock the house.”

10:55pm Games room. Keifer and Tina.
Keifer – I am glad the POV (ceremony) wasn’t today! Tina – why? Keifer – this place would have been a nightmare if it was. Tina – you still think that’s the plan (to put up Vic)? Keifer – I still do, yeah. I think its making it easier to be the plan the longer away the POV ceremony is. Tina – oh really!? Why? Keifer – because it will be less nights of awkwardness and ruthlessness. Tina – good point. Keifer – you know what I mean. Tina – I’ll be sold on it once its done. Keifer – me too. I’m pretty sure its going down though. I would be very surprised if it didn’t. I really think that is the plan and its going to rock the house. But there is only one person that isn’t going to see it coming. And if she’s not in jury .. its probably good news for all of us.

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Beth “This is going to be the dirtiest thing of all time..” Ty “I don’t care she is dirty. She did us dirty!”

Games room. Tina and Beth.
Beth – were you in a room with you, Tera, Roh, V and Austin? And V said Jed and Beth? Did that happen? And she was threatening to throw my bag and stuff down the stairs? Tina – oh yeah! Beth – that happened? Tina – yeah, I think you came in to get something out of your bag. Beth – I am going to tell her (Vic) that I am going to put up Tina. Tina – I will play it like I’m spooked. Beth – I have wanted to play clean this whole game. This is going to be the dirtiest thing of all time.. but if we stick together. Tina – You came here to play but at the same time you came here to play your game. Beth – I am going to say that I’m putting up Tina and that I’m going to break up the duo (Tina and Tera). Beth says that she can’t wait to see Vic’s face when she puts her up.

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“This is our game to lose really … I’m getting goosebumps thinking about the final 4.”

strong>1:20 pm Beth, Jed, Kief
Kiefer saying he doesn’t think Ro is as smart as he thinks he is. Kiefer tells them about Ro asking him if he thinks he might go up.
Beth – I’m glad people wonder like that
Jed – what do we do if Ro and Tera are up and Ro takes himself down
K – do we want to make a big move or not
B – we need to talk about this
J – I just talked to Tina and Tera and they are pushing hard for this (Vic Backdoor)
K – You would have the support to do it

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Jed – “If we’re in the final two I swear to god.. proposing!”

12:50am HOH room. Jed and Beth.
Jed – its one of the strongest things we have in this game. Beth – what’s that? Jed – just like our work ethic and commitment. Beth – oh yeah. Jed – that is huge! And I don’t think a lot of people have that. Beth – no. It is true, a lot of people are here to just have a good time. Jed – exactly. And so are we but at the end of the day we’re here to win and that will be why we’re successful. Beth rubs his chest. Jed – if we’re in the final two I swear to god ..proposing! Jed laughs. Beth kisses him. Beth – you’re not. Jed – that would be a sick story! Come on! Beth – you know it would. Jed – even if.. Beth – it would be the best actually. Jed – oh my god. Beth – and to think we’re only half way through.. we’re going to be so close by the end of this.

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Vic “That f*****g pissed me off about Beth! I’m f*****g done! That’s the fake s**t I’m talking about!”

The house guests saw videos with the house guests and information to remember for the HOH competition tomorrow. Big Brother is going to repeat these all night keeping the house guests up.
Roh – dude! I’m not going to be able to even go asleep. I’m going to be asleep for five minutes and they’re going to go off again. Vic – not me! I’m going to sleep as much as I can. That’s my strategy! And then as soon as I hear commotion… Tina – they’re going to rotate these, repeating. One calendar year and then start over. Its going to be all night like this. Roh – that was crazy when it w

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“I would love to switch it up on them. I know for sure Austin will go after the three 1000 percent.”

10:45 am Tera and Tina
Tina – I am irritated like beyond.. oh my god..
Tera – unless we can get through to VIC
Tina – Vic’s going to run right to them though
Tera – she might not have a vote anyways
Tina – whatever we say to her goes right back to them
Tina brings up an instance yesterday where Ro was talking to Vic about the vote and 2 minutes later Vic is with Jed telling him
Tina – Vic cannot be trusted
Tera – I think she’s HOH, She doesn’t have a vote anyways

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