4:43pm The live feeds return with Christie, Tommy and Analyse in the bedroom chatting. Analyse – the person that is saying sh*t is the one in the RV room. Christie – first of all if I heard that I would be upset. I just think that Bella is equally playing every side. I think that she is just young .. I know you’re (Analyse) young too. I think that she is playing a little aggressively trying to cover her Nick and Sam alliance. As well as her Gr8ful alliance. Not realizing that will eventually bite her. But let her do that. I would act like you didn’t hear that. Kill her with kindness.
Category: Big Brother 21

“we have to stick together.. at the moment I was trying to save our game for next week” – Bella
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. They got to see […]

Nicole “For whatever f**king reason Bella outted the 4 of us.” Jess “She’s the one that f**king created it!!”
Bedroom. Jess and Nicole. Jess – this is f**king bullsh*t! Nicole – it was after he had already made his decisions.. it was after he already said you were a mastermind. But I just want you to be aware that for whatever f**king reason Bella outted the four of us and I think her intention was that if it did come out down the line she wouldn’t be affected by it because she told him. Jess – she’s the one that F**King created it!! Nicole – what I am telling you is to have a calm demeanor if you do speak to Jack. You might have to articulate that. Because right now Bella is the one that confided in him and told him that. Right now she is looking pretty f**king good..

Nomination Ceremony Results! “I’ve been terrified for my own safety in the house.”
Ovi and Davids room. David – Jack has resources. Whoever Jess or Kemi told in confidence got back to him. Ovi – yeah. David – so my thoughts are Kathryn the wild card that’s been spilling information to me. She told me that she got kicked out of her alliance. Ovi – what was her alliance. David – Jack, Sis, Holly, Jackson (Michie). Ovi – is Christie in it or no? David – I didn’t hear her name but I would think that Christine is in it.

Jack “I did tell Jess if I win it (veto), I would take her off. However, that last part was a white lie.”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. They got to see […]

“Your aspirations, the bright people you have dated, ocean safety. all this stuff is beautiful”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. They got to see […]

“If [David] makes it back into the house.. I may need to form an alliance with that guy”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. They got to see […]

Christie “This is the first! This is literally a first! Guys this is monumental!”
8:20pm – 8:40pm Most of the house guests are hanging out in the backyard playing corn hole and chatting. Nick, Jessica, Nicole, Christie and Kemi are chatting on the boat lounger. Meanwhile inside in the kitchen, Sam, Bella and Holly are packing up the pizza they got for their 4th of July party. They talk about freezing some of them and asking Big Brother if they’ll donate the rest to a soup kitchen instead of throwing it out.

“I’m trying to think of things I can do to switch up this energy right now, I don’t like it”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. They got to see […]

“If I’m associated with you it’s a liability in my game. It’s not personal this is strictly game”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. 11:00 am Cliff and […]

“I’m not sure it’s a bad thing this house has a villain in the form of David”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. 7:00 am Cliff Notes […]

Nick “I’m not f**king sleeping with you no more then! I’m f**king done with it Bro!”
10:40pm Bedroom. Tommy and Nick. Nick – I’m having a f**king discussion with her about if I like her or not. Will you f**king relax?! And then oh we shouldn’t sleep with each other tonight. She literally just said that. So I was like alright, I’m not f**king sleeping with you no more then! I am f**king done with it Bro! I don’t have time for this, I am 27 years old. If I f**king tell you something, I mean it. I get it, its a f**king game. I come back to you every f**king night. I already f**king told you that I am not going to go out there and be PDA with you. Its not going to happen. I’m around you enough when I am in here.