4:50pm Gary, Suzette and Aj are out in the hot tub room. Gary tells Aj that he will be voting for Suzette to stay. He says that he just doesn’t want Suzette to go out like that with a zero vote. Aj says that he understands and wouldn’t expect anything less. Aj and Suzette leave.
5pm – 5:10pm Peter joins Gary. Gary tells Peter that he is voting to keep Suzette. Peter says that he doesn’t think anyone would hold it against him. Peter says that everyone knows you are friends with her. Peter talks about wanting to give Liza a vote. Gary talks about not knowing what he will do with the POV power next week. Peter says that he will have three options, the HOH, the two nominees and then the three people drawn and then there will be three people sitting on the bench and then you can substitute one for another. Peter says now I will have to re-read it … then says nah nah ..