Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Bowie Nominees: Felicia & Matt POV Players: everyone POV Winner: Jag Veto Ceremony: Doesn’t matter Havenots: No more havenots Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results The Situation: The episode starts with Julie Chen stating that Bowie Jane has claimed her spot in the final […]
Category: Big Brother 25

Jag “I want you to know like you’re totally good. Like BRO I am saying you’re good. We’re making it to day 100!”
2:06pm The feeds return to Matt and Jag in the HOH room.
Jag – we got to pull out the wins. Matt – one of us has to win twice. Jag – I know… but if both of us win once we made it. Matt – oh yeah you’re right. I don’t know how much I have to campaign. Jag – dude you don’t got to campaign. Matt – you know I am going to f**king take you with me. Jag – I know but you don’t got to. Matt – there is no other option I would do. Jag – I know. Matt – Day 1, ended day 30 renewed. All the way. We literally survived with targets on our backs. Jag – I know its wild. Matt – we were supposed to get picked off hella! Jag – and I know you’ve been nervous and stuff.. Matt – I don’t want to be so cocky.. Matt – I know like Jag would never … I am not trying to be like… Jag – but I would never ..I can tell when you’re a little nervous and stuff.. Matt – Its my first time on the block which is weird. Jag – I am not saying it as a bad thing or whatever .. but I want you to know like you are totally good. Like BRO I am saying you’re good.

“I don’t know what I’m going to say on finale night but I think I might be able to say enough to get a win.” **updated**
8:55pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia talking to the cameras.
Felicia – Yup, I’m laying here Mr. B with nothing to do. The young people are upstairs and I am alone by myself. That’s why I stayed out in the dinning room all day so that at least I wouldn’t feel isolated and alone. But its okay, I am okay! I don’t know why but I have a sense of peace and I don’t think I am going home tomorrow. I could be wrong but my spirit tells me I am going to be in the final 3 and that I am going to sit in that chair on finale night as one of the top two contestants. And I am trusting and believing that. God has carried me 95 days, and he said I ain’t going to get you this close and then put you out. I am carrying you all the way to the end. I am trusting and believing that. I think its going to happen as crazy as it sounds..

Felicia – “I have not lied in this game” **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Bowie Nominees: Felicia & Matt POV Players: everyone POV Winner: Jag Veto Ceremony: Doesn’t matter Havenots: No more havenots Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results The Situation: 12:00 pm Jag and Matt Talking about how awesome the minutemen are Jag – I’m thinking my […]

Jag – “Going against Felicia next week vs going against Matt is a very big difference” **updated**
11:00 am Bowie and Jag
Bowie talking about Byron Bay in Australia.
Jag – how cool is it that you won HOH and I won Veto we secured are place in the final 3.
Bowie – it’s really good.. I was really happy you won.
Jag – me and you have to make it to the final HOH.
Bowie – AHH the final HOH yeah yeah
Jag – if one of us makes it to the final HOH both of us are there
Jag – if Both of us are in the final HOH then we’ve locked that in.
Bowie – we have a good chance
Jag – I know

Matt “I’ve been kicking up a speech. I’m going to make it funny. I never lied to you Jag, FOR REAL! FOR REAL!”
7pm Kitchen – Matt and Bowie.
Matt – I’ve been kicking up a speech. Bowie – yeah you have to. Matt – I am going to make it funny. Bowie – yeah. Matt – but not too mean. I am going to say just slight stuff like … remember like comments like Cirie made to me? Bowie – oh what was that?? Matt – so I am going to be like, Jag.. what would Reilly do? I want you to think about Reilly here. I’m going to be like FOR REAL Man, I want you to think about it? Bowie laughs. Matt – I am going to say little comments and quotes here and there. Bowie – yes! Matt – I am going to be like I never lied to you Jag .. FOR REAL! FOR REAL FOR REAL! Bowie – dude that’s funny! Matt – I am going to do that. Bowie – yes definitely do that. Matt – and then I’ll be like there is not much I can offer but what I can offer is (put one leg on the thing) is one last veto dance! And then I will do a gritty.

Matt – “That is where Felicia is f***ed up she’s told so many lies you can’t take her word”
2:39 pm Jag and Matt
They got a space heater for the HOH.
Jag – Momma FE is so annoying.
Matt – I told you she’ll go hard.
Jag – she was going HARD Bro.. throwing you under the bus HELLA, Throwing Cirie under the bus still. talking about Cirie, Talking about you talking about everything. I was like BRO
Matt – she’s so dirty dude
Jag – I know
Jag – she said for Matt this was do or die if he won he was going to send you (Jag) home. . I was like OHH REALLY
Matt – I never told her.

JAG WON The VETO! He decides who’s evicted / who the 3rd member of the final 3 is!
Surprise, Surprise! Now Jag gets to decide who is evicted and who the third person in the final three will be with him and Bowie. Will he stay loyal to Matt and evict Felicia or will he evict Matt and keep Felicia?
Jag to Matt – We can celebrate whenever!

Jag “Tomorrow is veto. Me or you got to clutch that up!”
Kitchen – The final four are in the kitchen chatting.
Felicia comments on how she’s going to make them dinner. She leaves to go get stuff from the storage room. Bowie to Jag – I thought for sure you were going to win that. When you were ahead I went “YES!” but yeah it was lots of fun in the end. Matt, Jag and Bowie hug. Bowie – as long as we win veto, we got it. Matt and Jag agree. Matt – good job guys! Jag – thank god! Bowie – Wild! That was wild! Matt – Cirie would have done good at that. Bowie – Lucky it wasn’t a memory of this (the house), like that was better for me. When I hugged Cirie, I was like this is purely a game move and she said I know. She was okay. Matt – she yeah.. it was good. Now you’ve (Bowie) won three. I’ve won as many as Cam. Jag – yeah you’ve won the same amount of HOHs as Cam. Matt – one more (comp to win) and we’re all good at vetos. They agree.

Big Brother 25 Week 13 Eviction Results
Jury house segment. Cameron, Cory, Blue and America. Not sure how long these two will last. Cirie thanks the houseguests for 93 amazing and crazy days. Felicia “It’s been fun. I’m out of words.” Jag Votes to evict Cirie Bowie Jane Votes to evict Cirie Cirie is evicted. She says Big Brother is harder than […]

“If she [Felicia] was in the two, I think given we’re all pretty hated by the jury, I think she would win.”
Bedroom – Matt and Bowie
Matt – I would vote Jag out .. that’s what she wants me to say. Bowie – yeah. Matt – and then she goes if you win the three’s, you would take me right? And not Bowie? And I was like… because I obviously would in that situation and she was like you know you would take me over Bowie right?! Because I hesitated and so she was like why would you take Bowie? You got to take me. Bowie – Oh my gosh! Matt – and she was like you would be stupid to bring Bowie because… and it was just funny… Bowie – she couldn’t give a reason I bet. Matt – right, right.. I am like why would I not bring Bowie when we’ve come so far. Bowie – yeah, did you say that? No? Matt – no, I didn’t say that exactly because we are obviously working in our three. She wanted me to say her. She was like I am so excited for us. Bowie – oh my god! I think she asked me a couple of days ago and I didn’t give her answer.

Felicia – “I’ll be sick if Bowie Jane’s a$$ never hits the block. SICK..”
2:35 pm Cirie and Felicia
Felicia – I’ll be sick if Bowie Jane’s a$$ never hits the block. SICK.. (I’m getting sick of listening to these two)
Cirie – whoever goes she gonna have to. There’s only one.. well ..
Felicia – she could win HOH
Cirie – ohh right.
Felicia – regardless she’ll have to put one of them up if she wins.
Felicia says “They” aren’t talking about a final 3 they are just talking about which one of them is going”
Cirie – mmmhmmm
Cirie – they already talked about that it’s a done deal.
Felicia says Jag is arrogant “He’s taking for granted he’s going to win.. he’s taking for granted that him or Bowie Jane will win”
Cirie – mmmhmmm
Felicia goes on about Jag making it obvious that he’s with Bowie Jane over Matt