Big Brother 11 – Casey and Russ say that Braden dug a hold for himself with his “beaner” comment to Kevin, Braden needs to GO!

9:30am Big Brother Time: Big Brother says “Good Morning House Guests time to get up for the day.” Casey telling Russ that a house meeting may be called today… Saying that people are complaining about not getting certain foods.? Saying that everyone is not putting forth fair share in cleaning. They are trying to brainstorming […]

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Big Brother 11 – Eric from BB8 says who has “Absolutely No Chance of Winning BB11” “Who is hopeless than who is going to be victorious”

Written By Eric Stein Source: Reality Wanted Eric’s MySpace   Andddddddddddd, I’ve returned from my mini hiatus to bring the goods. I’m back where I belong?ass firmly planted in couch. And I’m acting like any good reality star would?I’m currently drinking a beer, because I don’t have any other type of beverage in my fridge […]

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jordan cant tell time. Braden says “and I’M going home?!!”; & Russell works Kevin hard and proposes an alliance with the offbeats..

1:10pm Big Brother Time: Russell reiterated to Lydia a few minutes ago that it would be a bad idea for anybody to nominate him that since he’d probably win the competitions, there’s no point except to put a target on their back. Then he goes out to Kevin and says it once more to him. […]

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Big Brother 11 – Jessie “Dan was the biggest Fucking crybaby out of them all. They didn’t portray him that way though, he was the biggest baby”

12pm Big Brother Time: Russ and Casey upstairs playing chess. Jessie, Nat, Jordan, Laura, Chima and Ronnie in 1st bedroom talking about BB10. Saying Memphis could have won more than the car if he really tried and how Jerry and Libra are from the same area. Chima and Ronnie think if Jerry and Dan were […]

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Nick Starcevic bringing you his Big Brother 11 power rankings.

Written By: Nick Starcevic Of Big Brother 8 Source: Reality Wanted Nicks MySpace Blog Follow Nick on Twitter: Follow our Big Brother Twitter Account   Big Brother is upon us again and each week I?ll be bringing you my Big Brother 11 power rankings. This season has brought another house full of eclectic personalities, […]

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