10:15 am DX to camera
“America do you hate me? Ohh god I just have to ahh man I don’t know. I feel like this is what I have to do. Briinti is onboard with the blindside and she knows. She’s not telling anyone. SB is also onboard with the blindside but the problem is if I win this veto I have no idea how I am going to use it. I want to throw this to Kyland. Ohh god I feel so bad. This show brings out the worst in you.”
DX says if Ky gets to make the choice the nominee left on the block will
DX – it’s good for my game to build up other COMP beasts so I want Kyland to win more, X to win more. ONce CHrsitian is out I will be the biggest target in this house.
DX – I really hope KYLAND wins this veto. If Alyssa wins we just have to make sure no one talks. (Fat chance)
DX – I will lose my friendship forever if she uses veto on Britni or Sarah Beth and I put up Christian I am losing her friendship forever.
Category: Big Brother 23
Derek “If we can actually get Christian out this week, the path looks very, very good!”
7:43pm HOH room. Tiffany, Derek X, Claire and Hannah.
Tiffany – Tell me what y’all think? Derek – wait what do you mean? Tiffany – I don’t no nothing. I am offended. You haven’t talked to me in 24 hours. Derek – I’m scared to talk to anyone. Tiffany – I’m scared you’re going to put me on the block. Derek – Good! Okay ..Christian! Obviously I want to backdoor Christian ..so basically right now I think I have set it up so that if either of them draw HG choice, Christian will not be selected. Okay so basically the Kings are sold that Britini is the target. I am telling them that all the queens are all on the same page that Britini is the target. Tiffany – and that you had to put a king up to keep the house happy with the Jokers. Derek – exactly. That’s all that really matters. I think Christian knows though. Claire – he will be suspicious until after veto. I think Alyssa is sold that she is not on.
Nomination Results! “I don’t get why the f**k he would do this! Its not a good look! He f**ked up so bad!”
Bedroom. Tiffany, Hannah, Big D, Azah and Britini.
Britini – I just have to get it out first and then I’ll be fine. Its like the initial frustration. Tiffany – Remain calm. Whatever happens you don’t become somebody else. Remain calm. You got this. Brit – I know. Tiffany – they went up to the havenot room to have a little team meeting … even though we’re not in teams anymore. Brit – its fine. They’ve been doing it all day. Tiffany – you remain calm. Lets see how she acts. If anybody cracks, let her crack. You just remain calm. You go out there and hug Derek and tell him you know its a game. Wipe your face and remain calm. Big D – you’ve already been through this. Tiffany – don’t become emotional. Brit – I know, I just have to let it out. Brit leaves the room to go find Derek X to talk to him about his nominations.
“Azah gave me two weeks of safety.. I can put up her two team members BIGD and Brit and I’m not getting backlash from it”
1:22 pm DX and Azah
Azah – Alyssa is threatening to me. Out of all the girls in the house
Azah says Alyssa is the only girl that works out with the guys on a regular basis
Azah’s two people to keep safe this week are her Jokers BIGD and Britini
Azah – never mentioned your name in terms of your name being mentioned by other people.. Whitney only
DerekX – is there any scenario where you would rather I pick you over another person as a pawn
Azah says no
“[X] does talk to Hannah, Tiff and I do think he talks to KY and he talks with Azah some and BIGD a lot”
Claire – I see Ky running around talking to people for 2 hours and I feel X could be similar but I just don’t know. I think X partnered with the biggest guy that’s a strategy the biggest guy gets hit, you breeze through.
Claire says people always say SB and Alyssa out next but what About X?
Claire- he’s likable. I just can’t read him. I try to see who he talks other social games with? He does talk to Hannah, Tiff and I do think he talks to KY and he talks with Azah some and BIGD a lot.
Claire- you don’t really see him talk to other people
DX – how solid are you with the detectives?
“Britini and SB is fine.. Christian won’t even use the veto.. I can convince him if he uses the veto I will put up Alyssa.”
2:28 am DX and Tiff
They have the chessboard out working through scenarios.
Tiff – I know Ky wants you to take a shot at Christian has he not said that to you?
DX – pretty explicitly
Tiff says she’s surprised Azah gave her a run for her money today in the HOH competition
DX says if he’s being honest he’s surprised Tiffany gave Azah a run for her money “Azah bikes across the country and I know Tiffany never left Detriot before (hse laughs)”
Derek “After X fell to what we agreed to he said also I don’t want the Kings to go up…”
Storage room. Hannah and Derek X celebrate his HOH win.
Hannah – I am tired from carrying you on my back. Derek – can you carry your own weight. Hannah – can you pull your own weight? Derek – remember you asked me … like I wanted to fall. Hannah – okay, my eyes were closed the whole time.. I didn’t see who fell or when. I didn’t even know Claire was out. And I fell right after SB because I slipped. The slime and the water were too much. I looked and SB was on the ground and then I looked at you.. all you had to do was to out last Alyssa. And then you did!! Hannah – its the bling around the neck. Derek – its the safety for me. I need to figure out what the F**k …Like Alyssa is definitely not hitting the block.
Big Brother Spoilers – Head of Household Endurance results
FYI – Endurance competition ** It is going to play out on the live feeds after the episode airs on the east coast! ** Sign up for FREE to watch it play out on the live feeds! In Case you missed our Eviction episode results post Whitney was evicted 10-0. 6:09 pm Feeds return DerekF […]
Big Brother Spoilers – Week 4 Eviction results
Endurance competition this Thursday Night! ** It is going to play out on the live feeds after the episode airs on the east coast! ** Sign up for FREE to watch it play out on the live feeds! This week was another simple done deal. Christian won the Head of Household and nominated up Hannah […]
“If I get some power everybody is ***** I don’t give two sh1ts” **updated**
DF – If I get some power everybody is F****d I don’t give two sh1ts
Britini – are you 100% okay with Whtiney going home
DF – yes, I don’t need her here.. she can flip on any second.. Where Hannah wouldn’t come for her if she won.
Brit – Whitney told be yesterday that she is aligned with the queens.. Hannah.. Hannah is aligned with the queens.
DF scoffs says the teams will be over after today.
Britini says they have to figure out who they are working with moving forward.
DF – we’re working with the kings. (LOL)
Britini – all four of them?
DF laughs “yeah”
Whitney “If I were here another week & if I were to win HOH, I would promise you not one of the kings would be put up.”
6:45pm Bedroom – Alyssa and Whitney.
Whitney – I feel like its so hard to have a conversation about this because the HOH is your team member. So obviously whatever the HOH wants, your team is going to respect and follow. Like there is only so much to be said until I have that conversation with Christian. Alyssa – you’re doing him last? Whitney – yeah and then I am done with my one on ones. Basically I don’t know where the whole thing started where I was going to put up two of you or that I was going to put up X and Christian. Or that I was going to put up you and Sarah Beth. That never came out of my mouth. Alyssa – that is what the majority of people were saying. Whitney – that is what I was trying to figure out in my one on ones but not one person told me. Alyssa – so they’re BS’ing you. Whitney – Yeah, that’s what I was asking where did come from because I feel that was the reason why I was put up on the block.
Claire “I think it makes sense to send a King home. Christian is in our way of making a clean, clean run to the end.”
FYI – Endurance competition this Thursday Night! ** It is going to play out on the live feeds after the episode airs on the east coast! ** Sign up for FREE to watch it play out on the live feeds! HOH: Christian SAFE: Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth HAVENOTS: Azah, Big D, Britini WILDCARD […]