9am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. Victoria has been up since 6am showering, getting ready for the day and painting crafts in the kitchen. Christine and Victoria are in the bathroom. Christine comments that she can’t taste the difference between regular coffee and starbucks coffee. Victoria says wow and you’re a barista?! Nicole joins them. Big Brother calls Victoria to the diary room. Victoria asks why are they calling me what the freak. Nicole tries to warm up from the ice box room by sticking a blow dryer down her pants. Caleb joins then and says don’t you love it when they wake you up from a dead sleep to go into the diary room and you sit down all muffed up and..
Category: Big Brother 16

Caleb asks what are we doing, what’s best? Derrick says we’re the 3 most indecisive motherf**kers ever!
1am in the havenot room – Caleb relay’s his conversation with Frankie to Cody and Derrick. Caleb says do I think if he (Frankie) won it would he put me up, I don’t know. But I would feel way more comfortable if one of you guys won it. Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they come back – Cody and Derrick are alone. Cody says that Caleb just said that Frankie said he wasn’t going to put him up so who does that leave? Derrick says he could just be saying that to Caleb. To not take a shot at him but he’s lying through his teeth. Derrick says Christine has been throwing comps left and right but not any more.

Big Brother Spoilers Victoria about Cody “I don’t trust him for sh1t he’s the fakest person”
10:33pm HOH Victoria and Derick
Victoria says she thinks Derrick is working with other people it’s become apparent since Nicole left.
Derrick denies working with other people asks if Nicole has been putting these idea into her head. “The only reason why you’ve made it this far is because I had your back”
Victoria – oh thank you
Derrick – it’s true and you had my back too

BEASTMODE “We have to put that friend thing aside, Frankie I love you to death.. BUT..”
8:47pm Caleb and Cody HOH
Caleb wants to do what’s best for his, Cody and Derrick’s game.
Caleb – is Nicole going to target Christine
Cody I think Nicole will target Christine.. you’re pretty much putting up Frankie that’s saving her life in this game.
Caleb – do you think Frankie is going to pull the trigger on us right now
Cody – the next HOH he wins he’s going to do it.. it could be the next one
Caleb – Nicole could win the next HOH and Slam us up there.. who are we going to beat the easiest.

“If Caleb would have known how to throw a competition this entire game would have been different”
6:35pm FIREROOM Nicole and Victoria
Victoria – God Cody pisses me off so bad
Nicole says she wanted him to go home.
Nicole says she feels like the POV challenge was for her to win and it f***g sucks.
Nicole – Caleb is so manipulated..
Victoria – did you see hi letter put you man pants on
They agree his HOH letter was telling Caleb he’s being played
Nicole – Frankie hates me so much that’s why
Vic – How did you conversation go

Caleb says his mind is racing because if I make the wrong decision it will be me going home next week.
2:45pm Caleb joins Nicole on the lounger to suntan. Caleb says I am not going to lie to you I am excited for this game to be over. Nicole says this Thursday there’s only two more weeks. Hang in there! Nicole says I’ve definitely missed out on some stuff but this experience has been worthwhile. Caleb says he has to and quit his job to be here. Caleb says I think if I make it to the end I would win. If I’m up next to Derrick, Frankie Christine I could beat them. Victoria ain’t going to be here. I would want to be up there with Cody I think it would be a good fight. Nicole says she would want to beat the best because its more fun that way.

Christine says you guys should have just backdo*red me so I couldn’t win the POV!
12:30pm – 1pm Caleb wakes up does his laundry and then makes lunch. Cody wakes up and joins Caleb in the kitchen. Caleb asks him how he’s feeling. Cody shrugs. Cody says man this thing is so hot! Cody asks what time everyone went to bed. Caleb says he can’t remember. What time did you go to bed? Cody says I don’t know I passed out. Caleb says the last time I looked at the clock Victoria pass drunk on the floor right here. Caleb says maybe 1:30am. Christine wakes up to join them. Christine asks Cody if he’s okay. Cody groans. Cody asks what time did I go to bed at? Christine says like 11:45pm.

Derrick “EAT your quesadilla so I can go to bed! You’re just b***hing! I could careless about them.”
12:10pm In the kitchen – Derrick is cooking slop creations. Victoria joins him. Derrick tells her that the cookie sheet is called a sheet pan. Victoria loses it and starts laughing hysterically saying sheet pan over and over again. It’s not a sheet pan!? Victoria drops to the floor laughing. Derrick looks at the camera and asks if the live feeders are watching this. Caleb gets down behind Victoria looks at the camera and points to Victoria. Victoria keeps saying Sheet Pan, Sheet Pan!! Christine comes back from going to bed and tells Victoria its called a sheet pan. Victoria says that’s weird.

Caleb says I’ll put up Victoria. She’s not going to like it! Cody “Oh yeah she’ll be coming after you next week.”
7pm Up in the HOH room – Caleb says I’m so glad this week is done. Frankie calls Christine a beast. Caleb says I’ll put up Frankie and.. oh he laughs. He says I’ll put up Victoria. She’s not going to like it but.. Cody says oh yeah she’ll be coming after you next week. Christine comments on how Nicole wasn’t happy with the amount girls Hayden’s slept with. Cody says that one of his ex’s was upset that he had slept with 2 girls and so ever since then he will never tell a girl the actual number. Frankie says that if anyone even asks him he just laughs in their face. Caleb says he doesn’t even say because no one believe him any ways. The conversation turns to talking about ADHD and how Cody thought he had it but his Dad told him he didn’t have it.

Big Brother 16 Week 10 POV Results “Looks like I put the best candidate up”
5:07pm HOH
Caleb – “Looks like I put the best candidate up”
Christine – when I walked out there I was like this was meant for me.
Caleb says she’s glad Nicole didn’t win it.
Christine – it was CLOSE
Caleb – for a minute there i was like Dang
Christine – I’m final 5 baby.. we did it

Big Brother 16 Week 10 POV Players Picked “If it’s physical you gotta try Victoria”
12:05AM POV Players picked
(Victoria, Nicole, Caleb, Cody, Christine and Derrick. Frankie is the host)
Frankie – unbelievable.. You get picked every single time.
Victoria – I didn’t get picked last week ..
Frankie – Ohh no you missed a week.. all week out of 30 all week you didn’t play
Caleb was the one that picked Victoria’s game.
Frankie – well it’s official this is the last meeting I get to not get picked for.
Frankie – it’s not the end of the world I’m pretty f*** up”

Frankie “If Brittany doesn’t have kids do you get mad or nail her in the bathroom?” Cody says nail her!
12am – 12:30am Up in the HOH room – Caleb and Frankie are talking. Frankie is telling Caleb that how when picking havenot he should have just pointed to Nicole. Its like ripping a bandaid off. They discuss what happens when it gets down to the final four. Frankie says it all comes down to the jury. Caleb says yeah. Frankie tells Caleb that you need to stop telling people you have the jury votes. If people think you have the jury votes they won’t take you. You can tell Derrick but that’s it. Frankie tells Caleb – I think you have a wonderful shot at winning this.