1:20 am Holly and Jackson
Jackson – we get another week up here.
Jackson – you’re so hot it’s insane (ZOMG)
Holly – you just haven’t seen many hot girls in awhile
Jackson – I don’t want to. I have no desire to.
Holly – Tommy and Christie were thinking of coming up and talking to you but they didn’t Christie is exhausted. She was like I’m just sick of going up on the block.
Holly says when Christie was in the DR she talked to Tommy. She wasn’t sure if Tommy knew Christie was going up as the pawn but he did before she said anything. He told her that this wee Tommy wants to “talk game” and “be involved in stuff this week”
Holly – I don’t want to f* over Tommy, I don’t want to lie to Tommy, I don’t want to betray Tommy I don’t. F* how did we get here
Jackson – I couldn’t risk Tommy going after Cliff and Nicole
Holly – I know