10am – 10:35am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Vanessa complains about having neck pains. Steve says today is day 93. The last Friday. Liz says that she hears a blower or something similar out in the backyard. She asks Steve Are they usually during the day or at night? Steve says I don’t know. I didn’t think I would get this far so I didn’t pay too much attention. I would guess day. Liz says it depends on what look they’re going for. Steve says last year was theme was Egypt and the year before was under the sea.
Category: Big Brother 17

Steve’s comp secret “Vegetables here, I kept it to the left, your’s don’t move to the side”
4:10pm Bedroom Final 3
Talking about Victoria and the rest of the final 4 from last season. The conversation is as exciting as BB16 was.
Steve says he’s not looking at this show to be famous like so many other people do.

Vanessa “I could have gone longer but once I realized I was f**ked in the 2nd comp I wasn’t letting go!”
12:45am The live feeds return from being blocked after Vanessa won part 1 of the 3 part HOH. The house guests are now inside the house. Vanessa and Steve are in the kitchen talking. Liz goes ot shower. Steve says this was the moment I was waiting for. I knew I wouldn’t beat either of you. Vanessa says we made it almost 4 hours! Liz says we did amazing. Vanessa says I wanted it bad. I have no shot in the next one. I’m going to be bruised from head to toe. I’m wrecked! I will be lucky if I can walk on finale night! Vanessa says there will be no camping in my world for a long time!

Big Brother 17 part 1 Final Head of Household Competition
9:01pm Vanessa and Liz
Vanessa says she was so luck to find Liz and her sister. She’s always trusted the twins even more than she trusted Austin, “trusted Austin 80%” Vanessa says she’s so glad she’s teamed up with a girl that can play this game. She says that it’s hard to find girls to play this game, blames it on the guys always teaming up and says the girls never get recognized for what they did.

Big Brother 17 Johnnymac Vs Liz Show Results
They show bits of footage during the feed blockage. Vanessa bawls uncontrollably
in the Diary room, Liz – Vanessa completely betrayed Austin
Steve says he meant to put 6001 in the HOH competition. If he had he would have lost and Jmac would have won it.

Vanessa “I haven’t made up my mind. I will probably ask them to flip for it. Or let you decide.”
12:45pm The live feeds return. Johnny Mac packs his suit case in the comic bedroom. Vanessa joins him. Johnny leaves to sit in silence in the cabana room. Steve joins Vanessa. They talk about the endurance competition coming up. Vanessa tells him it will be okay. Just ride the wave. You can’t control it. You need a Xanax or something for god sake. Steve says he’s always had his teaches telling him to put less time and effort into his classes. Steve says I came up with a lot of good names this summer. I came up with SOS, Scamper Squad and Rockstars. Vanessa asks did you have something with Austin. Steve says No I didn’t have anything with Austin. He just told me he wasn’t coming after me that week.

“I could have F**King KILLED THIS GAME! OH MY GOD MOM! I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have thrown it!”
11:20pm – 12am HOH room –Steve starts talking to himself. If I win finals with Vanessa she isn’t going to take me. If its Me, Johnny and Vanessa .. I don’t think she takes me. Here’s the thing if Liz doesn’t take me or Vanessa doesn’t take me. Which means my worst case scenario is that Vanessa wins. So if John goes I both have a better chance at winning. DO I take Liz to final 2 if I win? I might! I really might! I think… Do I want to maximize getting final 2 or do I want to risk not getting second for the price of increasing my chances of winning. I am going to say this flat out I would rather increase my chances of getting to final 2 because you never know what the jury is going to do.

Final Power of Veto Results “Sling Band Sling band Sling band”
9:00pm Feeds back Everyone milling around the kitchen
Steve playing with toys. Liz bring sup Sling band. Steve doesn’t know how to set it up. Liz say she does she took over as activities coordinator after Meg left.
Steve makes some eggs says he’s not putting any Flavour in it (Franks red hot sauce?)
Steve – Some people don’t like gluten I don’t like Flavour
Vanessa heads to bed since the sling band game isn’t starting now like she thought. 10 minutes ago she got Jmac out of bed to play Sling band.

Big Brother 17 – After the 2 day feed outage
Liz votes to evict Steve
Johnnymac votes to evict Austin
Vanessa breaks the tie evicts Austin
Evicted houseguest is Austin
Doesn’t wear shoes.. (LOL)
Austin says Vanessa would have made it to the end she didn’t have to scumbag him and Liz.

Steve “I had a Final 2 with her and I gave her a taste of her own medicine”
12am Austin is in the kitchen eating. He then gets ready and heads to bed. Austin says tomorrow the backyard will probably be locked down. He says he’ll do some upper body workout. Liz tells him not to do anything to hurt himself. She says he needs to be on his game to win the next HOH comp. Austin says he’ll be good. I just want to get to the next comp. Liz says I love you. Austin says I love you. I think we’re okay no matter what though. I think Johnny Mac is serious. I think he’s crazy and he’s serious. If that’s the case then Vnaessa is going to take us to final 3 too. If that’s the case then we made it. Liz says I don’t want to jinx it. We need to jedi mind drill tomorrow.

“I hate all of you, you all need to go.. I don’t feel bad about any of this”
5:38pm Jmac and Vanessa
Jmac says she’s made a lot of moves she’ll get a lot of Jury votes.
Vanessa says the things she did are unknown.
Vanessa says Liz can win HOH’s, if they Keep Steve and they win the Veto they take her.

“you need to convince her to convince me not to vote you out”
3:13pm Jmac and Steve
Steve saying he doesn’t know what to say to Vanessa.
Jmac – It’s tough
Steve – I’m crunching numbers right now.. I’m going to run it by you before I tell her just to have another head go through it
Jmac – you need to convince her to convince me not to vote you out