9:58pm Paul, Paulie, Michelle , Nicole, Zakiyah and Corey
Paul – I’m going to ask about replacement nomas and if any of y’all are willing to do it.
Michelle – I will
Paul – will you really .. no sh1t..
Michelle – I would like to think you guys would send out Bridgette..
Category: Big Brother 18
Paul “Da is being a f**k hole about it. She’s shown her cards & is a sh*t head & needs to leave!”
5:15pm Living room – Da tells James I need to talk to you. They head into the London Bedroom. Da says I might be going on the block. James asks why you? Da says she went and talked to Paul about the replacement nom. Paul said he might have to put me up be I trust you and you trust me. He said he couldn’t put up Vic, Nicole, Natalie, Z because they started freaking out. So you would risk me?!
Da “Everybody can panic & no one wants to rock the boat, why is it ok for me to panic!”
In the safari room – Corey, Paulie and Paul are talking about clubs in New York, LA, Dallas and Las Vegas. Paul gets called to the diary room. Paulie comments on how he sees how Cody and Derrick are really tight now after this experience. They talk about Cody choosing to take Derrick over Victoria. Paulie says Cody doesn’t regret it at all. Paulie says I love it. I’m so glad I met you and crazy Paul. I would do anything to help you out.
“I don’t even know if Paulie will pull himself down.. Even Goldie and tall boy want her (Bridgette) gone”
12:18am Paulie and Victor
Victor – when it’s 5 guys … whoever wins the HOH.. we litterally have a high possibility..
Victor wants to keep Bridgette around to use to take out some girls from the girls on the other side.
PAulie agrees, “As long as us 5 guys are not on the block we control the votes from here on out”
Paulie says he’s worried about Michelle because later in the game competitions become more mental.
This is the reason Victor wants to keep Bridgette to compete in the mental comps.
Nicole talks about her dream of Derrick and her playing big brother in multiple rooms..
7pm Backyard – Vic says I think he will put up Da. And his excuse will be hey you volunteered. Nicole comes out. Corey, James, Paulie and Vic start yelling. They ask Nicole about her dream about Derrick (Big Brother 16 winner ). Nicole says it wasn’t like that. They ask her what room they were in? Nicole says multiple rooms.
“Nat said I was disrespectful to women. AKA slandering my name. I want to be the one to call her out on that”
3:50pm The live feeds return – Michelle says he’s taking himself off. Z asks who’s going to go up? Michelle says I don’t know. I’m voting for Bridgette to go. A double eviction is coming up and she could win it because its always mental. Z says I don’t care who’s up there I’m voting her out too. After that we need to get Nat Nat and Vic gone! They all want Da gone but … she ain’t coming after us.
Big Brother 18 Week 6 POV results “We might be on the outs” -James
1:36pm James and natalie in paris room..
James tells her if Da’Vonne goes up that’s the plan it’s a backdoor plan.
James says Da’Vonne doesn’t see it coming. James tells her if Natalie goes up Bridgette goes home if Da’vonne goes up Da’Vonne goes home. Natlaie says Paulie and Paul want to work with Bridgette.
Natalie says Victor let Paulie win the POV, “It was obvious”
Have nots / Veto Players Picked “This is a good veto to be in because I don’t even care”
9:34am Corey and Nicole
Nicole – I gotta get on your good side in case you win a prize
Corey – I really hope it’s a luxury comp.. I don’t think it will be though
Nicole – I think it will be .. that is why they are doing it early cause you always get your costume tonight…
Nicole – and all the punishments tonight when the backyard opens..
Corey – I Hope so.. I’ll take anything at this point ..
“I’m not worried about Z winning anything.. The only thing Z has is try to stir things up and talk sh1t”
2:31am Paulie and Paul HOH room
Talking about Victor winning HOH and taking a shot at Nicole and james
PAul – Corey ios already pissed off at him.. Same with James.
PAul – we play the good guys
Paulie – it’s noticeable to everyone when she’s pulling her stuff..
Nomination Results! “My advice to you is lay f**king low… let others become the target!”
6:10pm HOH room – Nicole tells Paul thank you! You know I would have done if for you. They hug. Paul says I didn’t want you to panic. Nicole says Paulie stepping up like that. I mean I would have done it. The fact that he is cool, calm and collected. Paul says well if I win, I’ll pull him off and if he wins he pulls himself off. Everybody wins. Nicole leaves. Vic joins Paul. Paul tells Vic to keep doing what he is doing. Laying low.
Natalie gets the First Care package “America I love you thank you”
11:22am Da, Meech, james and Paulie
Mad speculation about the care packages. They seem to agree that Bridgette might get the care packages because she’s alone and was attached to Frank.
Michelle – I hope they don’t like her
James – you got to understand America likes the underdog
Da’Vonne doesn’t think Bridgette is a underdog.
Michelle asks if they showed “Frank’s nasty side”
Da’Vonne says she talked about it in the “Office” (Diary room)
“You’re my boy, Friendship, Never Cared.. Homegirl going home” – Paul’s nomination speech
Paul nomination speech.. “You’re my boy Friendship Never Cared.. Homegirl going home”
Paul saying he’s got 3 options for people to put up and they all said they won’t be mad if the go up.
Back and forth joking about how everyone is volunteering. Paul says he’s flipping a coin.
Paul- who gets a easy HOH never cared.. I have options
Pau l- at the end of the day homegirl is going home never cared
Victor – I feel like I can chill in HOH room comfortably