6:10 pm Jed and Kiefer
Kiefer starts off saying he will take Jed to the end he’s not confident Ty and Beth will. “I don’t think they think they can beat you”
K – I am a guaranteed final two never cut you EVER
K – I know this decision was made on its own it was a three-person decision I’m not putting all the blame on you,. It just hurts man.. Your people if it was you or Ty? You don’t even get a chance to fight for yourself.
Category: Big Brother Canada
Tera “I would love to see them turning on each other!” Keifer “Yeah, all signs are pointing to they will.”
strong>11:40pm Bedroom. Keifer and Tera.
Tera – just find your way in there tomorrow and see if anything happens. See if you find it. I am telling you its where that bed is.. like walk in, on the right side ..the furthest one. I put it down deep. Keifer – Mmmhhmm. Tera – I just don’t feel like Ty would feel like he needs to even look for anything. Keifer – yeah, I don’t know. I don’t have a clue about anything anymore. Tera – keep our eyes open. Have you ever seen someone get a power at this stage in the game that could save them later down the road?
“If you put me up just send me home.. I would have never done this to you guys”
12:20 pm Sunsetters…
Kiefer – I get it.. If you put me up just send me home.. I would have never done this to you guys. I just wish it wasn’t you
K – I’m an idiot
Jed – no you are not
K – I am Jed
Ty – you played this game well
K – I’m such an idiot..
“Kiefer is non stop talking about how he’s winning this game… I wouldn’t be that confident”
11:38 am Tina and Tera
Tina saying the conversations closer to eviction day will be more important. They seem to think Breydon is the replacement.
Tina – even at the end of the day if they are changing their minds they won’t tell me
Tera wonders if Kiefer has the same conversations with the two sides about “Winning”
Tina – No
Tina brings up Kiefer bragging about all his wins being more than Rohans. Suggests this isn’t a good idea for Kiefer because it’s putting into everyone’s head he’s a threat.
TERA WINS the POV! Jed “Breydon OR Keif?” Ty “It’s Keif!” Beth “Its so bad, but its so good!”
HOH room. Ty, Beth and Jed.
Jed – I am going to talk to Tera and ask what would you do? Who do you think is best to go up? I am actually curious what she says because she was talking about Keif. Like how are you going to get out Keif. He is going to beat you all. He’s not taking me to the final two. He’s all about the boys. She doesn’t think that we’re in an alliance .. she thinks that we’re close but doesn’t think we’re in an alliance. And she actually is quite rational. So I would love to hear what she says. Ty – yeah I would be curious to know too. I would be curious to know what Tina would say too. Would Tina and Tera say the same thing? Jed – I don’t know. Tera talks different than Tina. Ty – Tina would never bring up Keifer.. she would say Breydon.
“He walks in the room with us and just sits down.. he doesn’t even ask – ohh can I come in”
Jed – after all this time, Me you, and Beth he thinks he can insert himself like that
Jed – like he’s been here.. he walks in the room with us and just sits down (The nerve of BReydon what an a$$hole. What a predator.. )
Jed – he doesn’t even ask ohh can I come in
Jed – if you don’t do that and he wins..
Jed – you can let him be Butt hurt let him win and all of a sudden…
Ty – you got to keep him happy
Jed – he’s just so annoying. In any setting socially. Doesn’t catch social cues. Why do you feel you can walk into another alliance that has been built since day one (the nerve)
Breydon “Did you talk to Tina & Tera?” Jed “Yeah, I just told them.. they’re going up.”
12am Storage room. Ty, Keifer and Jed. Big Brother showed them more memorization videos for a comp.
They comment on how Breydon is good at everything. Keifer – if its for the POV, it doesn’t really matter. Jed – I could see them doing this a week in advance for the HOH. Keifer and Ty – no way. Keifer – no way! Not a week in advance. Jed – so this has to be for the veto. Ty – will it be just straight memory or will it help you to have known those thing better? Jed – I’ve never seen vetos as just straight memory. Keifer – I never see vetos that are memory. Jed – I’ve never seen a veto that is just straight question and answer.
Jed – “This is a great week”
Head of Household: JED Nominations:??? The Power of Veto Players are: ????? POwer of Veto Winner: ???? Power of Veto Ceremony: ????? Have nots: ????? 2:10 pm Beth, Ty and Breydon Talking about Tera getting really personal in her conversations with Ty. (I think she mentioned her dead brother seeing how they all ganged up […]
Tera “We should call ourselves the “beef stew” alliance.”
11:30pm Bedroom. Beth, Keifer, Tera, Tina.
Keifer talks about how the whole basket ball team “beef stew’d” a guy (f@rting on his face) when he fell asleep. Keifer says when the guy woke up in the morning he was so sick he threw up. He said the guy thought it was because of his dinner but Keifer said it wasn’t. They ask him if they ever told him and Keifer says yeah and he was PISSED! Tera jokes about how they should call themselves the “beef stew” alliance. Tera then tells the story about how she pissed in the BB shower and said she did in front of Austin and Breydon. She said I’ll just go clean it. She says their faces were like the screen capture below. Tina – they were mortified that you pissed in the shower.
“Can we backdoor Keifer do we have the numbers? he’s the next Victoria in the house”
10:36 pm Beth
Beth – Ty has to make a final 2 with Breydon
Beth plans to talk to TnT.
Beth – If I win tomorrow and I get Breydon out what will you do for me
Beth – if Both tina or Tera stay they are taking Keifer.. Tera will take him
Beth – Breydon takes a hit at us. Ty needs to make a final 2 with RBeydon right now.
Beth – if we took out Keifer next week holy sh1t
Beth – OH my gosh.. the move it to take out Keifer next week..
“We played a clean game and it’s the cleanest thing to do V Dirty this week and get her out”
Beth – she has no idea we have Tina, She has no idea we have a final 4 with Breydon and we’re so strong with Kief. Tera only has her word.
Beth – we don’t need her
Beth – don’t forget how big her mouth is.. we don’t need her.
Beth – do you want to be in this position in two weeks? Sorry V this ghost peppers things isn’t going to happen
Beth – we will be idiots keeping Ro and her on this HOH..
Beth – we don’t owe her anything we stayed off the block last week because we’re good that’s why
Big Brother Canada 9 Spoilers – Jed “Who are we evicting?” Beth “Vic.”
Head of Household: Beth Nominations: Ro, Tera, Vic The Power of Veto Players are: Rohan, Tera, Tina, Tychon, Breydon POwer of Veto Winner: Rohan Power of Veto Ceremony: Rohan used the Veto Vic went up. Have nots: ????? Big Brother spoilers – Vic is nominated her campaign is strong. 11:20pm HOH bathroom. Jed is washing […]