5:10pm – 5:45pm Bedroom. Bella and Kat. Bella – I also want you to know ..I’m not even going to speak for Nick anymore but in my case but you are really good like 130 million percent. At this point most people are united against Nicole. I’m noticing that Jess is getting really close with Michie (Jackson). I don’t know what your relationship is with Michie? Kat – its really nothing.. we were like close the first week. And you told me to branch out.. its more my personality to branch out. Bella – you’re so much better as a player by yourself.
Category: Big Brother 21

Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household Winner – Nick Nominations – Jessica and Cliff Intentions – Nicole or Cliff Power of Veto Players are Nick, Jackson, Jessica (picked Christie), Cliff, Kat Power of Veto winner – ? Powers in the game Ovi – Nightmare (Dead unless he comes back?) During the night, Ovi could secretly […]

“First off B1*ch don’t f***ng say that I bullied you two don’t try to play me when I’m trying to help”
Big Brother Spoilers Nick wins the Head of Household. Whackactivity competition players: Christie (won), Nick, Jessica, Sis) It’s a diamond power of Veto Nominations: Cliff and Jessica Looks like gr8tful wants Cliff gone 12:13 am Nicole and Kemi Nicole crying about Bella 12:19 am Nicole, Bella, Tommy Nicol e- I am emotional because I came […]

Christie “I was an animal! First of all its anonymous no one will ever know if it was used or not.”
8:12pm Kitchen. Cliff – Can I make a non-controversial request. I don’t know what just happened and I never believe in my family fighting at the dinner table so I am not asking anything about it. It’s times like this that maybe gratitude circles may be more than everyone getting on perfectly. If it would be gospel for y’all I would happy to.. I would love to go around and do gratitude circle to remember what’s really important. Christie – I’m in to that. They start going around the table saying what they’re thankful for.

Big Brother 21 Nomination Results! “They’re like cock roaches.”
5:10pm Jess and Nick. Jess – it sucks that nominations are today. Nick – I know I haven’t even had a chance to talk to anyone. I thought they were going to be tomorrow. I haven’t even had a chance to think about what I’m going to do. Now its going to be today so I have to hurry up. I was going to put Cliff up because I think he’s America’s player. Because of that Owl and sh*t. The knife. That Owl, he always has the f**king Owl. He is being weird. I don’t trust him. Jess – your decisions are your decisions. When I was on the block, I really tried to not play any game last week. Nick – He (Cliff) is getting paid for that sh*t.

“I would rather us get out the irrelevant people and then prioritize targets”
Big Brother Spoilers Nick wins the Head of Household. Today there should be nominations and the whackactivity competition, (Christie, Nick, Jessica, Sis) Christie has the whackdoodle power. 9:49 pm Nick and Christie Nick thinks it’s Michie that cast the vote against Jess. Christie agrees says he was “HARDCORE” pushing that it was Nicole Nick – […]

“So I’ll make a b1tch move because it’s too early to ruffle feathers”
Big Brother Spoilers Nick wins the Head of Household. Today there should be nominations and the whackactivity competition, (Christie, Nick, Jessica, Sis) 7:40 pm Cliff Cliff – I truly believe that Kemi was one of those looking for her moment of infamy. If she was going to go out she was going to make sure […]

Holly “Now everyone is scared of them and it sucks! Its not fair, its not right. They’re bullies!”
Bedroom. Cliff, Nicole, Jackson and Holly. Nicole – I worry about you guys a lot. Holly – ditto. Jackson – us too. Nicole – especially you .. based on what Nicks told me. Holly – and you’re not the only one he’s told. Nicole – he told me you (Holly) and Sam. That’s what he told me to put up if I won. Jackson – now its a matter of whether he’s going to do it himself or if he’s going to wait. Nicole – I don’t know whether he is going to do it this week .. take the first shot. Holly – if a guy (Nick) is going to do that at a family dinner table and call a girl (Holly) a b***h… I have zero respect for that person.

Nick “Please don’t do anything stupid!” Bella – I’m not. I asked in the DR to give me a clear definition of what baiting is.”
8pm Boat room. Kemi and Sam. Kemi – She (Bella) said that Jack, Jackson and I have had a final 3 since day like 3 and she claims that I was her closest person in this house .. and obviously Nick is. And I am close with her so why am I just hearing about this now? Sam – yeah I never heard all that and I never heard Bella trash talk you either. Kemi – not trash talk but campaign against. I heard you were campaigning pretty hard for me. Sam – I tried. Kemi – that she has to campaign for me but there have been a lot of things that I’ve said to her that she’s brought out .. brought to light. That like if I didn’t ask her, she never would have told me.

Big Brother 21 Week 2 Recap and Live Eviction Results
This week could be described as a wrecking ball week (although there was no real drama). A couple of alliances got formed then torn down and a bunch people’s game got torpedoed. Jack did handle the power well. I thought for sure he was going to get HOHitus but it didn’t seem to be the […]

Christie “I’m going to try and F**K with Nick before the competition too.”
8:05pm HOH room. Christie and Analyse. Analyse – I want to sleep down there. Christie – you need a good nights sleep. Analyse – yeah working out too much over there. (She points at the HOH bed.) Christie laughs. Analyse – I feel like she does really trust us. Christie – I think that Jess is going to go next week. Because of the battle back, I don’t think Nick should go yet. He will battle back. Analyse – if America votes, America isn’t voting for Nick. Christie – yeah but I don’t know if its a vote. We’ll see how it goes and who wins HOH.

“what’s pissing me off, you’re trying to flip the votes.. the audacity the audacity you think we’re all stupid”
Big Brother Spoilers Jack wins the Head of Household. Nominated Jessica and Kemi. Power of Veto Players: Jessica, Jack, Kemi, Jackson, Sam, Bella. Power of Veto Winner: Sam and wins Fiji trip. Jack won the whacktivity power can opt for a POV player redraw. Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target. Power of […]