9:15pm The live feeds return to all the house guests in the HOH room. It was a timed veto where they had to each compete individually. They talk about how Corey did the comp in 6 minutes. Corey says that was hard. Vic says dude gets to go to Atlanta! Behind the scenes! Paul says oh yeah right! Nicole tells Corey that she’s very proud of him. I didn’t think you were going to get it. I like when I’m surprised, like that.
Category: Big Brother 18
Nat “I have no reason to be nice anymore. I hope you win the veto and use it on yourself.”
2:15pm Corey, Victor, Paul and Nicole are talking in the bedroom. Vic says we’re dating the same girl. I have a cold sore. She shows up with one the next day. Vic laughs. Nicole explains how cold sores work and how they come from stress. And how you can only catch one if you have it. Vic says I know you can have the virus and never get one. Nicole says I don’t have them but that’s why they want people in here to take the meds because its so stressful in here.
Natalie – “Sorry I backstabbed you guys.. I really trusted James and his opinion”
10:02am Natalie apologizes to Victor and Paul..
Natalie – sorry I backstabbed you guys.. I really trusted James and his opinion.
They thank her and say they appreciate it.
Victor – at the end of the day it is a game..
Paul says he thought they had a good thing going ..
Natalie says she believed the wrong people and she betrayed the people that had her back..
“They got so excited they had HOH, a hint of power… f*** everybody else.. Complete backfire”
Victor – they got so excited they had HOH a hint of power… f*** everybody else.. COmplete backfire.. Meech gone.
Nic – Meech was bawling ‘I just want Paul gone before I do I don’t care about anything else’
Vcit – that’s what she was say about you and Corey
Paul – I don’t want them to beat me..
Paul – 18 days after tomorrow
Nicole – we got to get some good rest tonight.. We need that W
Nomination Ceremony Results! “I do like you guys. You guys had my back and I back stabbed you.”
5:10pm – 5:55pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds return – In the kitchen – Nat says it pays off to not sh*t on people. Vic says that’s not my style. James says that’s not my style either. Vic says I put you up. This is why. It’s that easy. James says I appreciate that. Nat tells Paul I really do like you. I do like you guys. Vic says I thought I was done on day 23. Nat says I back stabbed two people. You guys had my back and I back stabbed you.
“What’s up America, I’m the target of the house going on the block.. this ain’t my first rodeo”
James – it’s day 80 in case you guys didn’t know Your boy is finally a target the true target
Nat – the target of the house
James – i’m the target of the house going on the block.. this ain’t my first rodeo.. But.. hey.. I guess I can’t say I played big brother if I didn’t hit the block right
James – she’s going on the block she’s not the target she’s just a pawn..
James- If I win the veto then she become the target..
“We should have never betrayed them James they were loyal to us”
2:32am Natalie again saying that turning on Victor and Paul was a mistake. (BUT BUT BUT.. He lied about fries!!)
Natalie – you led the charge in working with Nicole and Corey.. I wanted to stick with Victor and Paul.. it’s going to be Nicole and Victor final 2.. Victor will get all the votes and I hope he does
Natalie – we should have never betrayed them James they were loyal to us they said they trusted us..
Natalie trusted them until she found out Paul was targeting her.
Victor “I’m the fox. OHHH I’ll tear people up! UN-EVICT-ABLE!|
8:50pm In the havenot room – Victor is alone and celebrating winning the HOH competition. The portorican sensation strikes again. They tahought they could get me out!! Keep the ears on.. I’m the fox. OHHH I’ll tear people up! UN-EVICT-ABLE! Corey joins them. Vic says Nat was getting close. Paul and Nicole joins them. They all celebrate. Corey says that sh*t was hard. Nicole says that was a hard one. Nicole tells Corey she is going to sleep in here with him. Vic says no but you’re a have.
HOH competition “Poached Eggs” – Who did my booth? They super glued my letters!
7:50pm The live feeds are showing the HOH competition. Corey, Victor, Natalie and Paul have all knocked down the “O” in their H – O – H. James still hasn’t knocked down any of his. Nat says this comp is egg-xhausting. Corey goes for his “H” and gets it. Corey only has one “H” left to get for him to win the competition. Nicole says good job Corey, James, Paul, Natalie and Vic. Victor knocks down his second “H”. Soon after Natalie knocks down her second “H” too.
Big Brother 18 Week 10 Summary and Live Eviction Results
Michelle, James and Natalie spend a good chunk of the pre nomination time holed up in the Tokyo room.
Corey wins care package The BB Bribe which gave him 5grand to bribe someone. This was bizarre because there wasn’t really a lot of exciting things he could have done with it. (he did make Victor cry). The nominations were Paul and Meech the target was Meech. James, Natalie and Michelle are oblivious to this because they decided to not talk any game this week. Nicole wins the Power of Veto the plan is still to take out Meech.
Big Brother 18 Week 10 Top Animated Gifs
The 10th week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18.. Michelle wakes up to find out she’s on the block and going home.. #BB18 pic.twitter.com/Mfa8ouf2Jn — OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) September 1, 2016 Nicole wins the VETO @bigbspoilers #bb18 pic.twitter.com/ft6XmTsctY — Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 27, 2016 NICOLE WINS HOH @bigbspoilers #bb18https://t.co/RlJcbemliP pic.twitter.com/zo9vSNFoeN — Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 26, […]
Nicole – “Coreeeeeeeeeeeyyyy I have a very important day todaaaaaaaaaaay”
10:30am HOH Corey and Nicole
Nicole – who cleaned the kitchen all night
Corey said he did until 5am “Couldn’t sleep”
He lists off everything he did.
Nicole – did you try to sleep..
Corey being sarcastic “I didn’t try to sleep on the most important night”
Nicole – Coreeeeeeeyyyyyyy I have a very important day todayyyy