Backyard swimsuit pics are always fun! Big Brother 19 Starts tonight! thank god the rumours about who comes back will stop. And if someone is coming back.. Kraken Big Brother Live Feeds 1-week FREE trial. Links to the ranking system Ranking Quick Ranking with Pictures Daily Averages (Averages for the day using Live Data) Full […]
Category: Big Brother 19

Big Brother 19 players enter the house
Pictures of the houseguests entering the house were released today. As usual there was 2 groups. Important Times Wednesday 8:00 – 10:00pm PST Thursday 9:00 – 10:00pm PST Live Feeds Start on Thursday at 10pm PST Sunday 8:00 – 9:00pm PST *Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, PT), beginning July 5; and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, Live ET/Delayed PT) […]

Big Brother 19 Promotional Commercial – “Destination Temptation”
Big Brother 19 is only a few days away with the premiere airing on Wednesday, June 28th! We’ve already met the all new cast of house guests
that will be competing for the half a million dollar grand prize. And even though the we can’t watch what’s happening inside the big brother house, the competition has already started. The house guests have already moved into the house as they need to start getting the footage for the premiere.

Big Brother 19 house “Summer of Temptation”
Big Brother 19 house “Summer of Temptation” Where the houseguests will be challenged like never before as they embark on a season of tempting offers that could give them money, power and safety in the game but, they will need to be careful, because for every temptation taken, there will be a consequence to face. […]

Ika Wong Interviews the Cast of Big Brother 19! “No time for any victims in the house”
Big Brother 19 premieres in just 1 week and we’re already forming our first impressions of the 16 house guests that are set to move into the house later this week. Photos and a Julie Chen tour of the newly redesigned house will be released tomorrow (Wednesday, June 21st), so make sure you check back to see what this seasons theme is going to be. Julie will also be revealing this seasons twist tomorrow so stay tuned for that breaking news.

Big Brother 19 House Guest – The Christmas Abbott Story
Christmas Abbott Story: “What do you see when you look at me? I’m not who you think I am. I have tattoos, muscles and an attitude but you have to know my story to understand me. It hasn’t been an easy life but its mine. Where I’ve came from and been has shaped me and made me and even broken me alone the way. At 13 my life changed instantly after a horrific car accident….”

Big Brother 19 Houseguests revealed
It’s upon us! Big Brother 19 cast was revealed today. 16 new players (hopefully it stays that way). Christmas Abbot is the only person I’ve heard about outside of BB, she may be packing a sizable fan base compared to the other players. After watching the Jeff interviews I’m pretty excited for the season. A lot of these players are going to be fun to watch.

Big Brother 19 Promo Commercial! Big Brother is BACK!
The 19th season of Big Brother starts in less than 2 weeks!! Now is the best time to sign up for the BB live feeds because it will give you access to exclusive content, plus you can re-watch the past 18 seasons. If you sign up by June 19th you can meet the house guests before anyone else. On Monday at 8am (pacific time), Jeff Schroeder will be interviewing the cast and you can only view it on the live feeds. Sign up for the live feeds and test them out for 1 week for FREE.

Meet the Cast of Big Brother 19 on Monday, June 19th!
Get ready Big Brother fans because we’re that much closer to the premiere of Big Brother 19 which airs on Wednesday, June 28th.
Meet the season 19 house guests for the very first time on Monday, June 19 at 11am EST / 8am PST. Big Brother alumni and fan favorite Jeff Schroeder will be interviewing the cast exclusively on the BB Live Feeds.

Big Brother 19 Promotional Commercial!
The Big Brother 19 premiere is fast approaching with only 3 weeks to go until the 2 hour premiere episode airs on Wednesday, June 28th. We likely won’t learn the identities of the big brother 19 house guests until about a week before the premiere. There are always tons of rumors floating around the internet but don’t get too caught up in them as they’re rarely ever true. Fan favorite Jeff Schroeder will be back this season doing the cast interviews, however there won’t be any pre-season alumni cast interviews.