9am – 9:35am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Caleb and Frankie are out in the backyard by the pool table. Caleb wants to talk to Cody to confirm what Zach said about Amber. Frankie says that no one can tip her off. You can talk all about it on Monday with Cody. I know its about your personal life with Amber. That conversation would make my life very difficult if you did that. I would just rather you didn’t have that conversation because then she would be freaking out all day long. There are plenty of other people that can confirm that. Zach and her are really close so its only going to blow up in you confront him today. Everything can come out and we can talk about it on Monday.
Category: Big Brother 16

Amber “I’ve been in less awkward situations in 5 year relationships than I’ve had with this kid.”
2:30am Out on the backyard couches Nicole and Cody are talking. Nicole says I trust you, Derrick and Hayden. She says I wish I would have found him (Hayden) sooner because I can trust his opinion. She says that he isn’t trying to manipulate me at all. Cody says a lot of stuff I say, I base it off of Hayden. I don’t think anyone knows about us either. If you guys are on the block next to each other. It doesn’t matter who they put up, we will control the votes. Next week you only need 5 votes to stay. If I got put up next to zach I’ll be fine. I don’t want to be close to you and Christine because they may put us up together.

Big Brother Spoilers When Amber gets nominated “she’s going to crawl back to me for safety”
9:56pm Kitchen Frankie and Zach
Frankie says Amber is freaking out. Zach – “really I thought she had no idea’
Frankie – She’s just up my a$$hole
Zach brings up Amber saying Caleb is blowing everything up out of proportion.
Derrick rolls in “Caleb brought up he might want Amber up on the block to send her a message”
Zach – “I’m a genius.. i convinced him that.. I convinced him”
Derrick – That’s a pure stroke of genius Zach Rance

Big Brother Spoilers – “getting Amber out will be by far the biggest move of the game” Frankie
8:35pm Frankie and Christine
He tells her the plan to get Amber out. Christine is happy says she 100% agrees with that. Christine really doesn’t want Amber in the house. Frankie stresses that Caleb has to be cool with this decision.
Frankie says getting Amber out will be by far the biggest move of the game and the hardest sell to caleb.
Frankie says he’s going to be completely blunt.. If you honest to god telling me you want to take someone to the end of this game that is sh1tting all over you on natoinaly television and laughing at you in the DR I don’t want to work with you and you are going on the block. .

Zach’s theatrics “I WANT YOU GONE.. Beast mode Cowboy my f***ing A$$.. for real”
4:54pm HOH Christine, Frankie, Caleb and Zach
(THey are doing a fake fight)
Caleb – Backdoor me I don’t care.. iit’s hard for me to keep a straight face
Frankie – It’s hard for me to keep a straight anything.
Zach screams I WANT YOU GONE .. I WANT YOU GONE.. Beast mode Cowboy myu f***ing A$$ .. For Real get the f*** out of here” BEat mode peaice of sh1t
BEast mode pu$$y.. for real what the f**
Caleb – try to back door me watch what happens
Zach laughs “I will “
Cody runs upstairs thinking there was an actual fight

Power Of Veto Results – I’m going to use it on Victoria.. she picked me to play in the Veto
Summary of Events
- Brittany is evicted from the Big BRother house Zach and Frankie win the Head of Household Competition
- Doesn’t take long for #WILDCARD to come out Here, Here and Here
- Big Moves are planned as Zach decides to break free from the norm and put up Christine
- Nominations Ceremony Sees Frankie putting up Jocasta and Victoria with ZachATTACK putting up Nicole and Christine

Big Brother Spoilers – Players Picked for the Power Of Veto!
Zach asks Hayden how stocked he is to play in the veto? Hayden says so stocked! Zach tells Frankie that was a good draw. Frankie says it couldn’t be better.
Amber tells Frankie that the nominations need to stay the same. Zach walks by and says I couldn’t agree more. Amber says they made a promise and they need to stick to it. Frankie telling her that the only other person he would put up is Donny. Frankie says if Donny wins it, I’m literally f**ked. Frankie says it wasn’t the best draw, it would have been better if I had you and Caleb out there but its fine.

Donny says you haven’t performed great in competitions so they might vote to keep you.
8:40am – 9:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the kitchen – Donny and Frankie are talking about the team america mission. Donny says well if one of them don’t cares but once I found out about it and it was an Amber of Caleb and you told him. This is your opportunity to give a speech. He hates both of them, especially Amber. “You’re the fakest person in here!” And he would light in he would go that long. Frankie says if I have the veto around my neck I feel like everyone will be begging me to use it on one or the other and that zoo is down for some drama. Donny says and you could even tell them ahead of time, I will do one or the other but its my decision so this is your opportunity to light into him. Frankie says exactly.

Big Brother Spoilers – “If Caleb or Amber don’t win POV Amber is going home” -Frankie
10:45pm HOH Frankie and Zach
Frankie wants to backd**r Amber but the vote has to be unanimous if it’s a close one 4-5 he’s f***. He can’t have Beast mode cowboy after him during the double eviction week. “it would be the stupidest thing.. you can do it because you’re b@lls out don’t give a f*** but I can’t’

Frankie will be pissed if Veto is used “after this now another death in the house it’s too Much”
9:00pm Pool Frankie and Caleb
Frankie – “If someone uses the Veto I will be pissed after this now another death in the house it’s too Much” (Odd way to put it)
Caleb – that is why when you get houseguest choice pick wisely
Derrick says if anything happens to his family he’s going to leave the game. He’s not going to let anything keep him from his family. He prayed to god to put a wreath of protection around his family while he’s gone.

“I’m tired of looking like an idiot. She doesn’t deserve to hear my voice . Shhh bye bye” -Caleb
5:32pm Caleb and Zach
Caleb says he’s done with looking like an idiot on TV maybe when they are outside the house she’ll give him a call and be like “Wheres that date” Caleb is certain if any of the girls win the HOH they will put up 4 guys.
Zach wants Victoria to go this week doesn’t want the POV to be used but if POV is played maybe jocasta would go home. Caleb thinks they should put Donny up with Jocasta and they will just send Jocasta home.
Clabe says that amber is sure something he hasn’t talked, Sat or looked at her all day, ‘She doesn’t deserve to hear my voice” If she tries to talk to him he’ll say “Shhh SHhh bye bye”
5:37pm Frankie and Caleb
Frankie tells him if Victoria wins HOH he’s putting up Donny the power couple.

Battle on the Block Results “Now I have two weak Players in the Veto”
Summary of Events
- Brittnya is evicted from the Big BRother house Zach and Frankie win the Head of Household Competition
- Doesn’t take long for #WILDCARD to come out Here, Here and Here