8pm Bathroom. Christie, Jack and Sis. Christie – any updates? Any conversations! Sis – I haven’t talked game at all. Christie – yeah me neither. Sis – how was it with Michie out there? Christie – he’s super chatty. Jack – my conversation with Jess went really well. Just the way I planned. Did you hear anything? Sis – what happened? Jack – it went just the way I wrote it up. Like literally, I didn’t have to bring up certain topics ..they just came up and I negated them. Christie – it was organic. Jack – it wasn’t like me pushing. Sis – what was her response? Jack – I think she is down to give me a fair shot. Christie – or like she didn’t shut it down. Jack – yeah. Christie leaves and Nick joins them. Jack – I’m calculated on this.
Category: Big Brother 21

“I’m not sure if this is good gameplay or not but I’m literally going to start calling people out on their sh1t. No one can handle it”
4:46 pm kat and Holly
Holly says that Sis and Tommy are trying to get into her good graces because they have figured out they don’t have the numbers
Holly wants advice on how to handle the other side asking for a vote
Kat – he’s you’re showmance.. DUH
Kat – it’s me, Cliff, Jess, and we all really want you in there as well and we really like Michie but..
Holly says Sis is the only one out of the old six that she wants to work with
Kat – sometimes I like SIS but sometimes I see her being a manipulative b1tch .. like okay so I don’t really trust her
Kat – Tommy is lying through, like Tommy. I’m done with Tommy, he’s done with me I feel bad because I just told him I want to work you but I’m lying whatever
Holly – I love Tommy but I don’t trust him

“I’m f*ing done gaming dude. I’m not going into any more rooms..I’m just going to hang out with Jack”
2:37 pm Tommy, Nick and Sis
Sis wondering why Kat is freaking out “She’s f*ing safe she has no reason to freak out”
Tommy – she’s mad that people keep going in rooms and
Nick – she’s been in the HOH all f*ing week
Sis – thank you
Sis – we’re not going to grab you from the room to have a conversation that has nothing to do with you. You’re not even close to Jack.
Tommy says they feel like they are still at the bottom
Tommy says they are after Sis, Christie and himself.
Nick doesn’t think kat will go after them he suspects Jackson will go after Christie.
Nick – they said they wouldn’t care if Jackson went out next week (They being Kat and Jess?)

“I don’t know what type of deal.. I don’t know if I’m going to give Cliff three weeks or Four”
9:53 am Jack, Sis, and Christie
Jack talking about Allen the alien “Spiking” two cantaloupes onto the floor there were seeds everywhere. The alien was pouring coffee and sugar everywhere.
Jack had a lot to clean up after.
Christie tells Jack he’s not going anywhere. Jack agrees.
Jack – Cliff’s good
Christie says she had a good talk with Nick she’s not worried about him anymore.
Jack says once the veto is played Nick will come to their side.
Jack – we’ll be good the only thing I am concerned about is I’m her true target.
Jack – when I cut this deal with Cliff I’ll tell Nick and Cliff I would appreciate them to go up and tell Jess you are voting for me to stay

Sis “How do you convince Jess?” Nick “I would pitch the woman’s bullsh*t to her. The woman’s rights bullsh*t!”
4:25pm – 4:32pm Backyard. Christie and Jack.
Christie – the deal was never out of our minds. We believe him, not Michie. Jack – got it. I just wanted to confirm with you. Christie – we have to preach loyalty. He still wants strong people to work with. Preach that they’re denying the whole southerners thing. Completely denying it. And also like, like approach it in that we need him too. Like really useful. that he is not even remotely our target even in a double eviction .. like not at all. Jack – he never was. Christie – how loyal we are to each other and want to be to him. I think we can do it. Jack – ok. Christie – and like our view on him never changed. And I also think that somehow… he is a fan of this show. He would not want people that are friends in this show. Jack – would that be four?

Kat “He said on my planet we aren’t weak and pathetic like you! It was pretty savage..”
12:18pm Big Brother returns from being blocked. Most of the house guests are in the kitchen cleaning up. The alien came into the house to punish Jack / Jackson. Jack – I’m sorry guys. Christie – its okay, it gives us something to do today. I was like we don’t know that much about Jack .. other than he has a dog names Leila. Nick – maybe our house is actually going to be cleaner. Jess – I doubt that. Cliff – at least he used the milk and not the lemonade. Christie – at least this forces me not to clean. Jess – he says not to help but we can’t cook unless things are clean.

Big Brother 21 Breakdown – Episode 5
Ken and Simon are back for Big Brother 21 Breakdown. Check it out on soundcloud or on Kill Show

Mission Control! Tommy – “I’m traveling at the speed of light!”
7:46pm HOH Room. Kat, Jess, Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – is there anything that I can help clear up? I haven’t lied to you. Jess – are you sure Michie that you’ve never lied to me? Jackson – I’ve never lied to you. Jess – you’ve said to me that you’ve never thrown anything out .. you’ve never thrown cookie dough out.. Jackson – I haven’t. Jess – so then Christie is saying that you told a group of five that’s what you did. Jackson – here’s what I said so what I would do is go in there an eat all the cookie dough and then I would come out and hand people the cookie dough. I remember I handed you a piece. Kat – yeah. Jackson – I ate most of it.

Power Of Veto Results! “Jess exposed herself as a competition beast!”
Tommy to Sis – This is the best case scenario! Sis – literally .. like what more could you ask for? Tommy – I didn’t have to be in a position where I had to choose. Jack will not be going home. We get to be punished for what we did. It is literally perfect! Sis – I know! Tommy – we made it up to Kat by giving her that f**King thing (Hawaii vacation). Literally perfect! Sis – I was sh*tting bricks! And I was feeling bad for Nick ..I didn’t know what he would have.. Tommy – he would have had to take the veto if she hadn’t because he was a possibility to go up. Sis – this is best case scenario! Tommy – Also Nick has been struggling in the house so now he gets 5 grand.

“I’m shunned… Exiled” “Welcome to the group that’s how everybody felt with you guys, Sorry”
10:29 am Nicole, Jess and Holly
Jess brings up Michie and how he seemed in better sprites today
Holly going on about Jackson’s nightmares “It scared me. he ruined 3 shirts completely soaking wet”
Holly – He said If he wins he’s keeping it the same.
Holly – I’m glad he didn’t get houseguests choice because he didn’t know who to pick and he didn’t’ want to put me in that position
Holly says Tommy will take Jack off. Nick and Kat will keep it the same.
Jess will keep it the same.
Holly says she can ask Tommy not to use the veto but he still will.
Holly – they will use Christie’s power
Jess – Christie will tell me if not then she’ll be a really big target. She told me she would not.

Jackson “If I’m going to be on the block on Thursday.. I’m BLOWING SH*T UP! BLOWING IT UP! KAPOW!”
8:35pm Bedroom. Tommy and Holly. Tommy – I want them to make up. Holly – I do too. I really do. Tommy – I am pissed at Jackson .. gamewise but.. I want them to make up badly. Holly – I am mad at his (Jackson) game.. well I am mad at his (Jack) game also. I am actually mad at the six. For A, not trusting me. B informing me. C respecting my HOH. I am actually trying really, really hard to not to be as mad as I think I should be. But I am taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. Tommy – you do know I tried really hard to come talk to you… and I spoke my mind when I was upstairs .. and no one spoke up for me. I felt so alone. Holly – I mean the whole Kat thing. Why didn’t anyone just ask us if we knew each other?!

Christie “Michie goes this week and Cliff goes next week.. this should be fun!”
5pm HOH room. Jess, Kat, Nicole, Holly and Sis.
Holly – both of the guys knew it was coming. Jess – I know it sucks that its just a repeat of another HOH.. and legit 24 hours ago that probably would not have been the case. And seriously like so much information.. I was like information over load. In all honesty it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with me because like I said I wasn’t apart of the 9, the 8, or the 6. And none of them took me into consideration with absolutely any of the votes, any of the flips or any of the anythings. Like figure it out.. In all honestly its about making everyone else happy. One banished me and one put me up. I wasn’t going to touch any of you ladies.