3:30pm London Natalie, Michelle and James
Natalie – they said it had dark hair..
Michelle – so I have dark hair..
Natalie says no one talks game with her anymore.
James says he does.
3:30pm London Natalie, Michelle and James
Natalie – they said it had dark hair..
Michelle – so I have dark hair..
Natalie says no one talks game with her anymore.
James says he does.
Paul – my game is open they know i’m coming for them
Nicole says she’s comfortable with whatever her and Corey don’t care at all.
Paul asks if Corey is goign to use the 5g’s for the tie breaker.
Nicole says Corey is gettign weird about the 5g’s
they are having trouble finding out a good reason to use it.
7:35pm Kitchen – Meech, Nat and James. Meech says this has been a good week so far. Nat says that comp was fun. They talk about what numbers they guessed for each. Nat says it really gets me mad that you know these comps and you never tell me any tricks to it. James says next comp I’ll let you know. Meech says the next comp will probably be a before/after comp. James says as long as he keeps us safe it was a week well worth it.
4:15pm In the storage room – Nicole says I had to just keep staying. We control the whole week. Corey says I threw that life line out there for you. Nicole says I didn’t know you were going to do that. I was like was he trying to be funny ..or.. Corey says I was like I’m going to get out .. you take swing at it. Nicole says thank you.. you’re smart. I didn’t even think of that. Its never been done before. Paul’s an idiot. Nicole says he thought you were going to fold.
Victor – you were my targets but now we’re FINAL 4
Paul – what they wanted to happen was for me to go home Vic to stay as their weapon to take a shot at you two.. But it didn’t happen.
They comment on James always saying how much of a veteran he is.
8:26am Natalie, Nicole and Paul clean up all the gross squid. Apparently the entire kitchen reeks like fish.
Natalie – James how did you luck out of this
Nicole – this whole house is going to stink..
James – smells like sex in the kitchen
Paul jokes that it smells like his fingers after Spanish class..
Hey Onlinebiogbrother readers,
Every Friday I record a Big Brother segment with Ken from the Kill Show. The show airs live on Saturday at 10:00pm . Or you can catch it a day later on soundcloud, I’ve added the embed code to this post. We cover everything that went on during the feeds, broadcast show and the OBB Comment section.
8:25pm London bedroom – Nat thanks James for always going to bat for her and for going to bat for Bronte. Nat says the best case scenario is … best best best best best case scenario is Paul wins veto and pulls himself down. Vic goes up. Vic gets evicted and my next target is Paul again.
Storage room – Nicole, Vic and Corey. Corey says alright successful so far. Vic agrees and says I just have to win the veto. Corey says hopefully you win and take Paul down. Then we’re rolling. Nicole joins them. Nicole says Vic was nervous. Vic says he always is with noms. Corey jokes that he is always nervous even with her as HOH. I’ve only known you for 70 something days.
3:28pm Paul and Nicole HOH
Nicole says at this point she would be surprised if she won in the final 2.
Paul – my only argument with Victor “i survived the house I was never evicted”
Nicole tells him that Corey is not Keen on working with James. Corey didn’t like how James was acting during the comp.
Nicole wants him to know that Corey is with them.
Nicole – its not good for my Game for you to go home
Nicole tells him she hates the fact she has to put him up as a pawn, “I have to deplete one of their numbers this week”
12:38pm Feeds go to Fish
Over the Speakers you hear “Special delivery get to the back yard.. ”
Nic – it’s easy for you guys want to work with us this week and pack up and work with them next week
Corey says when they set something up they ruin with it. Nicole needs some sort of promise they won’t flip on them.
Paul – I cannot stand Michelle
Vic – James voted me out
Paul – they told me they wanted me to go home.. I wont the veto and they shunned me
Nic – they told me you’re (Paul) the target