Big Brother 11 Spoilage – Casey does impersonation Russell: ?Do Jessie? Casey: I can?t I don?t have a shirt Small Enough?

8:55pm backyard CHima and Russell. She says that everyone is ignoring Casey and she doesn’t like it. She points out that Natalie, Jessie and Ronnie don’t even go near him. Russell says he talked to Casey earlier today. Casey walks outside. Chima asks Casey why he said his career is over. Casey thinks things in […]

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers – The Rat said something to the camera after Jessie won HOH and Chima calls Russell Dirk Diggler

6:30pm Kitchen all the houseguests are together talking about the eviction and the HOH competition. The big question on everyone?s mind is who voted for Laura to stay. Everyone is making a joke about the new “rat” except for Chima she is really trying to figure it out. Russell tells everyone its a waste of […]

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