Big Brother 26 – FIRST FULL Look Inside the “BB AI” House!

The day is finally here where we get to see the inside of the newly redesigned Big Brother 26 house where the all new cast of house guests will be staying for next few months as they battle it out to see who will be crowned the winner of the season. The 2-night premiere is just days away on Wednesday, June 17th at 8pm ET.

“BIG BROTHER Artificial Intelligence,” known as “BB AI,” is taking over the House and the theme will deliver the most unpredictable season for Houseguests.

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Big Brother 26 – Rumored Early Cast Move in on Tuesday, July 16th!

Rumor has it that the all new cast of newbies will move into the newly redesigned Big Brother house a full 24 hours before the scheduled 2-night premiere on Wednesday, July 17th. From the sounds of the rumor the cast will be moving into the house on Tuesday, July 16th. Recent seasons of big brother, CBS has had a live move in date for the cast where they moved in on the premiere date and we got access to the live feeds after the premiere episode. I much prefer this as in the past the cast always moved into the house about a week prior which caused a lot of confusion and disappointment among the hardcore super fans as we would miss a lot of the pivotal game talk / alliance building and we were left to try and put the pieces together after the live feeds went live.

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Big Brother 26 – Julie Chen teaser “Connect the Dots”

Big Brother 26 host Julie Chen posted the below on Instagram with the comment “connect the dots”. What do all our big brother super fans think this means? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below? From looking at the comments, it looks like Julie Chen has confused people more than actually provided a hint. It could mean something about the upcoming season or it could be a distraction that means absolutely nothing. The cat looks like its part of the newly redesigned house decòr and I could see the vortex photo being the diary room hallway. Comments online reference: An Alice and Wonderland vibe, The cat in Japan means luck, The Butterfly Effect, With only a week and a half to go till the premiere we’re dying for as much info as we can get on the new season.

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FIRST TEASER LOOK Inside the Big Brother 26 House!

Two weeks from today big brother will air with a special 2 night premiere on Wednesday, July 17th at 8pm ET. As always CBS is pretty tight lipped about the all new cast of house guests and about releasing the details of the newly redesigned house. We should get to meet the cast of newbies in the next week or so as well as get a full video house tour by host Julie Chen but until then she has teased us with the first look inside the house. Its not much of a teaser, just a shot of the Big Brother memory wall with the new BB logo.

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NOW STREAMING “Select Past Season of Big Brother” for FREE on PlutoTV!

With the 2-night premiere of Big Brother 26 just two weeks away on Wednesday, July 17th at 8:00pm ET, its exciting to announce that you can get your summer guilty pleasure a little sooner by re-watching past seasons of big brother on PlutoTV. They announced that starting July 1st, it launched a 24/7 channel where you can now stream “select past seasons” of Big Brother on PlutoTV! I can only imagine they have opted to not offer some of the more controversial seasons which is why its a selection instead of offering all of the seasons to watch. The service is FREE with ads or available without ads as a paid service.

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Big Brother 26 “THIS SUMMER, THESE WALLS WILL TALK!” Promo Video

Well big brother fans, we’ve got less than a month till the two-night premiere of season 26! Hopefully soon we will get our first look at the all new cast of house guests and get to tour the newly redesigned house.
Julie Chen “Expect the Unexpected!”
During the promo video, clips from Big Brother alumni can be heard playing clips from iconic moments of Big Brother history while the text on the screen states “THIS SUMMER, THESE WALLS WILL TALK”. Will all stars be involved in the season or influence the game? What crazy twists will the new house guest be in store for this season?

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Big Brother 26 Kicks Off with an ALL-NEW Cast for a Special Two-Night Premiere on July 17th!

Get ready Big Brother fans because your summer guilty pleasure reality TV series premiere is fast approaching. CBS announced in their official press release that the 26th season will kick off the with a special two night premiere on July 17th & 18th. As usual the full cast list will remain a tight lipped secret likely until a week or two before the premiere. Look for the official cast to be released sometime between July 3rd – 10th. At that time we will also get a sneak peak at the totally newly redesigned house as well as gain insight as to the theme and potentially twists of the season. Given the wording in the official press release below it states we will have an all-new cast of house guests this season which makes sense as we just had an all stars cast on season 22.

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