Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy. Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi on the block as the […]
Category: Big Brother 21

“I hope Sam doesn’t do anything with the Veto. I feel like I’m getting backdoored”
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy. Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi on the block as the […]

“Kemi never did anything to me [BUT] when a majority of the house is saying Kemi’s gotta go, Kemi’s gotta go”
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. Veto players were: Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole. POV was Host was Tommy. Sam wins the Power of Veto, it was called Food fight. Sam plans on using the Veto on Cliff. Christie plans on putting Kemi on the block as the […]

Kemi “I’m like are you trying to butter me up for the k!ll?”
12:05am HOH room. Tommy and Christie. Christie – I am just freaking out. (She’s crying) Tommy – how come? Christie – I don’t know maybe I’m just being emotional and sensitive and a baby but the whole Kemi thing doesn’t feel good. And I feel like I’m playing a game for other people and I don’t know what to do. Tommy – don’t worry. Christie – I feel like this is big brother and I have to make a decision.

Big Brother 21 First Power of Veto Results “it was so slippery “
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. veto players are Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole Host: Tommy. Sounds like the Kemi is the target. The power of Veto is Thursday. They were given a week that they get to compete in the Whacktivity Comp. Smells like they had a […]

Holly – “Nick can gr*p$ me all day and I’m happy”
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. veto players are Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole Host: Tommy. Sounds like the Kemi is the target. The power of Veto is Thursday. They were given a week that they get to compete in the Whacktivity Comp. I’m still piecing that all […]

Christie – “It’s kinda scary.. there are creeps that just watch 24/7”
Big Brother Spoilers – Christie won the HOH, Nominated Cliff and Kathryn. veto players are Christie, Kathryn Cliff, Sam, Jack, Nicole Host: Tommy. Sounds like the Kemi is the target. The power of Veto is Thursday. They were given a week that they get to compete in the Whacktivity Comp. I’m still piecing that all […]

Bella “I’m filing these for the veto just in case I need to cut a B***H!”
11:40pm Boat room. Sam, Jack and Nick. Sam – I really want to backdoor someone for the first HOH. Jack – well we have to win the veto then. Sam – just to come out with a f**king bang and then half the house won’t know where they stand. Nick – we just have to win the veto. Sam – It would be a little checkmate. Like hey check yourself. Nick – get f**ked! Sam – it would be fun. Nick – I’m cool with that! That would be gratifying. Jack – don’t worry its happening.

Jessica “He wanted to give a show to the ladies!” Kathryn “You’re welcome America!”
9pm The Live Feeds have officially been turned on for the season! Bathroom – Holly to Cliff – its crazy that people are just waiting for them to be turned on. Cliff – Like in here on online. Holly – online. Cliff leaves. Isa talks to Holly – Kemi just came up to me .. you haven’t been hanging out with me and now you want to talk to me. She asked do you think next week ..would they want to put Ovi up? And the way she asked made me think that she wanted me to say yes so that she could go get Ovi. I am like chill the f**k out

Big Brother 21 Premiere Episode 2
This is it folks the Final of two Premiere episodes for Big Brother 21. That means Live Feeds start tonight!! The action should start around 9:00 pm PST. If you don’t have the live feed subscription grab them here. BB21 Live Feeds Subscription Link Last night we caught episode 1. Jackson won a “Camp Director” […]

Big Brother 21 “Cut the Mozzarell” [Scheduled] Feed Leak
2:12am – 2:14am Isa, Tommy, Ovi and Nick are chatting at the checkers picnic table. Tommy tells them all about the cut the mozzarella” song. He shows them how you cut the mozzarell to the beat using your hand as a knife. Isa – you should ask for it when you win HOH. Tommy – I already asked for the Pretty Woman musical soundtrack.

Big Brother 21 Premiere Episode 1
The Big Brother 21 premiere is a 2 parter. The Live feeds start after tomorrow nights show, Around 9pm PST. If you don’t have the feeds check them out. Here is the link. BB21 Live Feeds Stream The Ranking is back don’t forget to lock in your Houseguest ranking’s before the feeds start. Julie starts […]