POV Holder: Corey POV Competition Sept 3rd POV Used ? POV Ceremony Sept 5th HOH Victor Next HOH Sept 8th Original Nominations: James AND Nat After POV Nominations: Nat AND James Have Nots None Watch the next week of the feeds for FREE – 1 week Trial! 5pm – 6:25pm In the kitchen – Nicole, […]
Category: Big Brother 18

Natalie to James – “we’ll always be friends you know that right”
Nat – you think I can fake my feelings for you
James – no I didn’t say that .. just hot and cold
Nat – thats how I am this game has brought out the craziest emotions for me.
Nat – I wasn’t strong enough for this game.. I’m sorry
James blames a lot of the drama on the block and miscommunication.
James- I apologize as a human being and as a friend.. I didn’t come in here I was looking for a showmance… I told America.. told my Family.. I’m coming in here for that 500K it’s business.

Nat “I almost left the game. I need to make my decision tomorrow.” James “Don’t leave the game!”
12am Backyard – James & Nat. Nat is doing her pity party again. Nat – I apologized to them and they’re still sh*tting on me. It just sucks! Like I back stabbed two people that I trust for two people that I couldn’t trust. Trust me Paul and Vic have done dirty. James – its all my fault isn’t it. Nat – no its not all your fault. I made the decision too. James – obviously its bothering you. Nat – I’m over it. I want to stay. I’m not giving up. I would have used the veto on you. It just sucks. Like I’m human, it doesn’t feel good.

Nicole “Since the MacGyver comp Nat has been hard core dieting” Paul “Not eating isn’t dieting”
5pm Hammock – James and Nat. Nat – I’m going to miss you. James- I’ll miss you too. I’m going to come visit you. James – I just need to decide whether get a plane ticket or get you some plane tickets. James – after you travel all where you’re going .. the least I could do is get you a round trip ticket to Texas. Or if you felt weird about it I would pay for half of it.

Natalie to James – You know what the secret to this game is..keeping your mouth shut
3:01pm Natalie and James
Trying to figure out why the care packages went to the people they did.
Natalie says James was America’s Favorite so that’s why he got it. She was Close to James so that’s why she got it. Nicole was a fan favorite do her and Corey got it because of that. Natalie adds that Michelle was Dan Gooslings cousin and that is why she got it. (ZOMG)
Natalie – You know what the secret to this game is.. you just need an alliance of 4 a$$ strong competitors that are tight lipped..

Paul tells Nicole – “You and me in final 2.. pick a snake or an a$$hole.”
12am – 12:30am London bedroom – James and Nat. Nat – If you’re in the final 2 with Corey you would definitely win. People didn’t like Corey. James – if Corey and Nicole get evicted, I probably have everybodies vote. Then its like me and Paul or me and Victor. I would have to have a freaking good speech. I know what he’s going to say. I battled my way back into this house two times and you evicted me James. That sounds good and all Victor but the object of the game is to not get evicted.

Nat “I’m so sick of fighting. Please can we just stop! STOP! I can’t any more!”
5:10pm Backyard – Corey and Nicole are playing dominoes. Meanwhile – Paul and Nat are chatting on the lounger about their lives outside of the house. Paul asks what time it is. Corey tells him. Paul jumps up and says nap time! He heads inside and tells them to wake him up if there are any drones. He heads up outside the HOH room and tries the Paris telephone.

Big Brother 18 Week 11 Power of Veto Ceremony Results
11:29am London room James and Natalie
Natalie – that was a really nice speech.. “I’m not going to campaign against her.. “
Natalie – we made a really dumb game move trusting Nicole and Corey..really dumb game move.. What a dumb game move
Natalie says they should have trusted the people in “This room working together to get Paulie out” (But Natalie PAul lied about FRIES!)
James- hey that was my fault..
Nat – that’s not your fault
James – ya..

Paul “I know you’re a straight shooter but Natalie is telling me something completely different.”
12am Kitchen – Nat says I have a feeling a few cast members aren’t going to be liked by other cast members. James agrees. Nicole and Corey join them. Nicole is bragging about beating Corey in dominoes. Corey tells her he’ll meet her on a basket ball court any day. Nicole says you’re so bitter after you lose. Corey asks what makes you think I didn’t let you lose. Nicole says you of all people would not let me lose.

Natalie – I want you to hang out with other people, I really do
10:50pm James and Corey Pool..
James misses a shot “C’mon what the hell”
Corey misses a shot “Shut up”
James – where’s everybody at
Corey – sleeping like a little baby..

Nicole “That was the meanest thing you could have said to me” Corey “IT WAS A JOKE!”
2:45pm – 3:15pm Suntanning… Corey says I think we could go to the end. You and me in the final 2. Nicole says don’t jinx it. Corey says I think we could beat Paul and Vic. I really do think we could pull this thing out. Its just so funny we made a final 2 day one and look where we are final 5. Nat and James walk up holding hands. James asks if its okay.. A little public affection? Nat says yeah. They talk about whether or not Michelle was Dan Gheesling’s cousin in law.

Paul “I’m really going to let her know in her goodbye what kind of person she is!”
10:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Paul and Vic head out to the backyard. They lower the awnings. Paul says that girl man! F**K THAT GIRL! Vic says I know! That demeener. Sh*tty attitude. Paul says James is under the impression that he is going and has a good attitude about it. Her .. she thinks she is staying and she’s being a c**t. Super co*ky! So we keep him under the impression that he is leaving ..send her a$$ home. Everyone sh*ts their pants. Vic says the jury will be like what?!