Last night was the Finale of Big Brother 16. We witnessed Cody winning the final HOH and sticking true to his alliance the Hitmen. COdy Evicted Victoria and Derrick won the game by a vote of 7-2. Bellow is a grow list of post season interviews. I will continue to add to this list as more videos become
Category: Big Brother 16

Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Finale Results
We all know the feelings towards this season so no need to rehash what has been said a HUNDO times on the blog and in the comments. To Sum it up for me this season had a awesome beginning the cast had so much potential but that potential/excitement dissipated 1/3 of way through. Not the best season not the worst..

“I have no f****ing clue what Zach will ask us.. Maybe hey Cody Fruit Loops or Cheerios”
5:13pm Living room everyone
Chit chat.. Looks like Victoria is back to rubbing/stroking for final 2
They hope Big Brother lets them listen to music tomorrow morning today they didn’t even after Victoria Begged them.
Cody says if Caleb tries to go after his sister he’ll kick Caleb in the back of the head.
Victoria – please do

Final night in the Big Brother 16 Backyard “This has been unreal GOODNIGHT”
1:14am Backyard alone Derrick
Derrick – it is bitter sweet it’s coming to and end i’m excited to see the family but i’m going to miss the place a lot of good strategy.. in the hammock.. a lota game talk..
“Looking out the sliders seeing people talk game over here.. endless games of pool.. hot tubing it and the pool. WOW..

“I’m telling you no matter what happens you will win the 500 thousand dollars”
12:50pm Victoria and Derrick Backyard
Victoria says she so tired she doesn’t want to get ready. Derrick – why are you getting ready for the DR
Victoria – no for the day .. Cody went back to sleep
Derrick – ya.. take another nap there’s nothing going on
Victoria – I couldn’t .. You’re not tired
Derrick – no

Derrick says Victoria will make the perfect housewife ” she cooks, she cleans, she does laundry”
8:45pm Kitchen Victoria and Derrick. Cody is in the living room crushing it
Derrick thanks Victoria about her recipe says she’ll have to send it to his wife. “It was the real deal”
Derrick tells the camera – Guys if you are single late 20 early 30 Jewish not a virgin but hasn’t slept with too many people.. is all about spoiling their wife or girlfriend and treating her the princess she is.. Hit her up on twitter..

Big Brother Spoilers “we didn’t take her here because she was entertaining”
1:30AM Derrick and Cody
Derrick talking about about how it would have been just as awkward if Caleb was there.
Cody thinks Victoria is worse
Derrick – Ya for me
Derrick says Victoria keeps asking him if he’s taking Cody and he keeps telling her what did Cody say during his speech (When he evicted Caleb said his final 2 was Derrick)

Victoria “I feel Defeated, I can’t do anything .. I’m in my own little world”
3:50AM Victoria and Derrick
Victoria crying “you told me the other night he’s your friend in this game but “
Hints that he calls her family sister and brother
Victoria – I feel defeated Derrick I can’t do anything
Derrick – what do you want me to say to make you feel better
Victoria – Sob Sob

Big Brother Spoilers Part 2 Final HOH “We’re guaranteed 50 grand dude”
COdy continues to practice his final 2 speech.. “Be nice because my parents are watching”
“Is this the worlds longest competition” (9:39pm)
Derrick wins
Derrick – “We did it we’re guaranteed 50 grand dude”

Derrick – In good conscious and as a fan of the show you (Victoria) do not deserve to be in that seat
How does the final HOH work All three players compete in part 1. (Cody won this part) The two losers of part 1 compete in part 2. (Not sure when this will be played) The winner of parts 1 and 2 compete in part 3. the winner of part 3 gets to decide Who to […]

Cody – ohh my god this is so insane what are we doing here
1:10pm Cody keeps himself occupied while waiting for the torture to end.
IN the Fire room Derrick and Victoria are talking Derrick doesn’t know what they are going to do for the next 7 days. Points out to Victoria she was a genius and a mastermind to their little lie. (Getting the remaining players in the house to thinks she hated Derrick and so did the Jury)

Big Brother Spoilers – Cody calls Derrick a little soft b***h for not putting up Frankie.
12:20am In the kitchen – Victoria and Cody continue to talk. Cody says that he wanted to send home Caleb week four but that Derrick said Brittany has to go. She knows how tight we are we have to send her home. So I didn’t put up Caleb and unfortunately my love of this game went home week four. And then after that it was supposed to be Caleb but Amber was starting to start an all girls alliance. So it switched from Caleb going home to Amber. Victoria says she remembers. Cody says after that you really know what happened after that. After that Frankie wanted Zach to go and I said no! Because anything Frankie wanted I wanted to go opposite. Victoria says that she heard Amber was fighting to get me out. Cody says no, she never would have. Who told you that. Victoria says Pow Pow and Nicole.