Here we are folks the final four. Tonight Kyland will be evicted and we will never have to stay up until 4 am hearing him talk nonsense again. Over this final week, the three remaining houseguests will compete in the 3 part final HOH to decide which two make it to the finale. Here’s how […]
Category: Big Brother 23

Xavier “I don’t think he would be slighting you as much as he has if he knew how much power you had”
HOH: Xavier Nominations: Azah and Kyland Power of Veto: Xavier Power of Veto Ceremony: ? Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS – View the previous day ranks on the – Ranking Grid Big Brother Spoilers Even less going on today so this might be the leanest post of the year. The […]

“I’m still awake.. He moved, she moved.. everyone is awake we’re just resting we’re not asleep there’s a difference”
11:03 am trying on some “options”
DF – this is my finale look..
DF – I would love to get some good earings
DF mentions how Azah is going back to her job she’ll have her job’s pay plus what she gets on Big Brother.
Azah – I’m going back to work mid October.
DF – if they told your three and a half..
DF – I don’t know who long you planning on staying out here if I stay I’m planning three days. Do you want to fly together?
Azah – I would love to

“We all got here on our own.. if anything the cookout Carried all of us.. saying you carried someone is just rude”
Azah says she’s not sure where BIGD’s head is at
Xavier – don’t worry about him. I don’t think he’s shifting because you guys had a disagreement. A difference of opinion
X – y’all need to stop talking about what you did in this game.
Azah – my thing is.. I don’t talk about what I did in this game.. he does and I stay quiet and he starts talking about what I haven’t done. Each time I say that is your opinion. I’m going to put my foot down at a point in time when I feel like I’m being disrespected. I’m going to say STOP..
Azah – that’s what I did.. I said you didn’t carry me and I told him to stop. HE said we will have to watch the tapes.. I don’t care about the tapes. I don’t give a flying f*** about the tapes What I’m telling you is to stop at this point it’s four times you’re telling me this.

Big D “You’re talking about a blindside!” Xavier “It has to be a blindside and we have to be the ones to do it.”
7:25pm Backyard Hammock – Azah is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Big D is babbling nonsense to the cameras. Big D talks about wanting to meet someone who is the complete opposite of him. Xavier joins him. Xavier – Has Ky ever talked to you about the ability to do something versus the willingness to do something? Big D – I feel like maybe a long time ago. Ky has talked to me about so many things I can’t even keep up. Xavier – yeah. No he’s said stuff like I think Big D has a willingness to do stuff but not the ability to do stuff. I am kind of thinking of using that as to why I am not using the veto. Big D – you’re going to use his own thing against him? Xavier – yeah because you don’t have the … you have the willingness to do what needs to get done but you never have the ability AKA you haven’t won sh*t. So for me I am like this is an opportunity for him to prove that when he has the ability he will do what needs to get done. Big D – oh Sh*t!

“If I feel like if BIGD isn’t going to pull the trigger I will pull you down and then you’ll do it”
1:11 pm Azah and Xavier (BIGD has been busy rewriting BB history and it’s upsetting Azah)
Azah – I’m going to sit there and defend myself. I regret him going.. There’s resentment there a seed has been planted something he holds on to.
Azah – I had my insecurities in the past but I’m at complete peace with myself and the game I played to get here. It’s a lot when someone keeps on.. I dunno..
X – you know what you’ve done to get here right? it doesn’t matter those other things. The fact of the matter you are here. whatever you’ve done to get here has worked. Don’t let anyone take that from you. We’ve all done and played the game the best way we saw fit. Whoever says otherwise is fooling themselves.
X – A lot of times he’s under the impression he’s done all these things made all these moves. I won’t lie and say he hasn’t but there was also things already in place that he kinda reinforced. He may have said something.
X – just because you did something doesn’t mean it had an impact. He brought up an example Ohh I was planning on doing something but X already did it but I went and did it anyways. Times where he’s done it so say he did it but never really had an Impact that influenced anybody.

Xavier “The second strongest competitor is ripe for the taking, you might as well get his a$$ now!”
12:50pm Backyard – Xavier and Big D. Xavier is working out.
Big D – Do we feel like… I am just throwing things out there. Do we feel like.. I get, I mean it is a game so I guess you really can’t be fair. Xavier – who do we feel its fairness to? Big D – you now Azah’s resume compared to Ky’s resume is completely different. Xavier – Mmmmhmmm. Big D – So you know, just throwing out things that we would discuss over the next couple days. Xavier – oh let me guess he came out and apologized to you. Big D – No, f**k no! I ain’t .. look please! I could give two sh*ts! Let me tell you something, this is my motto in life when it comes to men. If you ain’t giving me no D, then nothing matters to me! Xavier – Ok! Fair enough. Big D – am I getting anything?! No! I am barely getting a cuddle. I am barely getting a compliment. If I was a dude and I knew this person got a crush on me man I would be playing it the f**k up! Making him think ohhhh.. I really do like you… but that’s okay! Not your gameplay. I respect that but it can’t be one minute of oh I care about you and then another minute you’re dragging in front of everybody or making me feel like sh*t.

“This is my opportunity to find out if I was right to trust Xavier. Honestly, I think I was. As dumb as it sounds.”
HOH: Xavier Nominations: Azah and Kyland Power of Veto: Xavier Power of Veto Ceremony: ? Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS – View the previous day ranks on the – Ranking Grid Big Brother Spoilers – Will X use the veto on Kyland? 12:49 am Chit chat and music 1:30 am […]

Xavier WON The Final VETO! “This is the moment everyone warned me about.”
3:10pm Havenot room. Xavier is holding his head and rocking back and forth. Kyland – This is the moment everyone warned me about. That is funny because no one warned anyone about me. You have to be able to save yourself in this game. Two weeks back to back I saved Xavier. I showed him he is not expendable to me, I just hope he can do the same for me. The good thing is if Xavier doesn’t use the veto I may still make it to final two and he didn’t save me a single time in this game… Not directly.. but I have to get there.

Big D “My game is literally in the hands of 3 other individuals because I don’t have the track record of winning things.”
Living Room. Big D talking to the cameras.
Big D – This game is ups and downs. It is really hard because you have trust people and you have to pray that all the relationships you have made that got you here and you have to hope that they continue because someone like me who wishes they could be a comp beast hasn’t won anything. And my game is literally in the hands of three other individuals because I don’t have the track record of winning things when I am back up into the corner so I am trying to make it to that top three .. you know my goal was top five, now its top three. When you watch this show it is completely different from when you’re watching it. It looks easy. Time of your life. You will have fun but it is very stressful. Very emotional and you definitely go for a long ride that you were not expecting and the longer you’re here the more and more emotional and crazy it gets so there are times when you might not sleep well. There are times when your mind is racing and you don’t know what to do but you have to remember its a game.

Kyland “I have much more concern over what he does with the veto, than what you do.”
7:52pm Kitchen – Big D and Kyland.
Ky – so now what is the move that happens now.. now it is that element of like.. like there is a concern right now like what do you do with the veto but honestly very little. I have much more concern over what he does with the veto, than what you do. Because … because from a game stance and from a family stance ..where he (Xavier) is at with his brother passing and his nephew and stuff its like nobody.. not even me is going to be mad at him if he is like hey right now .. I have a 80 – 90% chance of winning that final HOH… he does. If he brings me, it turns into 50/50. Why bring me? So that is terrifying to me! Because he has also played the game in a way that … well he hasn’t shown his cards but that was kind of the role for him. So that makes sense but as far as the six he showed zero sort of .. he hasn’t had the opportunity because I won the vetos… both of them.

DF – I’m going to pick a MAN over my friends.. NO you never do that.
11:24 am BIGD and Azah
BIGD is talking about some issue he’s having with Kyland. The feed cuts and BIGD generally not making sense make understanding a challenge.
BIGD says he asks Kyland “What are you going to do when you get down to the three.
Azah – that should be easy for him to do
BIGD – he gave me a .. .like I feel like I really can’t answer that question because of… you know you’re catching me at a vulnerable time.. Like how is that fair. Like I’m on the block and I have to GUN for this veto and you’re having this conversation before we’ve had this veto comp.
BIGD – I was like this makes no sense you and I were just on the same page a week ago. Shouldn’t I be the one that feel vulnerable? You used the veto and I end up on the block.
Azah – if we’re honest the position Kyland is in is similar to me and I’m at peace with that. I know if we got there X has your back and Kyland has your back more than me
BIGD – NO.. GIRL i’m telling you.. You talk to him today and watch what I say is true.