9:10pm When the house guests come inside the house they realize Corey’s HG photo is grayed out. (LOL) Big Brother fixes it. In the bathroom – Nicole asks Nat you’re not mad that I asked James to do that? Nat says no, she’s happy for her. Nicole gets into the shower. James comes ingot the bathroom. James wants to take a shower but has to take a cold one because he’s still a havenot. He washes his hair in the sink. Corey congratulates Nicole. Nicole says finally came through something for you Corey.
Category: Big Brother 18
Big Brother 18 Week 9 Summary and Live Eviction Results
It felt like this last week was a bit disappointing for a good chunk of fans. Many of us were expecting something different but for the few that stuck aroudn the feeds for the final 2 hours we were given a late game flip. Natalie wins the Head of Household to much excitement, the plan […]
Last Ditch “make sure that’s 1 of the last things you say so there’s no chance to cross reference “
10:07am Victor says he’s goign to campaign to them as late as he can. \
Paul – make sure you say that I know him, he won’t abandon ship for no reason
Paul – I called Michelle a stupid f****g b1tch.. I don’t know if she heard me though.. I was right behind her..
Paul explains they were walking to change batteries and Michelle slammed the door behind her that is when he said it.
Vic – “why couldn’t we just have stuck to the original plan”
8:00pm Kitchen Natalie, Victor, James and MEECH BIG FU***G MEECH
There’s mass paranoia about Paul spending so much time with Corey and Nicole
Natalie – they haven’t hung out with him all along now he’s hanging out with them for 3 days
Michelle – he hated Nicole
James – uhhh we were tight as sh1t studying for the veto.. Lock solid..
Natalie and james say Paul wanted them to “pots and pans” Corey and Nicole
Paul “I can put my n*t s@ck on it that if James wins he is not wasting it on me.”
5:10pm – 5:20pm Bathroom – James, Nicole and Natalie. Nicole says the HOH comp is going to be physical. If I had to go up against Vic I would be crapping myself. James says I think we could beat Paul… you, me and Corey. And if one of us lose we definitely deserve to go home. Nat says I just don’t like how he tries to sabotage people. Nicole says he can’t sabotage us. He can bang pots and pans all night but I doubt that. Nat says I just don’t know how he is going to react when Victor goes home.
Nicole – “BB16 was a great cast, It was like summer camp”
Nicole – “BB16 was a great cast, It was like summer camp”
Nicole says Frankie knew everything that was going on in the house he predicted everything and told them so there was no surprised. (AKA production)
Nicole goes on about how smart Frankie was, “3 majorssssssssssssssssss”, “he was pure muscle and really balanced because he was a Broadway dancer”
Nicole says she was pretty boring in her first season she could watch it.
Nicole says Da’Vonne probably had the best Diary rooms.
Natalie “If you want Corey to go over him we can make that happen, just know that.”
12am – 2:45am HOH room – James, Nat and Meech. Natalie says I love how he was like sabotage them, sabotage them, pots and pans … and then he was trying to be best friends with them. Michelle says he was like I want to be the one to do it. Nat says I was like its not a good idea to blow sh*t up right now. Michelle says I am all for blowing sh*t up but he wants to do it all the time.
“my moms allergic.. to bananas.. so that’s why here I eat at least 1 banana a dayyyyy”
Nicole says where she lives the only place to get avocado is wal-mart and they are not very good.
Nicole – my moms allergic.. She’s allergic to bananas too so that’s why here I eat at least 1 banana a dayyyyyyy.. And so at home we’ll like buy them but she .. I don’t like bringing them inside the house so I can’t eat them as much as I would like to.. I eat them with peanut butter
Vic “Do you think she really likes him [James]? Paul “No. Natalie is a sh*t head!”
5pm – 6:10pm Vic, Corey, Nicole and James are chatting in the kitchen about survivor and other random things. James heads to the London bedroom. James tells Paul that we were just talking about you in the kitchen.. Paul, Natalie and Michelle are all going to sleep their life away. Michelle and Natalie haven’t even woken up yet. They woke up this morning for pictures and haven’t been up since.
Big Brother Spoilers Co-HOH Pictures
What happened today? HOH pictures.
Anything else? Nope.
2:30pm …. ZZzszzzz on all feeds.. Corey, James, Michelle and Victor are in the kitchen eating etc.. (I’m actually happy all the feeds are on someone sleeping)
2:37pm the feeds flip to the kitchen where Victor and Corey are chatting about skydiving videos.. etc..
Paul “She thinks she is gods gift to the world. Get the f**k out of here you entitled piece of sh*t!”
12:20am Backyard Paul and Victor are playing pool. Corey is watching. Nicole comes out and tells Victor she is sorry for getting mad at him. I’ll wash your towels and clean your floor. Vic says you don’t need to do any of that. (Nicole pulled a prank on Corey that backfired and made a mess. She poured baby powder down his shorts and it went everywhere in the kitchen that Vic had cleaned.)
“He ran into the London room like he was my ex wife and he found out I’ve been hiding kids in Ecuador”
Victor says unless he’s up against Paul in the final 2 he’ll win. Victor thinks Paul has a good chance to get America’s favorite. Paul isn’t sure mentions they have no idea how he’s being portrayed on the show.
Paul says James is confident that he has America’s favorite locked.
Victor asks about Natalie winning it. Paul doesn’t know it’ll depend how the game goes mentions if they were popular and she sent them home might hurt her.