Paul – so everything is cool? Jessica – yeah. Did he (Cody) talk to you? Paul – about the replacement nom? Jessica – no about how he doesn’t want to talk game for the next few days. He wants to recharge. Paul – oh no he didn’t tell me that. We don’t really talk game that much. I know its hard the first HOH. Jessica – he says he has a plan and to trust him. That’s all he’s given me. Paul – but he wouldn’t put one of us up would he? Jessica – I don’t think so .. but you putting Ramses in his head made him think.
Category: Big Brother 19

“I’m telling you Christmas has daddy issues she’s all over him (Jason) , all over Kevin and All over Paul”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 11:34am Backyard. Random chit chat. Jessica talking about when the first time the “veto came out” the “guy didn’t know how it worked, he used it on the girl and got voted out” 11:47am Backyard Ramses, Jillian and Jessica Jillian says that Paul told […]

“Kevin.. You’re just going to let your daughter H**P like that “
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 10:21am They get a hot and cold cup from production .

Kevin “Why am I not in their circle? Am I not a circle person? Take a look, I’m a circle.”
Alex – this is going to be a tough tough house to beat. Kevin – to get to the end? Alex – yeah because all of these people have other people to hide behind. Kevin – why won’t I make it to the end? Why am I not in their circle? Am I not a circle person? Take a look I’m a circle. Alex – he says he has a plan and I should trust him … but I don’t trust him any more. Kevin – why did he put you up then? Alex – that’s just it I didn’t think I was going up. I prepared Jason for it and then I saw my face up there. He wants me to bow down to the queen.

Cody “I don’t think she realizes how little influence she has on me.”
Paul asks Dom – who do you think is tight? Brain-wise? Dom – I trust Cody. Although, thinks don’t make sense, I trust him. I’ve seen people like him. I’ve worked with people like him. I trust him. emotionally he is stable. Christmas is smart. Dom – what I do know is that people are starting to crumble. People are wondering what is going on between him and Alex. There is absolutely nothing… I did confirm. Jessica joins them. Jessica – he told me that we all need to stop being pu$$ies. Dom – so basically we go out there and dominate. Jessica – its not that I’m scared of her but if she can beat one of us, then she’s a threat.

First Power of Veto Results ” I don’t care if Ramses comes in here and looks at my c**k”
Alex wins the Power of Veto. Paul congratulates Alex on her win When he leaves Alex tells the camera she’s going to crush every showmance there is. (my soul mate) 3:32pm Christmas and Paul Talking about Ramses being a “smart little f****r” They are trying to figure out who the replacement nominee will be. Paul […]

“She was a super fan, she studied, week 1 she got busted and she quit B***h quit..”
11:24am Jessica and Dom Dom says Mark Jacobs makeup is the “” Christmas and Raven #BB19 @DawgsBigBrother — (@bigbspoilers) June 30, 2017 11:41am Jessica and Elena Complaining Raven joins them.. Complaining about Jillian.. Accusing her being “sick” is an excuse of her not doing well in the POV coming up. She’s against cody […]

“If they want to get action from me and Jessica, up there, they better f****g get us some AC”
Dom is the POV host. POV players: Cody, Alex, Jillian, Jason, Matthew and Raven Paul won the temptation. First off check out our Houseguest ranking system . Every day you assign between 1-5 “Stars” to a houseguest. We then track this data and craft it into a handy graph. Matt, Christmas and Mark currently the […]

Alex “That’s why I blew up on Jessica because she made Megan look like a r@cist.”
Alex – Megan ruined our game. Josh – she did. Alex – all of our games. She tried to throw a racist thing in there. It’s 2017! Kevin – is that what she said that you said something racist? What happened?! What happened there? Alex – when I was talking to Cody at the pool all those girls were like ohhh.. go get your man. And I guess Jessica said I don’t want to go over there because the f**king panda is over there. And I thought it was like because I was wearing a black and white bathing suit. It turned out that it wasn’t true and she made it up.

Alex “We’re not going to show our t*t$ and shower together for votes. We’re not sk**ks and w****s!”
Jessica is snuggling up next to Cody. Raven – did a fish actually die? Jessica – no, they took one. They’ll probably take one every time someone leaves. Raven – ohhhh. Cody – do you think they’ll take mine when I leave? Jessica – you mean at the end. Jessica then kisses his chest. Matt – how much do the live feeders pay? Jessica – 10 or 15? Raven – isn’t it less or more without the commercials. I can’t remember. Cody – I remember one of the years that this was out and I attempted to watch the live feeds and I was f**king bored out of my mind.

Big Brother 19 Premiere Part 2
Josh says he’s getting anxiety.. Mark tries to calm him down Megan thinks the guys are forming up Josh says the girls and Ramses are forming up Megan says she likes their group of four Megan says she will nominate mark, Paul and Cody Alex doesn’t trust Paul Josh feels wrong for voting against christma […]

Big Brother 19 Premiere Part 1
It’s Finally here.. Big Brother 19. “The most tempting season of Big Brother Begins, Right now” 3 Tempting Offers could turn the house upside down 25 thousand Dollar temptation Former fan favorite get back into the game Will someone be sent packing tonight First Group to Move in First Grouping to find a bed = […]