Big Brother 20 is only 2 weeks away! The cast reveal will happen June 18th on the Big Brother Live Feeds @ 11AM ET/8AM PT. This will be similar to last years reveal. Not sure if Jeff will be the host though. You’ll need the live feeds to catch this live. If you haven’t picked yours up and you like our site please use the affiliate link below. If BB20 is truly an all new cast it’ll be worth watching.
Category: Big Brother 20

Big Brother 20! Mayhem, Manipulation & Madness!
Well Big Brother fans …there is just over a month until the season premiere of Big Brother 20 airs on June 27th! We will be posting the cast of house guests as soon as they’re released (sometime around June 18th). As always there are lots of rumors about who the cast will be for the 20th season. Will it be an All Stars season?

Big Brother 20 Spoilers ** Start Date **
Big Brother 20 Start Date is June 27th 2018. There will be a 2 hour Premiere spanning Wednesday and Thursday. Big Brother 20 Live feeds and Spoilers start Thursday Night.

Big Brother 2018 May News Roundup
Big Brother 20 is coming up this summer. No news on the cast or twists yet but we are told it will not be all stars and the house is undergoing a revamp.