For Big Brother 21 we’ve enhanced two favorite features: polling, and houseguest ranking. The ranking system operates much like last years with a Ranking Grid and 1 to 5 stars assigned to each player. Onlinebigbrother is also expanding the regular polls on the daily live feed updates . Old poll favorites like: “who do you […]
Category: Big Brother 21

Big Brother 21 Swimsuit Picture* Something’s up with David *updated*
Promotional Swimsuit pictures were released today for the Big Brother 21 season. (Which starts today. Feeds start tomorrow) Grab them via out link Live Feeds Stream sign up From the live feed leak, we know Christie is the Head of Household. As of a couple of days ago she was going to nominate Cliff and […]

Big Brother 21 Backyard and Lounge Pictures
The backyard and lounge were revealed today. Kyaks in the pool and 12-foot rowboat. There are also some better images of the bedrooms over what we got on ET the other day. One of the rooms has an archery theme so maybe we’ll see that in a competition. The trailer room is pretty cool. appears […]

Big Brother Spoilers *Feed Leak* “I think boys are more dangerous because they form these bro alliances”
Lucky for us feed watchers there was an audio leak today at 9:38:33am. Just in case you didn’t know the hosueguests move in a week before the live feeds go on. Givers everyone a chance to get adjusted and means we miss out on pretty important stuff. We learn that Christie wins the Head of […]

Big Brother 21 House “It’s all about Camp”
Tonight on “ET”, Julie Chen showed off parts of the Big Brother 21 house. Looks nice enough.. It’s the same ant infested set and this year “It’s all about Camp”. So it’s a good fit. First, if you don’t have them yet grab your feeds. Live Feeds Stream Bringing the great outdoors inside.. firepit in […]

Big Brother 21 Theme / Exclusive Sneak Peek at First Competition!
With the premiere episode of Big Brother 21 just one week way we’re all dying to start spying on the all new cast of house guests. The next best thing is getting an exclusive sneak peek at the first challenge of the season. In a recent TV Guide magazine we get an inside look at the first competition.

Meet the Big Brother 21 Cast
16 New Big Brother Players were introduced today. Looks like no All-stars but potentially there could be a returnee. Let’s hope not. Either way Summer can now start 🙂 Looks like your standard Big Brother Cast. Can’t wait to see these folks on the feeds. If you don’t have them yet grab them through us […]

Jeff Schroeder hosts the Live #BB21 Cast Interviews Tomorrow!!
The premiere of Big Brother 21 is just over a week away and what better way to get ready for the new season than to meet the new house guests. Sign up for the CBS All Access Live Feeds today and watch the cast interviews tomorrow! Once again Jeff Schroeder will be hosting the live interviews of the house guests.

Meet the Big Brother 21 Houseguests June 17
Big Brother 21 is almost here! Are you ready for your summer guilty pleasure to begin? The premiere is just 2 weeks away! Mark your calendars because on June 17, CBS All Access subscribers will be introduced to the season 21 cast LIVE! Just tune into the Big Brother Live Feeds @ 11AM ET/8AM PT. Very soon as well we will get our first look at the newly redesigned house that the cast will spend their summer in.

Big Brother 21 Promotional Commercials & All-Stars Rumor?
The premiere of Big Brother 21 will have a two-night premiere event Tuesday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 26 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).
As usual Big Brother will have three weekly episodes. Following the premiere, it will be broadcast Wednesday, June 26 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Sunday, June 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Starting Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to Wednesdays & Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM) with the Sunday broadcast remaining at 8:00pm.