Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. Nominated Jessica and Kemi. Power of Veto Players: Jessica, Jack, Kemi, Jackson, Sam, Bella. Power of Veto Winner: Sam and wins Fiji trip. Jack won the whacktivity power can opt for a POV player redraw. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power of […]
Category: Big Brother 21

Bella to Sam “You are the last person of the floaters to go.”
8pm HOH room. Nick, Tommy, Analyse and Jack.
Nick – When he (Cliff) with me he always talks about how he’s good with you (Jack). Tommy – Didn’t he ..Cliff .. earlier? Nick – I can’t believe you don’t have the power. I can’t believe Nicole has it. (She doesn’t, Jack does) Tommy – I just don’t trust him… all along. Nick – he’s sketchy. Bella – I said it the minute we came out of the competition .. Nicole has the power. Nick – Yeah and I didn’t believe it. Tommy – she does? Nick – it has to be! No one else has it. Jack – Unless it was where Ovi .. Nick – don’t you think he leveraged that before he went out?

“He had a free run to Jury and he just ruined that. Just to play up to the cameras but listen he got this experience he’s 54”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. Nominated Jessica and Kemi. Power of Veto Players: Jessica, Jack, Kemi, Jackson, Sam, Bella. Power of Veto Winner: Sam and wins Fiji trip. Jack won the whacktivity power can opt for a POV player redraw. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power of […]

“It’s really lame, he’s with OVI, and Nicole and it’s called ZIING..he’s after the couples”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. Nominated Jessica and Kemi. Power of Veto Players: Jessica, Jack, Kemi, Jackson, Sam, Bella. Power of Veto Winner: Sam and wins Fiji trip. Jack won the whacktivity power can opt for a POV player redraw. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power of […]

Jess “I don’t want to say the wrong thing & make it look like I’m throwing her under the bus, although it could be done.”
8:17pm Backyard hammock. Nicole, Ovi and David. Nicole – I am telling you, I want the comeback people to be in this house. Ovi – what if we had our own separate place and were challenging y’all? Nicole – I would volunteer. Can I convert!? Ovi – every new voted person goes there. Nicole – YEAH! Ovi – once we have all four we all compete. The twist is that only one of us comes back. And then the other three compete. Nicole – its like a second BB house. Ovi – we nominate one person and y’all nominate one person. Nicole – they should make the season twice as long.

“I think I am f*ed after that conversation with Bella. It’s the nail in the coffin because of Bella”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. Jack has nominated Jessica and Kemi Power of Veto Players: Jessica, JAck, Kemi, JAckson, Sam, Bella. Sam won the veto & the Fiji trip. Jack won the whackdooel power can opt for a POV player redraw. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power […]

“If any of us turn our backs the first people to go are the couples. we have to stick with the 8”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. Jack has nominated Jessica and Kemi Power of Veto Players: Jessica, JAck, Kemi, JAckson, Sam, Bella. Sam won the veto & the Fiji trip. Jack won the whackdooel power can opt for a POV player redraw. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power […]

Jackson “Wait, was she a v!rg!n?” Nick “I just need a confirmation? Dude I love you so much for that”
7:40pm Bedroom. Christie and Sam. Christie – Last night Cliff asked him (Jack) what he would be doing for his birthday if he wasn’t in the house. He said he would just be hanging out with his dog. He said he doesn’t really have many friends. He just goes to work. Sam – I do see that, he’s a super cool guy. You really think he has no friends? Christie – I think he might be a villain in real life. I think he’s like a villain. Sam – and has no friends? Christie – he has crossfit buddies but he just hangs out with his dog and stays home.

Jack “I would literally lay on a burning fire for you & I would not do that for her. America is going to hate me!”
2pm Bathroom. Christie and Jack. Jack – this thing is not.. I don’t feel the same way about her. Its so weird. I can’t explain it to you. I don’t. I would literally lay on a burning fire for you. Christie – well I don’t want you to do that. Jack – And I would not do that for her (Analyse). I would not. Christie – she’s adorable. Jack – she is so cute. And America is going to hate me but you are my counter part in this game, you are. And that’s what I love about .. That’s what.. I’m crazy about you. Don’t think for a second that anythings happening. You’re my boo. Christie – of course I wonder if it ever came down to it..

Kemi “At the end of the day no matter which one stays we’re going to be coming for him (Jack).”
12:18pm Backyard Bella and Kemi. Bella – I didn’t hear what you said to Kat. Kemi – I was just rambling about during the competition everyone was cheering for everyone but me. Bella – I cheered for you. Kemi – I don’t think I would have the votes to stay. Bella – that’s the thing .. if what’s her name (Jessica) keeps talking sh*t. Kemi – I talked to Sam last night and he’s not going to use the veto. I think I would have you, Nicole, Sam… and I don’t know. They head over to the hammock. Bella – at the end of the day its just what Jack wants.

“They wanted to come up with a name.. they finally came up with the Fellowship.. OF THE ZING”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. A new twist called CAMP COMEBACK allows the first four evicted houseguests stay in the house. They do not play in competitions or take part in ceremonies but one of them will be given the chance to come back in the house. They got to see […]

Christie “Ovi is my self-proclaimed brown flame.”
8:50pm All the house guests are in the kitchen Christie – Ovi is my self proclaimed brown flame. He called it so I .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Jackson is back from the DR. They comment on how his foot is doing better. They grill him about needing have ice on it, 20 minutes on 20 minutes off. Jack – we could just cut it off?!