Tomorrow is the 2 hour premiere at 8pm PST, Thursday’s show starts at 9 with a duration of 1 hour. After Thursdays show airs the feeds are to start and all the craziness begins. To get everyone back in Big Brother 18 mode here’s this years cast swimwear pics. Any favorites?
Category: Big Brother 18

Grodner Interview “the house theme plays a big role in a game twist “
Just one day before the Big Brother 18’s 2 hour premiere where we’re being told a bunch of the twists and hopefully the mystery 4 houseguests are revealed. We’re all hoping for some well thought out intelligent twists that keep the game moving and not subject it to “Being on rails” like we’ve seen in the past twists. In a recent interview with Big Brother producers Allison Grodgner we learn that the house theme plays a big role in the twists “intertwined

Big Brother 18 Commercial Officially Confirms 4 Mystery House Guests!
The newest Big Brother promotional commercial below officially confirms that there will be 4 more house guests in addition to the 12 new cast members that were released earlier this week. The identities of the four mystery house guests has still not been released but it will likely be Big Brother alumni returning. Check out our post about the rumored alumni that could be joining the cast of newbies. Will they be competing for the grand prize along with the other house guests or will they be coaches? Or possibly involved in some other twist we haven’t seen before? Only time will tell!

No Battle of the Block for Season 18, Fans Outraged
Battle of the block was absolutely horrible, it made the 2 seasons (BB16, BB17) it infected boring. But the worst thing about it was CBS called it a fan favorite. C’mon, did any fans like it? A recent interview with executive producer Rich Meechen confirms there will be no battle of the block this season. Boooo it was a fan favorite. Sarcasm aside this is great news, coupled with what appears to be a strong cast it’s looking good.

Big Brother 18 House reveal “SUMMER VACATION”
I wasn’t expecting these until Friday but here we go! Big Brother 18 House theme and picture reveal. The Theme is Summer Vacation.. Hurray 😉 We got the Cast a couple days ago now all we’re waiting for is some clarity for the beginning twists and who the returning player are.
Best Summer Vacation Destinations
Features Include Exotically Themed Bedrooms and Living Areas, Plus a Completely Redesigned Backyard With a New Pool, Hot Tub and Gym Equipment
New Weekly Competition to Be Unveiled During the June 26 Episode

Big Brother 18 Cast Interview Roundup
Three sets of interviews have came out, K-frog, Jeff’s CBS live feeds, and Sarah’s ET Canada. The ET Canada ones are pretty sparse in content and Jeff’s are alright. The K-frog ones have a bit more substance, They are voice only.
Bronte brings up how she’s going to give out favours for the first half of the game like the mafiosos do. She’ll bank on those people paying her back those favours. .
Below are the CBS interviews with Jeff, They are Geo Blocked. If you want to see them in Canada grab a VPN service. With all the geo blocking of services nowadays it’s almost a necessity for Canadians here’s the link to the service I used. I did short summaries of the Jeff interviews here for teh most part they were so so

Big Brother 18 Cast Interview Summaries
Earlier today the Big Brother 18 cast was revealed showing 12 NEW houseguests. There was some surprises, Vanessa’s Rousso and Cody Calafiore siblings. This jives with some of the rumors we heard earlier this month. Continuing with these rumors we would expect 4 more houseguests to be revealed during the 2 day premiere. Maybe coaches, maybe blood vs oil vs water, maybe vets dunno… All I know for sure is the rumor I made up about JEJO being on the show is false, sorry my bad 😉

Meet The Cast of Big Brother 18!
Meet the 12 ALL NEW Cast of House Guests for Big Brother 18. Below are the bios and photos of the 12 house guests. It is rumored that there will actually be 16 house guests, Coaches perhaps? We’ll have to wait to see if there will be 4 more house guests added to the cast through a twist or returning players. Today at 1pm pacific time Jeff Schroeder will be interviewing the 12 house guests on the live feeds. Subscribe to the live feed today to watch the pre-season exclusive live feed content.

Big Brother 18 Countdown to the LIVE FEEDS and Rumor Roundup
Big Brother 18 is almost here and like every year twitter accounts emerge claiming twists and casting rumors galore. This year the main ones seem to be focused on returning house guests and coaches. There’s also a healthy dose of villains and heroes type rumors, but this is usually the most common one. The returning houseguests one is being repeated by many sources. However I suspect it’s people just having fun. As for scheduling we find out tomorrow about the cast and probably withing the next couple days Julie Chen will go on a tour with ET showing us the house. At which point buckle up, I hope you are ready. Here’s how the start will go down.

Be the First to Meet the Big Brother 18 House Guests on June 13th with Jeff Schroeder!
Get ready for Big Brother Season 18! The premiere is just under two weeks away so now is the perfect time to subscribe to the live feeds. By signing up today you’ll be able to watch the cast reveal on Monday, June 13th. Be the first to meet the new House Guests, with your host Jeff Schroeder. On Monday, we’ll officially know whether the rumors circulating around were true or false. This will set the record straight as to whether we’ll have a full house of newbies or if this season will be the second all stars.

Big Brother 18 – The First Look Inside the International Themed House!
With Big Brother 18 set to premiere on June 22, its unusual to get a glimpse inside the newly redesigned house this early. We usually wouldn’t get to see the inside of the house until approximately a week before the premiere. Last week we showed you the leaked photos of the totally redesigned backyard pool and hot tub. With the newly leaked photos of Entertainment Tonight’s reporter Kevin Frazier touring the house with Big Brother host Julie Chen, I’m starting to think these are planned leaks of the house to create early buzz about the season.

Big Brother 18 – Second Set of Big Brother Alumni VIP CHATS!
Big Brother 18 is scheduled to premiere on Wednesday June 22 and we’re excited to announce MORE exclusive content if you subscribe to the live feeds. By signing up for the live feeds today, you will get to test them out for FREE for 1 week. As a member of CBS All Access, you’ll have access to the VIP chats with Big Brother Alumni, the Big Brother Marathon (Now playing every episode from Big Brother 1 – 17), Big Brother Alumni Hotseat videos, and be able to watch any episode of your favourite CBS show.