Paul – PP
PAulie – 100 hundo .. pping on people
Paul – hilarious
Paulie – we need to figure out a way to orchestrate what we’re trying to do this week
Paul – James is probably shitting his pants about MEECH
Paul – we need to convince him to use it on Nat.. one of them at least on Nat and one of them on himself maybe.
Paulie – can he do that
Category: Big Brother 18
Meech “Battle Back doesn’t count as comp wins! If you think you’re compared to the greats, you’re not!”
8:45pm – 9:10pm London Bedroom – James and Natalie laying in bed. James asks what are your feelings towards James? SO what are you feelings? Natalie says that’s for me to know. James asks are we best friends? Natalie says yes. James asks are we lovers? Natalie says no. James says wow that fast. Are we potential boyfriend / girlfriend?
Nomination Ceremony Results! “Now he’s going to hide up in the HOH like a p*$$y!”
6:10pm Safari room – Meech is crying. Nicole says Zack called me a froot loop dingus. yeah but he didn’t call you mean on national television. I never did anything to him! He says I pissed him off and I didn’t do anything!!! Natalie says Its a game take it all with a grain of salt. Meech says I’m still mad at you! Man now he’s going to hide up in the HOH like a pu$$y! Natalie asks why are you mad at me? Meech says because you didn’t tell me about the votes.
James gets the second Care package, “Thanks America… AMERICA”
Nicole says if Natalie put her up it would be for personal reasons.
Nicole says if Victor takes her out in this game she’s cool with that but if it’s Natalie she’s not cool about that.
Nicole – I don’t want James to know what.. If I ever get her out it’ll be as a pawn.
Nicole says she’ll tell Everyone Natalie is the pawn then get her out, ‘Victoria situation for sure”
Nicole – I don’t think Z and Meech will put us up..
Nicole wants Natalie gone this week but knows she’s not going to be nominated at least in the beginning.
Corey isn’t as convinced Natalie should go so soon.
“The Board” meets “dude you can never b*@t off again.. “
1:15am HOH PAulie, Paul and Victor
Paulie saying during the HOH it came down to Vic, Natalie, Zakiyah and himself in the HOH competitions. Victor wanted to win something for the “Executives” to show his worth.
Victor – man I was pissed trying to give me the sympathy card.. (Natalie wanting to win for a family letter)
Victor – everyone was cheering nor natalie.. f** that I don’t need the cheers..
Victor – I told Z you’re good if you drop
Paulie – She stayed up
Victor – If I tell you drop and you’re good with me and you don’t drop for another 10 or 15 minutes offer is Null and voice..
Paul – oh 100%
Victor gets his HOH room complete with Mardi Gras beads! “Show me your t!ts!!”
11:15pm Safari room – Z and Paulie. Paulie says I wish other people could have outlasted Vic because now I have to deal with him talking about 6 comp wins. You haven’t won 6 comps. You have 3 in this house. Oh my god annoying! Z says let him put a target on his back. Let him talk about it. Paulie says he talks about it openly .. he’s like I’m just trying to get to 10 wins.
Meech “We would have voted the other way if people had told us! We got screwed over!”
9:05pm Storage room – Paule sasy we separate those two and we pull Meech in. First we get Nat out and then Meech! Paul says or James. Paulie says we’ll talk to exec (Vic) about that. Paul says if Z does happen to pull herself off .. I say we swap her for Bridgette and send Bridgette home. Paulie says or F**King Natalie! But I do want to split up Z and Meech. Bridgette is alone .. she’s with us.
“Harsh Hashtags” HOH Endurance Competition! “I’m going to go 6 hours!”
7pm When the live feeds return – The HOH endurance competition “Harsh Hashtags is still underway. Paulie, Bridgette and James have already fallen out of the competition. Paulie says my Saturday nights are rougher than this! Victor says my pen!s hurts! Michelle says I can go all day!! James says if Nat falls she isn’t a havenot. James asks whos going to go 5.5 hours on this one? Michelle says me!
Big Brother 18 Week 6 Summary and Live Eviction Results
They told Da’Vonne to act cool “only want to see how you react”.Da’Vonne kept her cool and was told she had the votes to stay. Campaigning was pretty light on both Bridgette and Da’Vonnes part. Zakiyah and Michelle know Da’Vonne is going to be evicted and I can only assume Da’Vonne suspects it as well. Other than complaining in the have nots room Zakiyah and Michelle have done little to change the course of the house.
Big Brother 18 Week 6 Top Animated Gifs
The 6th week of Animated Gifs For Big Brother 18. My favorite is probably the Corey Victor ones showing thier budding showmance. Gif’s in no particular order.. Let me know which one is your favorite. Mine has to be the condom balloon on the head. FLASHBACK and watch everything you missed: Live Feed 7 day […]
Paul “I’ve been peppering up Bridgette. I’ve been feeding her sh*t about the girls.”
12am – 2am Bedroom – Nicole tells Corey I swear to god I didn’t do that to make you mad. I didn’t touch him in the bathroom. I didn’t tell him to come into the bathroom. I would never use someone else to make someone jealous because I don’t feel that is a nice thing to do. I would not want it done to me and I would not do it back. That’s not something I would do.
“Natalie came to me was like Paulie.. He’s going to float to the end” James to Paulie
9:41pm James, Corey, Nicole and Paulie
Chit chat
Victor joins them..
Paulie tells James he knows all of Natalie’s friends she’s a “Wild Child”
Nicole chimes in “She says she dances on tables”