Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Chima about Russell “I never chased a man in my life and for sure not his little midget ass”

  5:10pm Natalie and Jessie. Natalie is going off about “that bitch” Lydia. Natalie tells Jessie that Lydia is trying to stir shit with everyone else. Natalie explains that Lydia is telling people that Jessie and Natalie are hanging out with Russell a lot right now. Natalie wonders why Lydia cares who she talks to. […]

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Big Brother 11 – The Rat thinks he’s editted as Crazy James “I’m the houseguests they all want out but can’t get rid of”

7:50pm Storage room. Natalie and Chima. Natalie warns Chima to stop saying things to russ about Michelle.. Chima is surprised why should I did I say something wrong because I don’t think I did. Natalie explains that she mad Russell pissed because you said something about Michelle being his best friend. Natalie tells her that […]

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jeff’s take on Jessie, He Won’t get the “Wizard Powers” He Has the Personality of a Orange Traffic Cone”

5:45 – 7:45pm Backyard Couch Jeff and Jordan. Jeff asks her what’s the deal with Michelle and what does she think of her. Jordan rehashes the entire conversation she had with Michelle. Jeff now goes and fills JOrdan in on his conversation with Michelle. They both know that Michele hates Kevin and Lydia but both […]

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