1am – 3:10am Caleb asks Cody who do you think it could be if it wasn’t Zach. Cody says honestly we were outside all day. The only person that was inside was Victoria. I wish that I had noticed my hat missing earlier so that we would have noticed earlier on today. Victoria supposedly wears her necklace every single day … why did she not wear it today? Caleb says supposedly she took it off for the competition and forgot to put it on. Cody says theres just a lot that suspicious. Caleb says we just have to keep a close eye on people. Cody says I know. Caleb says and they waited till there weren’t that many people in the house. Derrick joins them.
Category: Big Brother 16

It’s all good Frankie, I know you are putting me up.. I still might cause havoc these next 4 days
9:36pm Bathroom
Zach comes by asks Caleb if she knows he’s going up
Caleb – I think it could be Victoria
Caleb thinks after all this drama today Zach might be nominated.
Caleb says after Zach tried to hide the cue ball he would put him up
Zach – really if you were in Frankie’s position would you put me up
Caleb – Ya
Zach – So i’m going home because I stole the cute ball..
Caleb – If he puts you up I will vote for Cody..

Big Brother Spoilers – Zach “I’m going home this week Donny”
8:56pm Pool Table
Zach – I’m going home this week Donny
Donny – ya think so?
Zach – I really think so
Donny – do you think they are plotting against us
Zach – for sure.. I just have this feeling if i’m up next to Cody i’m going home.. for sure
Zach – Donny i’m going home this week
Donny – Don’t think like that..

Big Brother Spoilers Team America Task “watch some sh1ts gonna go down tonight”
5:40pm Zach and Frankie Pool Table
Zach says Victoria goes to the Diary room every single morning theres a saboteur.
Frankie – and their mission was to take COdy’s hat.. Oh and Derrick’s hat
Zach – ya.. watch some sh1ts gonna go down tonight..
Frankie thinks it’s someone playing a prank he doesn’t think it’s a saboteur it’s probably Victoria.
Donny joins them says the prime suspects are Christine and Victoria. Adds that he’s the third suspect “hashtag bearded

Frankie – “Blame everything on Zach .. We got one more chance to use him”
4:00pm Frankie and Derrick
They will tell Zach he’s going home tonight after dinner. Everyone will know Zach is going home. Tomorrow morning they will and put the message on the mirror.
Frankie – Blame everything on Zach being pissed he’s going home”
Frankie – We got one more chance to use him
Derrick- thanks Zach
Frankie – thank you
Derrick – So all we have left is Donny’s visor and Cody’s hat.. Do yo think we should throw recycling bits in the recycling

Christine “Day 59 up alone with my mortal enemy as a havenot! ONLY known enemy!”
11:55am Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the feeds return – Christine is in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Donny is out in the backyard doing his laundry. Big Brother states Did you know that Sweden is slightly larger than California. Christine says no I did not know that! Big Brother Attention house guests Did you know that there 121 marble slots on a Chinese checker board. Christine says I did not know that either. Remember house guests to swim 1 mile you only need to swim 141 laps in the big brother pool. Donny joins Christine in the bathroom.

Victoria “I would take a knife! If you ever did anything to hurt me your pen!s will be gone!”
1am Up in the HOH room Caleb says do you think its best to tell him Monday morning right before. Christine says it would be better, less time for him to terrorize. Caleb says do I think it would be better if we just tell him and not blindside him? Maybe, I don’t know. Derrick says I really don’t care how he reacts at this point. We will have to live with him for two day anyway. And no matter if he goes on Thursday or in two week he is still going to lose it. Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return. Christine says Derrick I think you’re cute. Derrick says I can’t wait for my diary room with him to be like thank god my wife married me before she realized I was ugly.

Big Brother Spoilers Frankie to Caleb “I’m excited I got to win it so I can use it on you”
10:26pm Frankie to Caleb
Caleb saying he hopes the next HOh is endurance so he can go all “beast Mode” on it and win it.
Caleb – If you weren’t going to win it I would have won it simple
Frankie – I know.. I’m excited I get to win it so I can use it on you
Frankie tells him he has to win the HOH next week and return the favor.

Big Brother Spoilers Week 8 POV Results “I don’t want my pastor to see that”
POV Holder: Frankie Next POV Aug 16th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 18th HOH Winner 1: FRANKIE HOH Winner 2: Derrick Battle of the Block Winner Donny & Christine Next HOH Aug 21st Original Nominations: Derrick’s Noms (Donny & Christine) Frankie’s Noms (Caleb & Cody) Final Nominations: ? Have Nots Christine & Victoria POV Players Cody, Caleb, […]

Derrick to Christine – “Jenn City called she wants her game back.. ZING”
2:58pm Living Room Derrick, Christine, and Zach
Derrick says Nicole is the only person to have carved their name on the bathroom door that is gone. Derrick felts bad ebcuase she was
They bring up Nicole carving her name in the bathroom she did it once but not deep enough so she carved it out a second time. Zach wonders why she just didn’t make the first one deeper.

Frankie Chooses the havenots and their food for the week is “TRANNY Goulash”
12:15pm Big Brother tells the house guests to report to the Head of Household bedroom and then blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds return – There is a close up shot of this weeks HAVENOT food on a smaller table. The havenots get to eat Transylvanian Goulash! Frankie chooses Christine and Victoria to be havenots. His reasoning is that they have been havenots for the least amount of time. Victoria asks what animal does sausage come from? Christine says these are from pork.

Donny “Everybody is going to go home and peoples families are going to be like why did you gang up on the poor old man.”
9:30am – 10:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return Donny and Cody are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Zach joins them. Donny says good morning Zachary! Zach says good morning Donny. Cody heads back to bed. Donny asks if I won head of household… whos the two biggest anti-Donnies. Zach says definitely Christine.. she is the biggest. I don’t know who the second would be. It would be between Cody, Caleb Frankie and Derrick. Donny says says that’s good. I’ll dwell on it. Everybody is going to go home and peoples families are going to be like why did you gang up on the poor old man. I mean there’s been a lot of negative things in this house but why that good old man?